Problems Commuting To Working Out And No Weight Loss.

Is cycling good for losing weight?

Cycling could be a great tool for weight-loss if you use the correct training techniques.I started my weight-loss journey in December 2017 with a weight of 85 kilos, by May 2018 I managed to shed 27 kilos and reach 58 kilos. I am a 5′5 guy aged 32 years.I started my journey with just using cycling for commutes. I was cycling around 20 km a day and even after 2 weeks I had lost not even a single kilo. I then had to turn to fix my diet and also start workouts at home. However, cycling did help me reduce my belly fat to a great extend and I learnt a lot of things while on this journey.You can definitely reduce weight by cycling if you try the following things. I have helped quite a few friends lose weight with cycling.You could cycle at your convenience and would need at least an hour or two daily. You could also use the cycle for your office commutes etc.Try HIIT 2–3 days a week. You could try power HIIT or Speed HIIT. Do a warm up ride for 15 - 20 minutes. Then ride at a high gear at an higher effort for 30 sec or a minute and then cycle easy on a lower gear for the same period. Repeat this cycle for 5 times. Or ride as fast as you can for 30 seconds or a minute and then cycle easy on a lower gear for the same period. Repeat this cycle for 5 times.Hill Repeats. You can choose a small hill or a climb with a gradient of 4–5% at least. Warm-up for 15–20 minutes and then hit the climb. Keep the effort constant and ride up the hill and then back down. Repeat for 4–5 times. Cool down for 15–20 minutes.High intensity sessions should be done not more than 2–3 times a week as they would leave your exhausted.Hill climbs on a high gear would also help burn a good amount of fat.If you commute then while on the return from office you could do a few extra km.Look to ride anywhere between 30–50 km a day.Keep a rest day in the week to help your body recover.There is no denying the fact that you would need to focus on your core if you start cycling. You could do planks at home 3–4 days a week. Also you would need to work on your leg muscles. Focus on doing squats, leg raises, lunges and calf raises. Here is a video on my leg workout for cyclist.Also you would need to focus on what you eat. Make a healthy choice. Eat more of protein, less of carbs. If going on a diet is not your thing then you can read this small guide on healthy food choice for Indians.

Will biking everyday make me lose weight?

kerrrry - pardon me for being very opinionated, but there is just so much wrong with both your question and at least one answer so far.

Cycling is a cardiovascular work-out which strengthens the heart, builds stamina, tones leg muscles & reduces body fat on a proportionate level all over. It will not target any one specific body area for fat reduction.

A good work-out is measured by two things. #1) Time spent on the bike & #2) Cadence. The optimal work-out will last 60 minutes plus a brief warm up & cooling off period at slower speeds, 4 to 5 days per week in conjunction with a healthy diet...not starving, but no Big Macs either. So, 1 hour & 30 minutes every day for a beginner is really pushing it.

Cadence is the rpm at which you pedal. Using light to moderate pedal pressure & shifting gears when you should, shoot for 70 to 90 rpm at all times. Watch 1st & 2nd video links below.

Carbohydrates can be one of a cyclists best friends. Carbohydrates the night before a long ride become long lasting energy the day of the ride. See & read up on "training & nutrition". 3rd link. Also "training & weight loss". If you want a calorie burned calculator, try 4th link.

The main thing is...don't quit! If at first you can't do 60 minutes, do whatever you can & build on that gradually. Don't worry about speed or distance. That will come in time.

Will I lose weight on this diet?

1/2 cup old fashioned oatmeal with a splash of almond milk and a handful of almonds + 1/2 a grapefruit

Lara bar (only 2 ingredients- cashews & dates) + tea or coffee with some cream

1/2 cup quinoa with lentils, spinach, kale, celery, and tomatoes (or whatever other veggies I have, sometimes zucchini or mushrooms) + tea

Same as lunch, just without the tea!

I'm an adult female and I'm pretty inactive so I don't need much food. I sit at a desk for 9 hours a day and spend 2 hours roundtrip in a car commuting. I do 30 minutes of yoga usually each night but that's it.

Will I lose some weight on this meal plan? I'm looking to lose 8-10 vanity pounds :)

When will commuting by bike get easier?

At your age, I would say you will start feeling better in about 2 weeks.

