Point Form Facts On External Fertilization

How is fertilisation different in plants and animals?

One of the differences between plants and animals in this regard is that plants are, for the most part, sedentary. The moss plant depends on rain or very wet conditions in order for the sperm to swim from the male parts of the plant to the egg in the female parts. In the case of animals, the male and female are mobile individuals that physically interact with one another in the process of mating.

Read more: Reproduction of Plants & Animals |

In the case of animals, fertilization can be either external (where the sperms and ova are deposited outside the body and fertilization occurs, usually in water medium) or internal (where the the sperm is deposited insider's the mother's body for fertilization).The basic mechanism of fertilization involves the following steps:(Considering external fertilization)

Approach of Spermatozoa towards the egg
Contact and recognition(agglutinatination, Acrosome reaction)
Block to polyspermy
Activation of egg
Amphimixis or zygote formation

In plants, the role of sperm is performed by the pollen grains developed from the anthers. These are deposited on the stigma by the agents of pollination and the pollen forms a pollen tube that elongates through the style with help of digestive enzymes.The generative nucleus divides to form two male gametes and the pollen tube enters the ovum through the micropyle. One nucleus fuses with the ovum to form the diploid zygote, while the other fuses with two polar nuclei to produce the triploid endosperm nucleus that will provide food to the growing embryo. It is also termed as double fertilization.This method is for the flowering plants and there are variations in different lower plants and gymnosperms.

What is the difference between pollination & fertilization in flowering plants?

Pollination and fertilization are two ways of producing offspring, although the former is only applicable to some plants while the latter is applicable to almost every living things in this world. While one can state the many differences between pollination and fertilization, it is better if we take a closer look at them first.PollinationPollination is a way of reproduction for flowering plants. The word comes from the word pollen, which is basically the sperm of the plant. The pollen makes contact with the plant’s stigma and then the fertilization process starts. It is basically what sex is to plants. The process of pollination was actually discovered in the 18th century by a man named Christian Sprengel.FertilizationFertilization is the joining of gametes together in order to produce an offspring. The female egg will be fertilized by a male sperm and this will lead to the creation of a child, be it for animals or for plants. For flowers, this only happens when there is successful fusion of male and female gametes. Basically fertilization occurs not only in animals but in plants as well.Difference between Pollination and FertilizationPollination and fertilization are different through the fact that pollination leads to fertilization. Pollination is just the process of transferring the pollen to the stigma. This can be done through either self pollination, or cross pollination. Cross pollination is when there are outside agents, like animals, people or the wind, to facilitate the transfer of pollen to stigma. While pollination also only applies to flowering plants, as they are the only ones producing pollen. Fertilization applies to almost everyone in nature and there can be no fertilization if there is no pollination.Pollination and fertilization are two natural acts in the plant and in the animal kingdom. Just keep in mind that pollination will lead to fertilization and fertilization does not only apply to plants alone.In brief:• Pollination is a process flowering plants only undergo. It is the transfer of pollen to the plant’s stigma. The process can be done by the plant itself or through outside agents.• Fertilization is basically the joining of sperm and egg. For flowering plants, there can be no fertilization if there is no pollination. However, fertilization applies to almost every organism in this world.

How many eggs are fertilized each time a hen and rooster copulate?

The chance that an egg being fertilized from the semen of that days copulation is very unlikely and closer to impossible. The eggs are most likely formed before the mating or is possibly fertilized by a previous copulation.After copulation the cock's semen is stored in a section of the hen's reproductive tract at the point the oviduct and vagina meets in what is called the semen storage tubules (SST). The semen  can be viable for up to two weeks in the SST, so if a hen is in that productive phase of her life where she is laying 1 egg per day, then the single copulation could produce up to 14 fertile eggs.

Define fertilization and describe the resulting development of a human embryo. In your answer be sure to inclu?

Fertilisation (also known as conception, fecundation and syngamy) is the fusion of gametes to produce a new organism. In animals, the process involves the fusion of an ovum with a sperm, which eventually leads to the development of an embryo. Depending on the animal species, the process can occur within the body of the female in internal fertilisation, or outside (external fertilisation). The entire process of development of new individuals is called reproduction.

