Popped The Outside Of My Knee While Stretching

Knee Popped, now in extreme pain?

I was jumping around yesterday, when I heard this "pop" from my legs, and when I came down, my knee was in a lot of pain, and it hurt to move it at all. This eventually turned to a dull soreness, with sharp bursts of pain if stretched too far. I eventually got my mobility back. Today however, my leg is in extreme pain if I try to walk, it's even hard to limp somewhat. Anybody know if this is really serious?

My knees keep popping?

im only 19 and sometimes when i walk my knees are popping... i feel like its the place where the fibula connects to my knee.. so its the outside of my knee basically. will this cause any problems in the future?

Why are my knees popping?

"Discoid Meniscus"
From Jonathan Cluett, M.D.,
Your Guide to Orthopedics.
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Definition: A discoid meniscus is an abnormally shaped meniscus within the knee joint. The meniscus is a C-shaped wedge of cartilage that helps support and cushion the knee joint. In each knee there are two menisci, one on the inside (medial) and one on the outside (lateral) of the knee joint. In some people the lateral meniscus is shaped more like a solid disc rather than the normal C-shape.
Most people with a discoid meniscus never know they have it! Many people live normal, active lives with a discoid meniscus--even high performance athletes. Therefore, if your doctor finds that you have a discoid meniscus, but it is not the cause of your symptoms, it would be left alone.

In some people, the discoid meniscus can cause problems, usually a popping sensation with pain over the outside part of the knee joint.

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This is why some people use the phrase 'popping knee syndrome' when talking about a discoid meniscus. In these patients, conservative treatment consisting of exercises and stretching can be performed. If these treatments do not relieve the symptoms, patients may choose arthroscopic surgery on the discoid meniscus. If the discoid meniscus is torn, the torn portion can be removed. In addition, the discoid meniscus can be shaved into a more normal appearing meniscus.

A popping sensation in the knee can be caused by rough cartilage on the back of the kneecap, torn cartilage in the knee or from an injury or irritation of tendons in the knee. If the popping is painless and the knee never locks up or gives out and there is no limitation of function associated with the popping, it is likely benign in nature. However, if any of the above begins to happen or is happening, evaluation by a physician is recommended.

Please help!! Something in knee popped when i crossed my legs (pain)?

Sounds like you may have rolled a ligament. Motrin for pain and swelling. If it is stiff you can use light moist (warm) towels on the area. If the pain persists or swells more and doesn't relieve in a couple of days, see your GP.

Everytime I move my knee something pops?

Last night I had an intense cheer practice and feel quite a few times. Whenever I move my knee it hurts but it only happens whenever I bend or straighten it and if you touch it you can feel something popping in it and there's nothing like that in the other knee. You can't hear it though and there's no swelling but it hurts sooo badly. What should I do? I compete this weekend.

Why does one of my knees sound like popping corn when I bend or straighten it?

There are many reasons why the knee can click and pop.  Sometimes the answer to this question can be totally benign or times more serious.  A meniscal tear will click - pop but most likely also catch / lock at a specific point when you are bending and straightening your knee.  Also there is a condition in which a meniscus may be abnormally shaped known as discoid meniscus that causes audible popping. Arthritic issues can cause your body to lay down  excess bone within or near joint surfaces that can cause excess friction.There are a number of more benign causes such as muscle groups around the knee that can become aggravated by inflammation and partial tears along insertion sites.  Common examples are iliotibial band friction syndrome,  snapping biceps femoris (ham string) over its insertion site of the fibula.