Power Words That Start With V

Work, energy and power?

a) The power required to overcome air resistance is

Power = Force Velocity = 2 V^2 V = 2 V^3

Since the car max power is 54 kw (72 hp), then the car's maximum possible velocity is

2 V^3 = Max Power

V = (Max Power / 2)^(1/3)

V =(54000/2)^(1/3) = 30 m/s

b) The total force experienced by the car is

F = 200 + 1/2 V^2 + mg sin(angle)

where 200 is some sort of friction force in the car itself, 1/2V^2 is the air resistance force, and mg sin(angle) is the opposing force due to the car's weight going over the hill. To calculate the power needed, we just multiply this force times the velocity, that is

Power = (200 + 1/2 V^2 + mg sin(angle)) V
Power =(200+1/2*(20)^2+(900)*(9.8)*sin(10))*(2...

Power = 38616 watts = 38.6 kw

This power is below the maximum the engine can deliver, so you should be OK going up the hill with this car.

What are some superpowers that start with the letters K and N?

For a book. The superpowers all together spell Waken. The ones I have:

W- Witch: Is telepathic and his just a bit of everyone elses power

A- Acessor: Can access people thoughts and mind.Can also break into locks and any closed off or physically blocked thing or place.

K- ????

E- Empath: Can manipulate and sense even hidden emotions. Sometimes his own feelings can manipulate the weather.

N- ????

So yeah. Thank you!

"I am" are two of the most powerful words that we can use. What are you today?

I am that I am

What are 10 uncommon yet powerful words?

Floccinaucinihilipilification—estimating an action to be worthlessSomeone made the worthless word floccinaucinihilipilification, which I am ironically floccinaucinihilipilifiying.wug—zwim (past zwam, part zwum)—to break or snap a thin object into pieces“I have no doubt zwum many thin minds with this sentence.”Snargledorf—a very confused village“We tried to take the train to Salzdorf, for our salt supplies were low, but arrived in Snargledorf.”Unwooden—the opposite of wooden“While boards feel wooden, paper feels rather unwooden, that is, until you get a paper cut.”Khazad—1. Dwarf 2. a Dwarven Cypher“KHAZAD is intended to be open-source, but Balin had other plans.”Imladris—the old name for Rivendell.“Oh Imladris oh Imladris, how true are your leaves!”inverted-tachyon—a faster-than-light particle, but presented as inverted.“Worf, use an inverted-tachyon field!”double-plus-ungood—very bad“The concept of Linguistics Relativity is double-plus-ungood. Most of the studies arguing for it are methodologically unsound, and stories which incorporate it, like 1984, are unrealistic.”non-Wolf (plural non-wolves)—a living thing that is not a wolf“Non-wolves find it difficult to interact with Wolves.”Edit:In case you don’t get, uncommon words are not powerful. In order for a word to have power, speakers need to be familiar with it.The exception is taboo words, which speakers are familiar with but do not use very often because they have a social taboo.

I need three words related to egypt starting with Q, W,V.?

Q- Qena
W- White Desert
V- Valley of the Kings

A city in Upper Egypt, situated on the east bank of the Nile. It it also the capital of Qena Governorate.

White Desert:
Located in the city of Farafra, in western Egypt.

Valley of the Kings:
"the Gates of the Kings", a valley in Egypt contructed for the kings and powerful nobles of the New Kingdom. It stands on the west bank of the Nile, across from Thebes, and with the heart of the Theban Necropolis. It consists of the East and West Valley.

What are some positive adjectives starting with R?

Radiant, remarkable, ravishing, resilient, responsible, reasonable, respectful, reliable, rare, resplendent, refreshing, romantic, rosy, robust, rich, rejoiceful, revitalizing, riveting, replenishing, resounding, resonant, reputable, respected, receptive, reciprocal, reassuring, recommended, righteous, rarefied, rewarding, restorative, reinvigorating, revered, renowned, reverent, radical, reflective, regenerative, relieving, relaxing, restful, renewing, recharging, rectified, resolved, rigorous, rational, redemptive, reborn, reusable, renewable, redeemable, roomy, ripped, roughed, record-breaking

How should I approach the book “Word Power Made Easy” by Norman Lewis?

As many people have put forth the fact that, "it's easy to comprehend", neither do  I militate(#1) against them nor do I share a dichotomise(#2)thinking towards it, instead I totally agree with them.But, bear in mind if you want to grasp and retain all the words from the book and utilise it to its full potential, my advice make notes and do all the exercises as soon as you finish any sessions. Do not get complacent(#3), just having it read once, for it's a work worth adulating(#4) for and requires some input from your side as well. I'll agree that at times some sessions will be somniferous(#5) but do not lose your focus amidst. Well, Enough of the garrulousness(#6), let's come to the main point. My approach.  I usually did 4 sessions per day and I was done with the book in roughly 13 days. Yes, with all the exercises included. With notes it usually took me 1hr 30 mins approx on a daily basis. It's a time well invested learning this book, in my opinion, it's a magnum opus(#7). After reading even half of it you'll feel easy to articulate(#8) things and while talking to people (using words from your vocab reservoir) they'll often find themselves in an anachronous(#9) situation. You'll even find that most of your arguments will be incongruously(#10) cogent(#11).PS - #1-11 are the words you'll find in the book, I've purposely included them. You've to use it often to stay in touch (Word Power Made Easy).PPS - these are some photos of my notes. I hope this helps. Thanks for the A2A.

Given f=50Hz, V=220V, what is the frequency of power in an AC circuit connected to a capacitor?

The capacitor cant change the frequency of its supply. Hence the Answer is A). 50 Hz.