You're doing the right things. You've changed your diet, and you're starting to exercise. Good for you! If you don't mind me giving you some advice, I'd tell you to keep an open mind when it comes to your diet. Being a Vegan is definitely going to benefit you ~ at least for a while, but your body will eventually start needing other sources of protein. When that happens, you will need to make some adjustments.

The others here seem to be jumping all over you with advice toward making you a cyclist, but I don't think that is your goal. I think you're just trying to do some form of exercise in effort to lose weight and to improve your health.

Riding a bike 2 miles a day is definitely better than doing nothing, but you're not going to see much when it comes to results. The biggest factor in losing weight is your diet, and you've already taken a HUGE step forward when it comes to that.

The next thing you need to do is to add some forms of exercise that are designed to increase your overall strength and endurance, and that will address your body's functional movement patterns. As these things improve, your bike riding will improve.

One exercise I recommend is the Burpee. Google it and search for videos on how to do it. I suggest doing a set of Burpees for 20 seconds, then resting for 10 seconds, followed by another set for 20 seconds, and another rest period for 10 seconds, and so on and so on ~ for a total of 10 repetitions. This is only 5 minutes of exercising, but the explosive movements are going to benefit you a lot. Not only will they increase your level of fitness, but explosive movements release a human growth hormone in your body that aid in weight loss and building lean muscle mass.

Do you think working from 9am-7pm is excessive? I won't have any time for myself!?

I have an interview for this job, the only thing that worries me is that the hours are 9-7! That includes an hour of lunch but that is still 10 hours spent due to work. I don't have kids or a family or a bf so that's not an issue. The issue is that I won't have time for myself. I'll probably get home at 7:30 pm and will only have 4.5 hours to myself before I go to sleep. I will have to sleep at midnight cause I'll need to wake up at 7 in order to eat breakfast and get ready. The commute is not long (around 20 min) but I take long to do makeup in the morning so that's why I have to wake up early.

Isn't that excessive? How do I have free time for myself if I have to work 9-7pm? Are these normal working hours? I live in the U.S btw, and yes, one hour will be for lunch. But that still adds up to 10 hrs wasted daily due to work.

I won't have free time to do anything! Out of the 4.5 hours I will have free before midnight, some of that will be spent eating dinner too!

Oh, and if I want 8 hours of sleep I will need to sleep at 11 pm (since I plan on waking up at 7pm). I am one of those people who needs lots of "beauty sleep". So I will only have free time from 7:30 pm (when I get home) till 11pm at night, if I want 8 hrs of sleep!!!!!

How is this considered normal? It's hard to find a job though and this one contacted me for an interview. It's just that the hours are insane!

Do we gain weight if we eat one meal a day?

I am glad to see so many responses here, as I thought I had “discovered” this method of losing weight. I was quite a bit overweight (5′10, 245 lbs up until the last few years). Then I started playing Pickleball 6 hours a week and walking several hours a week as well and managed to get down to around 225 lbs, but couldn’t seem to go any lower. Then I began going out more and more to lunch buffets (there are several really excellent ones in Bloomington) and just “coasting” through the afternoon and evening, avoiding all snacks. I have lost steadily using this regimen and now I hover between 176 and 180. I used to eat a light breakfast (steel-cut oats or cereal and milk or half an orange, one egg and one or two pieces of toast) but I find I can do just fine without breakfast.I find several advantages to this method in addition to losing weight. I believe I have more free time due to not having to shop, prepare, or clean up after meals. What’s more, I believe the cost of the ingredients is quite close to what I would have to pay individually and the fridge never gets stuck with unused fruits, veggies, meat, or cheese.Since I am a type II diabetic I also try to avoid all fruit juices except tomato juice and I always leave dessert until last, so as to not spike my blood sugar. I also control blood sugar with Metformin after lunch and later in the afternoon and/or early evening. Not keeping any snacks in the house used to be necessary, but now I find I don’t crave them so much and the extra vitality I feel from not having to carry around all that surplus weight is a great motivator.Finally, I must mention a downside or two: 1) it’s less easy to socialize with people who want to go out for dinner rather than lunch, and 2) I have no more cushion on my butt, so sitting for long periods is not comfortable! I have started doing squats to build up my glutes.Every single person I have told about this method is “certain” they couldn’t go the long period between lunches without eating, but that has become a non-issue for me after a while on this regime. (Of course if you are hypoglycemic or have some other medical condition you shouldn’t try this type of diet without consultation with your physician)