Poll Do You Think Age 18 As The Age Of Consent Is Too High Too Low Or Just Right

Age of consent for sex is 16, is that too low, high or just right?

The age of consent means nothing to teenagers, how many hormone riddled teenagers do you know that would stop suddenly and say "I can't I'm sorry, I'm below the age of consent" ? A minority.

It's there to protect children from sexual predators more than anything.

I don't think lowering it will do any good, kids are too immature to understand at the age of say 14, and most of them will not be emotionally or physically ready for sex. If you put it up, then kids are going to be having sex anyway, there will just be more "sex offenders" who have slept with someone consensually, even if they're underage.

I'm not saying I don't agree with the statutory rape laws, they are after all there to protect children, but if a 15 year old has CONSENSUAL sex with a 16 year old, why should the male take the rap for it? It takes two to tango.

If my 16 year old was being mature and safe and in a monogamous relationship then yes I would, as long as I knew that she was being safe. I'd prefer to know so I could help with birth control than for her to hide it from me and get into some sort of problem, the same sort of problem that led me to be a teenage mum.

Should we lower the age of Sexual Consent?

The age of sexual consent varies in the United States. It is 15 in some states, and I know the state of Hawaii is 13. If someone at age 15 is as mature as someone who is 18, (the legal age of consent in California) then is that not an argument to consider lowering the age of sexual Consent? If one chooses at lets say the age of 15, 14 to date
a guy/girl 10 years older, but they both consent, can this be another argument for lowering the age of sexual consent???

Do you agree with 18 being the age of consent or not? Why, or why not?

I think 18 years is too high for the Age of Consent. Most people have completed puberty long before then and a large percentage of people lose their virginity before 18. The law does not really deter people from becoming sexually active (raging hormones) but it deters people from obtaining contraception, resulting in unwanted pregnancies, abortions and spoiled lives. It also stops people from using sexual health services, thus helping to spread STI/STDGood sex education, and access to sexual health services, starting several years before the Age of Consent, reduces unwanted pregnancies and STI/STD. Contrary to the claims of religous and other reactionary groups, sex education does not encourage early sexual activity. Several studies have shown that well educated people tend to lose their virginity later than the uneducated and are much more likely to avoid harmful consequences.However, while I think 18 is too high, I am not sure what the Age of Consent should be, or even if the “one age for all” approach is the right one. Many European countries combine a lower Age of Consent with laws against the sexual exploitation of minors by adults.

Should the legal voting age be lowered to 16?

80% of teenagers from 16 to 17 pay taxes about $9.7 billion dollars in sales taxes. However, they have no say on how their money is spent which is taxation without representation.
Not only that, 16 year olds are understanding many political issues because of the classes they are taking. For example, students who took the WTP program scored higher than adults on a poll. 96% of the students could name the Vice President compared to 74% adults who were asked the same question.
Also, the Voting Acts of 1965 states that anyone who has completed a 6th grade level of education in the English language has the intelligence and literacy understanding to vote.
The IQ scores of 16 year olds has been raised 17 points from 1947 to 2001.
Don't say that 16 year olds don't understand how the government works. Adults also don't understand it either. In a Washington Post poll, the majority of the adults who took the poll thought that foreign aid took up 26% of the budget when it actually took 2%

Is an 18 year old woman dating a 24 year old guy considered unusual?

You're talking about a gap in age which, on average, is possibly the most important six year period of personal growth and development. This is typically when young adults determine what career they wish to pursue, the first time living on their own, and away from home. You're going to experience more in the next few years than ever before. No one goes all-in when they go to Vegas on their first hand; don't get any crazy notions the first boyfriend is the one and only… 99.9% chance it's over in a month.You're going to get your first opportunity to see what characteristics/traits you want in a guy. He's not going to cut it; learn from every guy you date what you absolutely MUST have in the guy you marry, and things which are NICE to have. Only you can decide what are your dealbreakers, and what you're interpretation of Mr. Right works for you. All I can tell you is don't settle for the first guy to look your way.As for this guy, maybe he genuinely likes you; however, if i were your father I'd seriously question why he's not dating a girl closer to his own age. There's usually a decent reason why he's with you, and skipping out on nightly outings with his bros.