Poll If You Were A Slave Owner What Would You Do

How much did the lives of slaves differ depending upon their particular situations?

in the south, they were treated with more care than the north because in the north, the managers could always hire others who would work for less. but in the south, they saw their slaves almost as part of the family and because slaves were property, owners would lose money if anything happened to the slave (injury and death)

gender wise, females were definitely mistreated. many of them were often raped by their masters and beaten. the males were mistreated in the sense of only/more physical punishment.

hmm.. i don't really remember anything else but i hope this helped you a little
my textbook from last year stated that (paraphrasing): "the people in the south liked the people but not their race and the people in the north liked the race but not the people"

POLL: Would you rather live a slave, or die?

Would you rather live your life as a slave (no freedom) or would you rather be dead?

Which and why? I thought it would be kinda interesting to see other people's views.

How would you feel if a slave owner was on the dollar bill?

george washington was a slave owner, he is on the 1 dollar bill
Andrew Jackson was a slave owner, he is on the 20
Thomas Jefferson was a slave owner, he is on the 2 dollar bill and nickel

If slavery were reinstated today, would you buy a slave?

Sadly, I think my answer would have to be yes. Before you cast me out as someone evil, bear with me for a moment.If someone just turned slavery back on, then no one would have a slave. The US would immediately repeal it due to our democratic nature and ideals. We would then impose economic sanctions or military action on other countries to make them change. Places like the United Arab Emirates do still have slavery but were China or Russia to adopt slavery then the US would almost certainly resist. (Trump might not go after Russia militarily but we would still issue sanctions.) Therefore, in order for slavery to get reinstated then either the world reverses their ideals about equality or slavery never gets abolished.If everyone else suddenly changed to believing in slavery I would keep my head down and go with it. I do not own a gun, I am not a powerful leader. If others would revolt then they would do so without me. I would probably buy a slave so as not to stand out but I would treat him or her well.In the other world I might not be so kind. During slaveholding times only a small number of people had slaves but the rest were very cruel to them. This was because we thought of them as less than human, much like what had happened during WWII with the Holocaust. I do not think that I am inherently a better person then 90% of the humans who came before me. I would most likely fall victim to the same biases and hatred that consumed those before me and acquire a slave and mistreat them.EDIT: I had thought that during the height of US slavery, everyone owned slaves. I was wrong, it was only around 10% or so. I would also like to point out that this is a bad thing. People SHOULD fight back against injustice, even if they have to fight back alone. I’m just wise enough to know that I am not better then the billions of people who sat in complacency while this happened.

Why did most non-slave whites protect/support slavery?

There is no evidence that "most" white people in America supported slavery.  In the south, one can infer that "most" wealthy white people supported slavery.People in the south could become very wealthy using slave labor.   Support was primarily the result of economics.Basically, the South had a wealthy class that controlled the government.   That wealthy class included people such as George Washington and Thomas Jefferson.  These people were wealthy because they had a large plantation worked by slaves.    The merchant class in the South made money from the land owners, and thus the merchants also supported slavery.People  who wanted to be wealthy planned to emulate the business model of the wealthy  class by moving west, acquiring land and acquiring slaves. The amount of money generated by slavery is staggering.  Visit Charleston, SC and you can see homes built in the antebellum South.  Visit Mississippi and see the plantations.  People were getting extremely wealthy due to slavery.

By 1860 how was the slave population distributed across the south?

Through ships....

people moved them across the nation on trading ships....

Recent polls show that 20 percent of Trump's supporters oppose the Emancipation Proclamation. Why does much of the Trump train want to revive slavery?

Ok… I was guessing that it was simply the case that some poll asked Trump supporters if the supported the Emancipation Proclamation, and given the collective intelligence of his followers, probably about 40% of them didn’t know what that was, and so they chose randomly.Turns out, my snarky opinion that Trump voters are stupid was actually giving them the benefit of the doubt as human beings. Because, in fact, this is the actual scenatio:The Times found that nearly 20% of Trump supporters did not approve of freeing the slaves, according to a January YouGov/Economist poll that asked respondents if they supported or disapproved of “the executive order that freed all slaves in the states that were in rebellion against the federal government”—Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation.Nearly 20% of Trump Fans Think Freeing the Slaves Was a Bad IdeaSo basically, 20% of Trump’s voters are racist enough to wish that slavery had never ended… maybe. Now, do consider that this poll was taken in January, when Trump had a much lower percentage of Republican supporters than he does today.Is it a shock that Trump has racist supporters? Not even slightly, since he’s been the most openly racist major party candidate in our modern era. You’d probably have to go back to George Wallace’s unsuccessful Independent run for President in 1968 to find someone as openly racist in a National Election.But you would also have to take a close look at the poll itself. Every poll measures something, but did this one actually measure what was intended? How did non-Trump-supporting demographic groups answer that question? Was the sample size of Trump supporters large enough to be statistically relevant? Professional pollsters know very well that they can get different answers to the same question depending entirely on how that question is worded.