Poll What Do You Think This Tattoo Means

Poll: Do you like tattoos?

I think they're OK. I've seen plenty of bad ones and good ones, and I know many people in my family who've gone and got a tattoo on a whim, and have grown to hate it and had to go through the long process of tattoo removal. So that's pretty much put me off getting tattoos really. My mum has a blue and green butterfly on her shoulder and she still hates it. I personally wouldn't get one UNLESS it was incredibly small and hidden (like the back of my toe or somewhere hidden), but even then I probably wouldn't really want one that much. I'm not sure quite of the reason for this surge in tattoos, it's a trend really - and trends come and go and unfortunately I suspect that a lot of people will be regretting them and getting tattoo removals as well. That said, there are some amazing tattoos, done well and done artistically that can look very good. It's up to the individual really, but I think that there are way too many people who get drunk and end up getting something they regret.

Is 17 too young for a tattoo? Poll.?

I think it depends the person and their maturity.
As long as you get something that really means something to you, and that you're NOT going to regret, I think it's fine..

Random Poll: Tattoos vs Clean Skin?

It depends on the person and how much ink.



Poll: Would you get teardrop tattoos on the side of your face?

I've always wanted a few jailhouse tats... especially ones that will piss of Crips and Bloods !

Poll: Do you find girls/guys with tattoos attractive?

i'm not saying this because 'society has molded me.' [although it probably has.] I just don't find it attractive. its a preference. Some are nice but i think the girl has to be able to pull it off