Posters In Usa Were Created With Aim Of Getting People To Help Their Nation In Fighting Against The

There are many posters available from all of the combatant nations, and they cover a variety of topics. If you are looking for combat-themed ones, there are posters of German soldiers fighting in either the infamous Pickelhaube or the Stalhelm, British sailors on the decks of cruisers shooting whatever, and other things.Many are advertising joining the fight(1st picture) or telling civilians to work harder(2nd picture). Others had to to with what civilians themselves could do to help.The website World War 1 Propaganda Posters has a whole bunch of examples, and there are some other historical archives for plenty of examples. Good luck.

What was the purpose of the committee on Public Information, and what were it's tactics?

Committee On Public Information

Why did people protest against the Vietnam War?

America did not lose the war, the politicians simply declared our objectives satisfied and pulled out the troops. The criticism of the war in Vietnam started out mainly as a conservative reaction to President Johnson’s policy of fighting for a limited purpose, a negotiated peace, rather than all out victory in Vietnam. Those critics included Senator Barry Goldwater, retired military men, and even some extreme members of the John Birch Society. These people were known as “hawks.” As the President escalated the war effort, and became a hawk himself, his chief critics became known as “doves” and included antiwar protesters, college students and faculty, liberal Democrats, and many other people in various walks of life who felt that the war was immoral, dragging on to no benefit for the US, and was causing increased casualty lists to mount. Many believed the US was fighting a war against the wishes of the majority of the Vietnamese people. These critics felt the war was a civil war in Vietnam between north and south and we had no business interfering. Some supported the communist effort in Vietnam and hoped for a defeat of the “imperialist capitalist” United States. Many Americans felt we were fighting a small, unimportant county, while the real enemy was China and the Soviet Union. There were many demonstrations against the war which took the form of sit ins in college and high school campuses, marches both for and against the war, and editorials written for and against the war. One of the most infamous demonstrations took place at Kent State University, 1970, when National Guard troops fired on Kent State students and protesters and four were killed and eleven were wounded. Nixon had been elected on a promise to Vietnamese the war, meaning more fighting would be turned over to the South Vietnamese army, and to start bringing home American troops. When the President ordered US troops into Cambodia and ordered more bombings, the result was a tremendous uproar at home with more marches and demonstrations. Congress reacted to the antiwar feeling and repealed the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution which gave the President the authority to send troops and fight the war in Vietnam. Our purpose in the war is debated to this day.
The site below will have excellent sources dealing with the Vietnam War.

The US At War After Pearl Harbor HELP!?

The first authentic incident i will consider of used to be the Panay Incident, when the japanese attacked and sank the usS. Panay in the Yangtze River in 1939. There were just a few American escort ships sank by German U-boats escorting convoys to England. I suppose there was once an American bomber on a training mission within the Pacific shot down by the japanese. To the pleasant of my advantage these are the only pre Pearl Harbor engagements involving reliable U.S. Army personnel. There have been, however, a significant quantity of yank citizens that disobeyed American law and enlisted within the Canadian and British forces. There have been seven americans that died in the combat of britain, there have been two squadrons of the RAF, the Eagle Squadrons, made up absolutely of americans. There were the Flying Tigers, a volunteer workforce of yank pilots flying for the chinese language Air force, there have been americans carrying the British uniform at Dunkirk and in North Africa and americans combating for the chinese language in China.

What propaganda does this poster show for World War 1?

the poster is called the comforter and it has a nurse helping a someone and i was wondering if it fell into one of these categories?

1. Enlist in the Armed Forces- that is, to fight and kill the enemy.
2. Donate to the war effort, whether it is money, bonds, time or effort.
3. Patriotism -that is, to motivate the viewer to support their nations war efforts.
4. Hatred of the enemy – that is, to motivate the viewer to feel hatred or fear of the enemy.

Should the United States have mandatory military service for young people between the ages of 18-25?

I'm sorry, but I totally disagree with this idea.

A mandatory draft is a way to quickly build up a fighting force - it shouldn't be used as a means of giving schooling or marketable skills to a group of individuals.

Also, people 18 to about 23, who are attending college can frequently be covered by their parents health insurance. I don't believe that there are any specific medical conditions that arise in the ages of 18-25 that would warrant automaticlly covering them with insurance.

You talk about the military providing service in the same way as Americorps - the problem is, these are two completely different organizations - with two completely different purposes.

The military is a means of fighting wars and battles, and protecting us from attack. Americorps is a "do good" service that is used as a way for young people to pay off college loans. Working full time for Americorps for two years, an individual can recieve around $9,000 to either pay for college, or pay student loans from college.

Finally, let's not forget that a mandatory draft can have a tremendously negative impact on the military. Currently the military is all volunteer - people are in there because they chose to be in there. If you re-instated the draft, people would be compelled to serve in the military for at least one year (at least, that what I'm pretty sure it was during Vietnam - the last time we had the draft).

The military would have to train these individuals who don't want to be there - and then the vast majority of them would leave after their one year was up. Contrast this with a person who gets into the military because they want to. I believe the minimum commitment is 4 years. Right there, you've saved money.

What are the most powerful ways to fight against corruption?Sorry to throw water on your hopes, but corruption is inevitable fact of  human civilization. Corruption is as old as Prostitution and therefore, it is as good as impossible to evade corruption. While some countries like US, and UK have institutionalized it by rebranding it as lobbying, in others like India and other developing Countries its brazenly evident in every sphere of life. Some countries may have corruption much higher than the others, but there is no country or human society on this planet not affected by corruption.The ways to counter corruption are: By spreading prosperity uniformly within the society. By making economic disparity redundant & indistinct. By putting stop to celebrating material success, and glorifying victoriesBy encouraging charitable temperamentBy celebrating participation rather than winningBy valuing the whole society over an individualBy fostering community participation over individual enterprise.The more closer we come to bringing our society to this ideal state, the lesser of corruption we will face in our day-day life. Therefore, to lessen corruption we have to aim towards building a fairly equitable society. Where values are more important than achievements.