Politics Essay Question- Enlighten Me On What It Means

Can someone answer a couple US Gov't questions?

Sure I will do your homework for you
1) The British Empire controlled the colonies and they were considered an extension of the crown. The colonies had additonal rights other that any other person had under the crown. The colonies were mostly funded by the crown so they were legally binded through the laws of Great Britain. The colonies did not like pay taxes to a "king" that was thousand of miles away.
2) John Locke was considered once of the first great thinkers of freedom and republic representation. Think of him like the Bill Gates of republic government. He is the forefather of republic government.
3) A central government was designed to give all legal citizens certain unalienable rights that they did not previously have under the crown. They originally designed the government to protect their freedom of religion and other civil rights they believe was granted to all human being. (Or should be granted).

What is a good essay topic on politics and government?

I like to stand out when I write.If all you are interested in is getting your essay done and getting a good grade, then do what everyone else is suggesting. Choose a subject you are passionate about, study it, and write about it.If, however, you want to stand out and be memorable, here is my suggestion: find an issue in modern government/politics that you are passionate about, study it thoroughly, then write about the validity of the opposite point of view from your own.This approach takes bravery and will be more honest than parroting others who support your view. It will cause you to grow as an individual and will likely be memorable.Good luck.

AP Biology essay help please!?

Thyroid hormones:
The thyroid hormones, triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4), are tyrosine-based hormones produced by the thyroid gland that are primarily responsible for regulation of metabolism. Iodine is necessary for the production of T3 and T4. A deficiency of iodine leads to decreased production of T3 and T4, enlarges the thyroid tissue and will cause the disease known as goitre.

They act to increase the basal metabolic rate, affect protein synthesis, help regulate long bone growth (synergy with growth hormone) and neuronal maturation, and increase the body's sensitivity to catecholamines (such as adrenaline) by permissiveness. The thyroid hormones are essential to proper development and differentiation of all cells of the human body.

The lack of thyroid hormone will lead to decreased negative feedback on the pituitary, leading to increased production of thyroid-stimulating hormone, which causes the thyroid to enlarge (goiter) endemic colloid goiter.

A 2011 study concluded that about 8% of women over 50 and men over 65 in the UK suffer from an under-active thyroid and that as many as 100,000 of these people could benefit from treatment they are currently not receiving.

What does the title "Wide Sargasso Sea" mean?

The Sargasso Sea is a region in the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean. It is known for being so salty that almost no sea life exists there, excepting a few species of seaweed and eel. It has rather a sinister reputation in folklore. It contains the Bermuda Triangle, and many other strange disappearances have occurred there. Due to air and ocean currents, there is almost no wind over the sea, and many ships have been becalmed there. Some are said to be trapped in the sargassum, the seaweed that grows so abundantly there. There are strange ocean currents there.

The Wide Sargasso Sea refers, on one level, to the sea itself, which seperates England and the Carribbean, Antoinette from her homeland and Rochester from his. The mystery of the place feeds into the gothic feel of the novel, and the barrenness of the sea is a metaphor for Antoinette's "inner death."

Is there significant difference of meaning between emotional vacuum or emotional emptiness? (for an academic essay)?

No not really.

A Question on the Heart (Electrical Conductions System)?

Ok so you should focus on how the atrium is the first part of the heart to contract which sends the blood to the ventricle and then the ventricle needs to contract to send the blood to the lungs or heart depending if we are in the left or right venticle.
For conduction talk about the activation of the sinoatrial node which is responsible for the contraction of the atria. The wave of stimulation will eventually reach the atrioventricular node and it is delayed there prior to reaching the bundle of His or the Purkinje fibers- which will cause the ventricles to contract.
You can also talk about the different intervals in an EKG/ECG know as the PQRST wave.

As for involved of potassium, sodium and calcium-
sodium influx is what causes depolarization which leads to the wave. Calcium is really important for smooth muscle contraction and potassium is important in the hyperpolarization/repolarization of the cells so that they can be ready for the next wave.

you really should check out wikipedia they have some good info on this subject.

What is political theory?

Political theory is ‘a body of knowledge related to the phenomenon of the state’.While ‘theory’ refers to a ‘systematic knowledge’, ‘political’ refers to ‘matter of public concern.’According to “David Held”, political theory is a network of concepts and generalization about political life involving ideas,assumptions and statements about the nature,purpose and key features of government ,state and society and about the political capabilities of human beingSIGNIFICANCE:-1.It is Relevant to Solving our Problems: Political Theory is closely related to a number of academic subjects such as history, ethics, sociology, economics and other areas of study. These subjects provide theories and data which political theorists use to construct political theory.2. Knowledge of Our Rights and Duties: A democratic government implies popular participation in political processes such as elections. We should know our rights, especially the right to vote. Our knowledge of political theory tells us that Right to Vote is not only a Right but a Duty as well. The voters should choose the best men.3. Political Theory Liberalizes the Outlook: By studying political theory, an individual may think more logically about concepts such as equality, liberty and justice. Political theory teaches us to be tolerant of other people's attitudes or beliefs. Liberty and Equality are not just abstract concepts; these concepts reflect ideals that we should try to follow. An intelligent citizen is committed to liberal ideals and civil liberties.4. Politics essentially is the Art of the Possible: Limitations on any government exist and we all can see them. A political system has to function under different kinds of compulsions and constraints. Anything is possible in politics. An understanding of politics can be helpful in appreciating factors which bring necessary changes in the society.5. A Growth in the Reasoning Powers of the Mind: A political concept is not merely a matter of faith or belief; it develops through a lot of reasoning. Different ideologies (liberalism, Marxism and socialism) have been subjected to verification and the political thinkers relied on 'facts' and 'practical experience'. Political theory generates a spirit of reasoning, which would help students to make arguments or statements when they participate in debates.

''Journey of a chicken sandwich'' Biology essay, HELP!?

i have to write an essay on the journey of a chicken sandwich, as it goes through different parts of the body and what happens to it. anyone who can enlighten me and help me out with it is a very amazing person:) please help! :) xxx