Pottermore Which House Am I In

Can you change your HOUSE on Pottermore?

JK Rowling created the questions herself and so she knows which qualities are of each house and how you answer the quiz will get you there. If you answered everything honestly, then that is where you belong. Think about it...for 6 years, Neville couldn't understand why he was a Gryffindor. And then, he found his bravery and his courage and he stood up for what was right and realized that he was where he belonged. I'm sure Jo didn't get it wrong.

At least be happy that you're in Pottermore. Some of us are still waiting for a welcome email (*ahem* ME!). Something like not being sorted into a house because you don't think you fit the characteristics shouldn't prevent you from enjoying the site.

What house are you in on pottermore?

I was sorted into Slytherin and at first I was like, "OMG what does that say about me?!" But then I read what JK Rowling has written about Slytherins and I realized that we are terribly misunderstood and I think that the house suits me well (even though I'm not evil). I answered honestly for all my questions and like you, I had some where I was choosing between several answers. And actually, in the end, I had the option of picking between Gryffindor and Slytherin.

What house are you in according to Pottermore?

HOGWARTS HOUSE: GRYFFINDORWell, I had to be in Gryffindor. I'm confident. I'm bold. I stick with my beliefs. No, don't try changing those. I'm adamant enough!Friend? I've got your back. Loyal is my middle name. And yes, I wallow in glory and pride.Oh, did I tell you I'm a Leo-born?Leo.. The Lion.. The Lion with Eagle wings.. The Griffin.. Gryffindor..Pretty cool, ain't it?ILVERMORNY HOUSE: THUNDERBIRDI don't know much about the Ilvermorny Houses. But from what I've read in Pottermore, Thunderbird favors adventurers. Guess I'm in the right place, then.Original answer -Heera Suresh's answer to Pottermore: What house and wand did you get?


So all my life I've classed myself as a Ravenclaw, feeling as though I belong there as I am very academic (and I like to think) witty!

So I'm really excited for the Sorting Hat quiz, so I do it, feeling rather conflicted on a couple...and what do I get put into... Slytherin. It's not that there's anything wrong with Slytherin in particular, it:s just not MY house, and I would have felt as empty and depressed being put into Gryffindor or Hufflepuff. So yes, I sat there disbelievingly, feeling incredibly sad (I shed a few tears) and I know it was overreacting, but I just didnt see how I could be in Slytherin.

Then I watched a fab video on youtube, by a girl who had been put into the wrong house, and she pointed out that a 7 question random quiz, no matter that it was made by Jo herself, is never going to be the Sorting Hat, as obviously it cant see into your mind.

I also found myself thinking that the quiz should at least take into account a particular house you would dislike to be sorted into (as mine wouldve been slytherin, and maybe my 2nd top answer was ravenclaw) as it did with harry

sorry this has been longwinded, but now i have 3 options:
a) go onto pottermore as a Slytherin, get house points and be loyal etc, even though it may feel extremely wrong
b) make a new account and try again, although maybe my answers would be less truthful, and i know many potterheads find the very idea blasphemous
c) never go on pottermore again, and make up my own story whilst rereading the books

Thank you!!!!

Do I belong in the correct house in Pottermore?

JK Rowling created it, and since she is the one who knows the most about the houses, she would know where you belong. She spent a lot of time developing the Sorting Hat quiz.

A lot of people were surprised by their result, but the Sorting Hat is never wrong!

I was a little surprised to be in Slytherin, but I have come to realize that there is a lot more to Slytherin than is revealed in the Harry Potter series and that I really do belong there.

Think about Hermione. A lot of people would assume that she's a Ravenclaw, but on a deeper level, she really does belong in Gryffindor. Same goes for Neville. Everyone thought that it was a mistake that he was placed in Gryffindor, but it turns out that that is where he belongs too.

