Poll; I Argue Very Frequently With My Mom What Does That Mean

How do i convince my parents to wear pants? Does wearing pants prevent you from entering Jannah?

man somber get a life brother u r report will not work inshalh i think u have lost ur influence , its a good question sorry i have no answer for ur question coz if i answered then users will consider me extrimist but paints violates woman awrah so u can guess what i mean and i can't decide jannah for any one its upto ALLAH but we must do good ddeds so that janah claim us not we claim janah

now give me td

Poll:Wud u act REALLY MEAN arguing with your Mom !!!!!?

I just said horrible things to my mom...I fell so bad to let her sleep crying....I know I'm an *** ....DAMN I shudn't do this!!!
I called her crazy , stupid , sico ...etc)
and she got a job last year she hasn't work for 11 years...
so I went I don't know why the hell anybody wud want u to work for him....
but why I said all this shyt caus when I tak to her she don't listen cauz she's helpin my bros doing their homework ... I just asked her to my me some books 4 school.....but she ignored me!!!
like it wudn't kill her to just say k I'll tryo or no I'm busy tomorrow or any damn thin PPL say.....
so u do that too!!!?

Had an argument with my parents...?

My dad ended up telling me not to come home today....but my mom is trying to be all nice, but it's just nonstop drama like this. And I need some advice, should I leave or stay? If I leave I would have a place to stay for as long as I'd like, I'm also 17 I just feel like it would be better all my dad and I do is argue, and i end up crying myself to sleep or something idk can anyone give me some reasonable advice?

Have you ever experienced your parents fighting? What impact does it have on you and what are your reactions?

I am crying heavily as I write this answer. I can barely see what am I typing but I have to take it out. I have no body with whom I can share. Even if I had someone, I would've never shared. Why? Because I love my parents. I love them a lot. I cannot speak ill about them. They have a privacy, I respect it. But this is the first time that i'm broken to an extent which is no more repairable. 10 minutes ago, they fought again. I remember these fights from a very tender age. Now, i am 18. I am used to all these yellings and stuff but today i think my tolerance just gave up when both of them admitted that they would've left each other if there weren't two daughters behind ( me and my 8 year old sister). Now? My mother is crying in the store room. Her bp level is blasting. I talked to her, asked her to rest but she refused and told me to study. My father, he abruptly went somewhere in the car. My sister, unaware of all this is playing in the rain outside. Me? Here i am, locked in my room, crying endlessly and trying to study but failing miserably. I have an important exam , AIPMT in a month. I've dropped an year for it. Very , very important to me. But i am not able to study in such an environment. I hate giving up, but i see no hopes now. My heart feels sunken, my eyes paining as hell and all i can think now is that i want to vanish off. I know this cannot be fixed. There is no way out. I hate the idea of love and marraige. I am not being able to hold myself anymore. My parents are conservative too. I am told often that they will get me married at 22 regardless of my yes or no. I lie to my friends about all this. They think I live like a princess. No doubt my parents love me a lot and have given me every luxury but this over protective environment has made me a person i dont want to be. Well thats another story.I cant imagine a happy life. The sky is painfully gloomy and so am I inside. My tears have dried up now. The only thing i can feel is the dark silence.

What do you say to your mother when she butts into an argument you are having with your daughter about sex (and how you don't want her having it) and she says "Just let her do whoever she wants, that's what I did when I was her age"?

I had an aunt who was forever trying to butt in when my mom was giving my sister and I direction. And mother would tell her to shut up. Just like that. One Saturday, my aunt dropped by and my mom, dad, and sister were going over my sister’s course requests for the next year. She did not want to take whatever the next math was. But, that was not, to my parents, an option. My aunt butted in…”I don’t know what ya’ll insist that she takes these classes. She’s never going to use them. She could just take general math. She doesn’t need algebra.” My mother pointed out that my sister had to have algebra as a part of the pre-college tract and my aunt then said, “Well, maybe she doesn’t want to go to college. I don’t see why you are so insistent that these girls do all this stuff. I didn't and I did just fine.” My mother didn’t let a second pass. ‘That’s good, but we have higher aspirations for the girls.” My aunt got really quiet and then told my mom that she was being a snob and that, again, she didn’t go to college and,,,that is when the proverbial you know hit the fan. My cousin was pursuing a bachelor’s in Chem Engineers at the time. “I don’t see you pulling Ted (not his real name) out of college. “ “Well, he’s a boy.” “And she is a girl and they both have to eat. I don’t plan on her living with us forever.” And so it went…Mama would take on her very vocal sister. As for my grandmother, mama let her know that being a student far outweighed being a debutante.

My parents got into a fist fight, what should i do?

well my parents have been arguing for the last month or so and I guess they finally got tired of it and fought. They punched each other and everything, I tried to break it up but it didn't work to well.. I don't know what to do. My mom is talking about leaving and taking me with her. I don't want to, I don't want to stay with my dad, idk what i want, I just want things to be back normal. So what can I possibly do?

Strange dream but i cant find a meaning for it....?

If you believe that dreams have symbolic meaning then analyse it, piece by piece. If you have worries that you push to the back of your mind, they will typically emerge when you are sleeping, they won't make much sense but you may be able to unravel key points which relate to your subconscious.
In your real life you may be running away from something that frightens you. The skeleton is an issue that was/is dead and buried, that has resurfaced and is troubling you, or you fear that it may. Perhaps you have unresolved issue with your mother or someone who is mother-like or an older female.
The wizard I am not sure about.
The dictionary definition of a wizard
1.A person who practices magic; magician or sorcerer.
2. A conjurer or juggler.
You may be juggling a lot of things and finding it overwhelming and you are drowning under it.
The blood may relate to family issues or pressures.
I am guessing of course but it may have also been an old fashioned nightmare. :)

I had a dream that I got in a fist fight with my mom?

Are you thinking about leaving school? You obviously need an education by the way you write although many american kids on here speak like that. It still doesn't make it ok. The way you speak and write says a lot about you and affects you your whole life. That means a LOT although you don't see that now. Believe me.

There must be some restriction your mum is putting on you that you don't like atm and there is nothing you can do about it. If she is a decent mother, she is worth listening to so try to be obedient and work hard until it's time for you to make your own way in the world. The better you do now, the better you'll do in your life.

Your mind works on questions. Whatever question you ask it, it will find the answer for you. Your subconscious works all the time to bring that to pass. So don't ask yourself negative questions. Rather, ask yourself things like 'How can I make a success of my life'. 'How can get and keep really healthy and fit' etc and have your mind work FOR you, instead of against you. Work hard at this. Google stuff. Look for positive, healthy ways to grow and build yourself up.