Politics- Will George Zimmerman Run For Florida Attorney General

How did George Zimmerman get acquitted for the charges of Trayvon Martin's death?

I watched the trial.The whole trial.If you watched it, a better question would be “How did George Zimmerman get charged with Trayvon Martin's death?”The local DA reviewed the evidence and wanted nothing to do with the case. He knew trying Zimmermann was a losing proposition. The governor brought in a special prosecutor for that purpose.The entire trial was televised from end to end to ensure that there was no secret negotiations or hidden deals. No network carried it. No network reported the trial in depth during the actual proceedings despite painting Zimmermann as a cold blooded killer and Martin as a young and innocent child.What happened in the trial?Martin's girlfriend came off as a liar who changed her story to fit whoever she was talking to.The fact that Martin was a LOT bigger than Zimmerman became an issue.The prosecutor's star witness, a resident in the neighborhood wound up being the best possible witness the defense could ask for, basically placing Martin on top of Zimmerman.Ballistic evidence backed this up.So did stains on Zimmerman, the medical evidence, and the photographs.The prosecutor had such a weak case that they did something rather unusual; they attempted to tack on a child abuse charge at the end of the trial, knowing that their murder charge wasn't going to stick. The jury found Zimmerman not guilty, all the hype that the media made about stand-your-ground amounted to nothing. The rest is history.

Which type of political corruption do you most frequently associate with Hillary Clinton?

Trading in influence/influence peddling
Nepotism and cronyism
Gombeenism and Parochialism
Electoral Fraud
Unholy alliance
Involvement in organized crime

How is the acquittal of Jose Ines Garcia Zarate different from acquittal of George Zimmerman? Why is Trump so outraged?

George Zimmerman is a white man (actually, he identified himself as a “white Hispanic”) charged with killing a black teen-age boy. Garcia Zarate is a Mexican man charged with killing a white woman.Zimmerman claimed that he killed Trayvon Martin in self-defense. Garcia Zarate claimed that he never aimed the gun at Kate Steinle and didn’t deliberately fire the fatal shot. Rather, the gun went off by accident and the bullet ricocheted and struck Steinle.Trump is outraged by the verdict because he’s a racist, particularly obsessed with white blonde women being victimized by men of color. Had he been born in the Deep South late in the nineteenth century, he might have joined the Ku Klux Klan, where he would have found kindred spirits. Remember, he took out full-page ads in New York City newspapers demanding the death penalty for the five black and Hispanic men arrested for raping the “Central Park Jogger” before they had even been tried, much less convicted. Even now that DNA evidence has not only exonerated them but identified the real rapist, he continues to insist that the five men are guilty.Garcia Zarate has never been accused of a sex crime, but in Trump’s mind he’s a sexual predator who came to the United States specifically to prey on attractive blondes. This is in keeping with his claim that Mexico “doesn’t send its best people” to the United States, specifically calling Mexicans drug mules and rapists.He also sees the acquittal as a personal affront since he campaigned on an anti-undocumented immigrant platform and promised to build a border wall, which he insists would have kept Garcia Zarate out of the United States. But since Garcia Zarate has repeatedly been deported only to return, he may be more resourceful than Trump gives him credit for.

Should the shooting of Trayvon Martin prompt any changes in Florida gun or self-defense laws?

I don't think you guys even know what "stand your ground" even is! The law simply removes the REQUIREMENT that you retreat first that some states have. Meaning this: in a NON "stand your ground" state, if I'm walking down the street and somebody suddenly starts chasing me with a knife, I am legally obligated to turn tail and run (hoping that I'm faster than the guy) and try to get away before reaching for my weapon. However...If I'm not a fast guy, i'll simply be stabbed to death because I can't run and I wasn't allowed to stand my ground.Now in a "stand your ground" state, if someone starts sprinting at me with a knife, I can choose to run if I feel that is the best way for me to escape. Or I can instead choose to go straight for my gun before the guy gets to me. Then I would draw and yell. If he saw the gun and stopped, that would be that. He would walk away and I would continue on about my day. But if he didn't stop I would stand my ground and drop him. Thus saving my life.Now if people are getting away with starting a fight, then claiming the "stand your ground" defense for deadly force in the fight they started...then the law needs to be revised so that can't happen. But it is an important concept for self defense, There are many situations where being forced to retreat before standing and fighting will get you killed.