Pregnancy Health Insurance

No health insurance and pregnant?

You have to have coverage or your new policy, whenever it becomes effective will NOT cover you if you had a lapse in coverage. Take the Cobra. When my husband was switching jobs there was going to be a lapse in coverage and we had to bite the bullet and pay so that I would be covered. Cut corners somewhere because you do not want to take the chance of not having coverage. Good luck.

I'm pregnant and I don't have health insurance :(?

Well, there are many options that you have not researched or considered yet. If you call the hospital where you will likely deliver and tell them about this, they can give you ideas and point you in the right direction. Alot of hospitals have programs for people like you where you pay according to income rather than a flat per service kind of payment. They also do payment plans. What makes me mad is that this entire bazillion dollar "healthcare" bill did not address this very issue. Any plan that covers pregnancy makes you pay into it for a year before paying out anything at all. So even if you did suddenly find coverage they wouldn't do anything for this pregnancy. So, consider midwifery if you are young and healthy and likely to have a normal pregnancy with no complications. The entire cost pre-natal and labor/delivery for a typical midwife delivering a natural childbirth at a hospital is only about $5,000. Midwives these days have the same training as an ob-gyn for caring for a healthy pregnancy and delivery. They run all of the same tests and send you for all of the same ultrasounds. They have an ob-gyn that they can call in an emergency and would refer you to one who will take low income patients and help you find a way to pay if you do develop complications. If you go to an ob-gyn for everything all the way through it - you're looking at a cost of $40 to $50K unless they are a doctor willing with a plan to assist you. The other thing to do is contact your local Crisis Pregnancy Center because they are connected to doctors who will do everything to ensure proper care for you and the baby. Trust me - there IS still love in the world. You just have to work hard to find it and you are not going to get it from an insurance company or the government! If you call around to the labor and delivery departments of local hospitals and ask if there are midwives who deliver there, you'll get information on who to call for that too. Trust your instincts. Women in poverty all around the globe give birth everyday without this grand expectation that you must earn at least 80K per year to do it and have a $2500/mo insurance plan. In an economy like the one we live in - shame on anyone who would put you down in this situation! You are your child's advocate and you will find a way. Women all over the globe do everyday!

Is there any health insurance that covers pregnancy for J2 visa holders?

As an individual seeking private health insurance? No.

The only way to cover pregnancy would be to get a job that offers group health insurance. You are allowed to work in the U.S. on J-2 visa, if you receive permission from the USCIS and the money is not needed to support the principal J-1 holder.

Is there any health insurance that covers pregnancy for J2 visa holders?

Pregnancy is typically viewed as a high risk condition by health insurance companies. Due to the high risk nature of pregnancy most health insurance companies will not provide coverage for this condition for short term customers.International health insurance plans are structured and designed to provide coverage for unexpected illness, accidents or injuries while the beneficiary is traveling. Maternity, pregnancy, and childbirth will not be covered by the majority of travel based medical insurance carriers. The few companies who do provide coverage for this scenario will generally impose heavy restrictions for the little coverage offered, not to mention high cost. Due to the high risk, low reward nature concerning pregnancy coverage and visitors it is simply not cost-effective or beneficial for companies to offer coverage for visitors. The underlying risk and potential for loss by the insurance company will be passed along to the beneficiary if coverage is offered, making it not very cost-effective for them either.Perhaps the only real way to get health insurance that would cover the pregnancy would be by obtaining employment for an employer who offers group health coverage. Group health plans will usually cover pregnancy without a year long pre-existing waiting period and regardless of how far along the pregnancy is. J1 (J2) visa health insurance - No Pregnancy Coverage - Good Resource Though

My friend is pregnant and has no health insurance and is having trouble getting on access. we live in phoenix?

She should call Baby Arizona, they will help your friend apply for at least emergency ahccs, and if she can't afford the delivery, they can help with that too, maybe at a lower price and on monthly payments.

Is there any medical or health insurance which covers pregnancy without a minimum cooling period?

If you’re planning to purchase a health insurance policy that offers a cover for pregnancy, you should check the terms & conditions and coverage details with the insurance provider, as it can differ not just from company to company but from product to product as well.To know more about the coverage we offer, check out our website.

What is the best health insurance for a pregnant mother?

As you are planning to start a new beautiful phase of your married life, it becomes really important to have an insurance to lead a secure life with your newborn.Maternity insurance is the best option for couples who are planning on having a kid in future. But if you have conceived already, then it is better if you opt for some good health insurance which provides you with a Maternity coverage. Because, Maternity insurance separately, comes with a waiting period of 3-4 years. Which is why it is advised to opt for this insurance as soon as you are married.Generally, all the health insurances should have maternity coverage be it individual or family insurance plans. But it is not provided by many companies due to how their products are designed.After the delivery of a child, it is recommended that you buy a family health insurance which would ensure the couple and the newborn are secure in case of any illnesses or health emergency which may happen in future.

What kind of health insurance I need to cover my pregnant wife?

She is going to need to apply for medical insurance, which can be done through the state of Washington. I believe it's called Washington Apple Health. You can go into a local DSHS office.   I'm not sure what area of Seattle you are in, but here's the website: