Poll What Does The Little Boy Say At The End Of The Video And What Does It Mean

Poll: Who is the cuter little kid?

Kid 1:

Kid 2: (the little one in the front with the long dark hair)

Kid 3: (Even though he is 12 now (he is the other boy in the previous picture) I just think this is the cutest picture in the world)

So who is cuter?
Kid 1 - Frankie Jonas
Kid 2- Blanket Jackson
Kid 3 - Prince Jackson

Poll: does anyone else feel a little sick today?

There is a virus going around where I live, but luckily I haven't gotten it...yet. Have some nice tea and a awesome pillow and doona/blanket to snuggle up to. And *HUGS*********

Get lots of rest and hope you get better soon!

In the simpsons movie, what does santas little helper say at the end?

I have the DVD here at home i just checked. He says "I did things no dog should do. They will haunt me forever"


I really want a little boy...but will gender really matter in the end? I guess I just can't see myself with..?

I always felt like you. I was a tom-boy growing up. Never played with dolls, always liked cars, riding bikes, and playing with the boys in the neighborhood when i was growing up. Naturally, I wanted a "healthy baby", isn't that what everyone says? But secretely, i dreaded having a girl. I didn't know how to relate to them. Professionally, i'm a speech therapist and i tend to work mostly with preschool boys. I know what little boys like and how to play with them. Little girls make me nervous...playing dress-up, house, dolls....yuck! So fast forward, i'm husband and i are thrilled. At about 20 weeks, we find out the's a girl. The first words i said was, "you're lying!". But it was a girl. Once i got used to the idea, we were able to choose a name, decorate the nursery (oh yeah, all pink...a color i always hated!), bought clothes. Funny, the more i thought of the baby (and my belly) as "she" instead of "it", the more ok i was with having a girl. By the time she was born, i had forgotten that i was "upset" with having a girl. When the doctor placed her on my belly just seconds after she was born, she opened her eyes and looked at me. It was amazing. So, here we are now.....2 years later. I have (gulp) a girly-girl. She loves her dolls. carries them everywhere. we have toy strollers and high chairs so she can take care of them. I can't imagine having any child other than the beautiful one i have.

As for you.....all will be forgotten when you hold your daughter (if you have a daughter)....if you find out the sex ahead of time, all will be forgotten even sooner. You can still play cowboys and indians, cops and robbers, go outside, etc with a girl. That's what i do with my daughter. It's just that when we play, her dolls have to come along. and that's ok.

good luck!

10points! What does it mean for a boy to call a woman sister, does that mean he wants to date you?

This boy is always being nice to me and calling me sister and I dont know why. He makes sure he doesnt say anything to offend me and talks and smiles every time he sees me. If I need something he will give it up for me and he wont have anything. He doesnt let anyone talk bad about me or he will hurt them. He's done it in the past. Why is he always calling me sister, does it mean he protects me like a sister and cares for me as a friend? My grandmother says that he wants to have sex and he's just trying to get me to trust him but i think he's a good friend.

POLL: Does love really mean never having to say you're sorry.....?

No, if you can earnestly apologize that really shows your love. A TRUE relationship will ALWAYS have at least one roller coaster ride. That's what's fun about them.

BQ: Yah' no surprise!!

~Hope it helps:)!~

Does this sound like a perverted little boy or what!?

ok so today at cheer practice,which is at my school's gym after school
(and the after school daycare kids are there the same time we are there practicing), a little boy who looked about 5 or 6 and one of his friends came up to me and my friend and he goes "i wanna fukkk your private" and him and the little boy started laughing and they ran away. and then me and my friend just looked at each other and started cracking up! and him and his little friend were sitting on the bleachers the whole time checking us out. should i tell the school principal or should i just let it go?

POLL: The funniest/cutest thing a little kid has said to you?

i grew to become into in WalMart basically the day in the past as we talk and there grew to become into this entire kinfolk, mom dad and 3 toddlers, and that all of them had the mullet-iest mullets you ever observed. This little female approximately 3 or 4 years old grew to become into in a paying for cart together with her mom however the mum grew to become into finding carefully at something on the shelf. The little female stored guffawing hysterically and tapping her mom's arm asserting "humorous hair! humorous hair! look mommy!" Cracked me up.

What does the video " Here comes goodbye" by Rascal flatts mean?

Lyrics and Video don't Match. Here's the explanation Quoted from:

March 12, 2009

Good news, there's a "Here Comes Goodbye" explanation, sort of

Since the new video for Here Comes Goodbye came out I've had people coming to the site here searching for the meaning of the video. I must confess that I was just as confused as everyone else because the video didn't follow the lyrics, at least not how I had interpreted them.

Well all confoosed souls out there, there is now help. CMT has talkedwith the boys of Rascal Flatts about the video and they help us to understand, kind of.

“It’s totally different than what we thought, which is the great thing about Shaun Silva in particular, and with videos,” Gary LeVox said in an interview with earlier this week. “When we cut it, we were thinking relationship stuff, and not so much ‘chapters of goodbye.’ I think that’s the main reason why you cut videos, because it leaves it wide open for everybody’s own personal interpretation.”

He goes on to say, “We shot our part somewhere else, and they shot all the B-roll stuff and all the actors somewhere else. When they sent it to us, before it was actually done, I just cried. It’s different from when you read the treatment, and you know what you’re talking about and you know what’s going on. But when you actually get a visual of it, it really blew me away. It choked me up, big time.”

Also, in case you’re still wondering, our consensus at the office is that the video portrays a mother and daughter grieving over the deaths of a father and son. It doesn’t match up with the lyrics, but hey, whatever.

See, I said it was an explanation sort of. It's good to see that the video surprised the boys just as much as it did their fans."

So, Blame Shaun Silva for the confusion. There's the Song Meaning, then the Video Meaning. TWO separate ideas. . .