Human Embryo Development:
Week 1–3
5–7 days after fertilization, the blastocyst attaches to the wall of the uterus (endometrium). When it comes into contact with the endometrium it performs implantation. Implantation connections between the mother and the embryo will begin to form, including the umbilical cord. The embryo's growth centers around an axis, which will become the spine and spinal cord. The brain, spinal cord, heart, and gastrointestinal tract begin to form.

Week 4–5
Chemicals produced by the embryo stop the woman's menstrual cycle. Neurogenesis is underway, showing brain activity at about the 6th week. The heart will begin to beat around the same time. Limb buds appear where arms and legs will grow later. Organogenesis begins. The head represents about one half of the embryo's axial length, and more than half of the embryo's mass. The brain develops into five areas. Tissue formation occurs that develops into the vertebra and some other bones. The heart starts to beat and blood starts to flow.

Week 6–8
Myogenesis and neurogenesis have progressed to where the embryo is capable of motion, and the eyes begin to form. Organogenesis and growth continue. Hair has started to form along with all essential organs. Facial features are beginning to develop. At the end of the 8th week, the embryonic stage is over, and the fetal stage begins.

Can a human sperm fertilize egg of other animals like goats etc..?

Goats? No. Much too far apart, the genetics are too different.

And, if it could happen, it would have happened many times already on farms around the world and through history.

Our closest animal relative is the chimpanzee. We share about 96% of our DNA.

Other hybrids that have worked but are sterile include mules (male donkey, female horse) and jennys (male horse, female donkey), "ligers" and "Tilions" lion/tiger and tiger/lion.

There's a fertile buffalo / cattle cross that breeds with itself or either ascestor.

DNA differences can be accurately assessed (in a very well equipped genetic lab) by measuring the melting point of the two parent DNAs and of the mix. The mix will melt lower and be 1 degree lower for each 1% of difference in the DNA. So I'd try to find out the difference of what has been done (horse/donkey, lion/tiger) and compare it to the 4% difference between human and chimps.

As someone else said, screwing other primates can (and may well have) created new human diseases. Certainly AIDS came from SIV in apes. Maybe someone was butchering a chimp or a maccaque 70 years ago. Maybe they were doing something else.

What are some characteristics of porifera?

General Characteristics of Porifera:Poriferans are commonly called sponges.These are multicellular organisms which are sessile/sedentary in nature.Most of them are marine while a few are fresh water forms.Body is cylindrical, asymmetrical or has radial symmetry.Body wall is diploblastic which consists of an outer layer called pinacoderm and an inner layer called choanoderm.The middle layer is called mesenchyme which has various kinds of wandering amoebocytes.Body wall contains numerous pores called ostia through which water enters in the body through a canal system into the central body cavity, called spongocoel.The canal system mainly comprise of incurrent and excurrent canals which are lined with pinacocytes; and radial canals which are lined with choanocytes (flagellated cells).Body also contains one or more openings called oscula (-um/singular) through which water passes out from the body.Sponges feed on minute organisms and small organic particles which enter the body through water current and are ingested by the choanocytes.Respiration takes place by diffusion of oxygen from water the flowing into the body.Sponges have an exoskeleton which is made up of either spongin fibers or calcareous/siliceous spicules or a combination of both.Excretory product, mainly ammonia, is released from the body through outgoing water current.Reproduction may be asexual or sexual.Asexual reproduction takes place by external or internal budding (formation of gemmules) or by disintegration of body into reduction bodies.Sexual reproduction involves internal fertilization. Male gametes enter the sponge body through water current and fertilize with ovum with the help of choanocytes.The larval stage of calcaroeus sponges is amphibalstula while that of demospongiae is rhagon larva.LEAVE A COMMENT BELOW..

Do ducks reproduce internally or externally?

Ducks have internal fertilization, meaning the egg is fertilized inside the body of the female. After fertilization, an eggshell forms and an egg is laid. The embryo completes its development outside the female's body inside the egg. The egg hatches when the duckling is fully formed. Both parents then stay with the ducklings until they are about half grown. By this time, they will have learned what to eat from their parents and how to avoid danger. They may also follow their parents during the migration south which takes place in the fall.