A lot of fans have assigned themselves a house and then been surprised by their Pottermore sorting. Maybe their original pick came as a close second, or maybe they were totally off. You just have to trust that the Sorting Hat is right. Congratulations on getting into Gryffindor!

Unless your friends are HUGE fans of Gryffindor or you suspect that they were highly disappointed when they were sorted into different houses, I doubt they will be too jealous. And if they are, that's their problem. Feel free to tell your friends-- just dont make a big deal of it.

All of the houses are great. They have all produced great witches and wizards. There's just some bias that Gryffindor is especially awesome because so many of the main (and quite loveable) characters in the Harry Potter series were in it.

I think that JKR should write a book with a Slytherin as a main character becauses the few that are featured in the Harry Potter books have given Slytherin a terribly inaccurate reputation!

Anyway, JK Rowling cares a lot about her fans and the world of Harry Potter. She would make sure that the Sorting Hat is completely accurate. If you don't think that your placement is correct, then that's because you don't know as much about the houses as she does. Or maybe you don't know yourself as well as you think.

What house were you sorted into at Pottermore on your first attempt?

Ravenclaw, but I got Hufflepuff the most after multiple tries (sorry haha).I got into Ravenclaw the first time because all the questions they posed me seemed to focus more on intelligence. I’m not trying to boast, but my grades were pretty decent, so that may explain why I ended up there.But I wanted to be in Gryffindor, because it seemed the coolest and had all the popular characters. At the same time, I didn't understand why it was so popular because the other houses were pretty awesome too.Nonetheless, after the selection, I looked at the famous people of Ravenclaw and was immediately disappointed. It had all the bad guys and "weird" people such as Professor Quirrell, Professor Trelawney, Gilderoy Lockhart, Luna Lovegood (but I love Luna Lovegood) etc. Absolutely no hate to Ravenclaw though.I then created fake emails using generator websites to make new accounts, just to confirm what house I was in. I kept getting Hufflepuff afterwards. I'm a bit of a sentimental and emotional person, so I chose all the options that involved feelings and that led me to become a Hufflepuff.So while I get quizzical stares when I say I'm from Hufflepuff or dislike how our common room is in the basement, I still love Hufflepuff. Yellow pride! :)

Which Hogwarts house are you in, according to Pottermore?

I’ve been having pretty violent swings between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw for around a month.If you want to ask me how I know, its because I’m one of those people that creates 10 accounts every month just to take the test.Not because I’m one of the more diehard Potter fans out there, but honestly because for all my whining about not being put into a box, I want to know what colour and pattern the box I’m in is.Humans are full of irony that way.Gryffindor is known for being the house of chivalry, nerve, and daring.Put not so nicely, it means that Gryffindors can be showoffs, thoughtless, and frustrating to work with.Ravenclaws are known for their wit and their intellect.Put in a less refreshing manner, it means that Ravenclaws can be painfully honest, and can go wandering off into little thought tangents that make perfect sense to them but no sense to anyone else.Gryffindor is the “in” club, the showoffs with their new soccer cleats who insist on playing fair, even though they’re losing. Badly.Ravenclaw is the science club that wins all the awards every year and gets a ton of funding.One makes sense to be in, the other is great for your social standing. The choice I made reflects a lot about myself.I’m a Gryffindor. Sure, I qualify to be a Ravenclaw, but my slightly senseless, pretty brash choice marks me out as a Gryffindor.With all my faults- pompous and territorial, I am loyal to a fault, and will be the first one to insist that I will win fair or lose fair.The thoughtless bit of being a Gryffindor- I’m working on that.The part of Gryffindor that makes it noble and esteemed- that’s the Gryffindor I embody.

What Hogwarts house am I in? According to Pottermore, I am Ravenclaw, but other sorting quizzes have me as a Hufflepuff.

I'm sorry Voldemort is in control of me.He demands you to join Slytherin.Hey man I was kidding, join RavenclawImage courtesy: Harry Potter Lord Voldemort / Characters - TV Tropes