Politics Republican/democrat What Would The People Do As President Of The United States Of

Do you believe that the Democrat and Republican parties in your state offer clear policy alternatives?

Do you believe that the Democrat and Republican parties in your state offer clear policy alternatives to the voters?

Should candidates be limited in the amoung of money they can spend on their campaigns? We had an example of this in the presidential election -- what do you think of Obama's actions and McCane's actions regarding campaign financing?

Political Party Platforms: Democratic, Republican, and Progressive?

I am very interested in the 1912 election. What were the beliefs of these candidates? I would like a short summary of the political party platforms upon which each of the three candidates campaigned.
Democrat: Woodrow Wilson
Republican: William H. Taft
Progressive: Theodore Roosevelt

What's the difference between Democrat and Republican?

i would like to know

Would America vote for a Jewish person for president (Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, etc.)?

It all depends on the platform for me. Show me what your cards are. How are you going to act when you get into office. Do you have my best interests in mind? Do I agree more with what you are saying or what the other guy or gal is saying? I don’t care what religion they are, I care what kind of leader they will be. If I see scandals right from the start that are true, (Emails) or they act like a creep (Biden) or wants the country to be more socialist (Bernie) or have a personality that kind of grates on my sensibilities (Trump) (Pocahontas), or a gosh darn talk show host, what are people thinking! Then I will have to make a choice when it comes time to vote.

What does the increase in presidential unilateral military power do to the United States as a nation?

Attempting to think as objectively as possible and placing your political partisan beliefs aside (looking at presidents as just that, presidents, as opposed to Democratic or Republican presidents) what does the increase in presidential unilateral military power do to the United States as a nation, for better or worse? (There is no correct answer, yet think through the checks and balances consequences.)