Plz Tell How To Solve

Could you help me solve my problem?

Siddarth nailed it!No, nobody can do that but yourself! Only you know what the problem really is, only you can look into yourself and find the answer, only you can decide if you need a specific helping hand from somebody else (but you know exactly what that is, and it’s not solving “all” your problem!), only you can take the decision to do so, for if you want to solve the problem but don’t take the decison to do so, nobody in the world can do it for you!So, look at the problem, find the solution and get going. If it doesn’t work look at the problem again and start all over, etc., etc., until your problem is solved.Remember that all thousand mile trips start with but one step…so get going and take that step!

Plz tell the solution of this maths question?

x + y = 12
( x + y )^2 = 144 ( squaring both sides )
x^2 + y^2 + 2xy = 144 ( using ( a + b )^2 = a^2 + b^2 + 2ab )
x^2 + y^2 + 2*32 + 144 ( given xy = 32 )
x^2 + y^2 = 80

Please tell me how to solve this problem step by step. THanks very much :]?

60=(12)(square root of x square - 144)
60 = 12√(x² - 144) (÷ both sides by 12).
60/ 12 = √(x² - 144)
5 = √(x² - 144) (square both sides).
25 = x² - 144 (+ 144 to both sides).
25 + 144 = x²
169 = x² (take square root of both sides).
± 13 = x

Help me solve this Combination Question for math~plz?

Not really a mathematical or algebraic method but here goes

5!/(r!(5 - r)!) = 10

r!(5 - r)! = 5!/10 = 12

now consider the factors of 12 as being 2 * 6 = 2 * 3 * 2
which fits the required pattern if r = 2

"Small minds discuss persons. Average minds
discuss events. Great minds discuss ideas.
Really great minds discuss mathematics."

Please help me in solving this problem. Just tell me the method.?

The whole balancing thing is just asking you to find the same mass. This comes down to density = mass / volume. We have to find the density of both metals.

For aluminum:
d = (2.7 *10^3 kg)/(1.00 m^3) = 2.7 * 10^3 kg/m^3

For iron:
d = (7.86 *10^3 kg)/(1.00 m3) = 7.86 * 10^3 kg/m^3

This looks fairly useless but now we can compare them. First we want the volume of the balancing aluminum sphere.

Find the volume of the iron sphere.
V = (4/3) pi* r^3 = (4/3)(3.14)(0.038 m)^3
Okay what did I do with the radius? I quickly converted centimeters to meters so the units will balance.
V = 2.30 * 10^-4 m^3

Now convert to mass.

m = d*V = (7.86 * 10^3 kg/m^3)(2.30 * 10^-4 m^3) = 1.81 kg

This mass equals the mass in aluminum. Now convert to volume.

V = m/d = (1.81 kg)/( 2.7 * 10^3 kg/m^3) = 4.89 * 10^-3 m^3

Finally convert to radius.

V = (4/3) pi* r^3
3/(4*pi) * V = r^3
r^3 = 3/(4*3.14) * 4.89 * 10^-3 m^3 = 1.17 * 10^-3 m^3
Now we have to take the cube root of this value.
r = 0.105 m
r = 10.5 cm

You can do some checks if you like, but wee can also tell this is a realistic difference as we expect a sphere larger, but not larger by several factors of ten or anything.

Can anyone tell me the solution to this puzzle... interesting.. plz check it out!!!?

Its not that simple :-)
Lets name the jars as X = 20 litre , Y = 13 litre , Z = 7 litre
I assume the jars are not graded with any scaling.

initially you have X = 0, Y = 13, Z = 7.
2nd step is X= 7, Y = 13 , Z = 0 means pour 7 litre jar into 20 litre one and other steps follow this.
So now I list all the steps:
0 13 7
7 13 0
19 1 0
12 1 7
12 8 0
5 8 7
5 13 2
18 0 2
18 2 0
11 2 7
11 9 0
4 9 7
4 13 3
17 0 3
17 3 0
10 3 7
The last step you know what to do.

Please solve this CHEM. problem !?

Let X be CaHb

1 L = 1 dm^3

and you know that 1 mole of any gas at STP = 22.4 L

so no.of moles of X = 0.112/22.4 = 5 X 10^-3

no.of moles of CO2 = 0.88/44 = 0.02

applying POAC ( principle of atom conservation ) for C atoms

a X 5 X 10^-3 = 1 X 0.02

a = 0.02 / (5 X 10^-3) = 4

so no.of atoms of C in 1 molecule of CaHb = 4

A simple math problem that I can’t seem to solve…?

Write down these quantities with units, and then multiply / divide so that the units cancel.

45 miles / hour

We want to cancel the miles, and have the hours end up on top, so we need to divide by this (since that flips the fraction).

(8 miles) / (45 miles / hour)
= 8 miles * (1/45) hours / mile
= (8)*(1/45) hours
= 8/45 hours

That's a fraction of an hour, so it is probably better to write it as minutes. We know 60 minutes = 1 hour, so:

60 minutes / 1 hour = 1

We can multiply anything by one, so we'll do that now. The hours cancel, leaving minutes.

8/45 hours * (60 minutes / 1 hour)
= 60*8/45 minutes
= 12*8/9 minutes
= 4*8/3 minutes
= 32/3 minutes

32/3 = 10 with a remainder of 2, so that's 10 and 2/3 minutes. A minute is 60 seconds, so 1/3 of a minute is 20 seconds, and 2/3 of a minute is 40 seconds.

The answer is 10 minutes and 40 seconds.

Hope this helps.