Problems . Help Me

Could you help me solve my problem?

Siddarth nailed it!No, nobody can do that but yourself! Only you know what the problem really is, only you can look into yourself and find the answer, only you can decide if you need a specific helping hand from somebody else (but you know exactly what that is, and it’s not solving “all” your problem!), only you can take the decision to do so, for if you want to solve the problem but don’t take the decison to do so, nobody in the world can do it for you!So, look at the problem, find the solution and get going. If it doesn’t work look at the problem again and start all over, etc., etc., until your problem is solved.Remember that all thousand mile trips start with but one step…so get going and take that step!

Can you help me with these physics problems?

1. Which of the following is a vector?

A. Electric charge

B. Electric field

C. Both A and B

D. Neither A nor B

2. If the distance between two closely spaced parallel plates is halved, the electric field between them is

A. Halved

B. Becomes 1/4 as large

C. Remains the same

D. becomes 4 times as large

3. If a conductor is in electrostatic equilibrium near an electric charge

A. The total charge on the conductor must be zero

B. Any charge on the conductor must be zero

C. The force between the conductor and the charge must be zero

D. The total electric field on the conductor must be zero.

I need help with a math problem, can you help me?

P= 2W + 2L [Perimeter= 2 times width plus 2 times height]
P= 2(4.2) + 2(3.65) [= 2 times 4.2 plus 2 times 3.65]
P= 8.4 + 7.3 [= 8.4 + 7.3]
P= 15.7 inches squared

Perimeter= 15.7 square inches, or 15.7 inches squared.
Glad I could help you!

Can someone help me with these math problems?

1. $6 for 8 cans of vegetables.

$.75 per can

2. $65.85 for 3 concert tickets.

$21.95 per ticket

3. $2.59 for 10 apples

$.26 per apple

4. $75.15 for working 9 hours

$8.35 per hour

5. 36 ounces for 4.5 servings

8 ounces per serving

6. $3.29 for 1 1/2 quarts of juice.

$2.19 per quart of juice

Find the Average Speed.

1. Fly 1580 miles in 4 hours.

395 mph

2. Hike 49 miles in 3 days.

16 1/3 miles per day

3. Walk 2.1 miles in 35 min.

0.06 miles per minutes

4. Mow 3 acres in 5 hours.

0.6 acres per hour

5. Type 141 words in 3 minutes.

47 words per minute

6. Drive 72 Kilometers in 3/4 hour.

96 kilometers per hour

Write each decimal or fraction as a percent.

1. 0.029


2. 0.855


3. 1/4


4. 5/8


5. 2.38


6. 3.4


7. 7/12

58 1/3%



Math problems, please help me!?

For the first one, you multiply 23 and 30. I don't think an individual would shake hands with oneself. Then you add that to 9 AM.

If a, b, and c are supposed to be all odd, then there is no solution. a² would end up being odd as well as b². Adding two odd values will result as even. Since c has to be odd, c² has to be odd as well. And since the sum of a² and b² is even, there is no odd integer for c that can suffice.

In the third one, I am a bit confused on what the expected value would be. If you can, try and ask the questioner, if any, by what is meant. If it were just individual values of each die, then it would be equal.
If the expected value is the product of the two dies, then create a table. The products of 6 and 12 appear 4 times each.

For the fourth one, set it as a fraction. Take 10 dollars as the retail price for example.

10.00 x 1.25 = 12.50 The cost to the customer.

12.50 - 10.00 = 2.50 The profit gained

2.50/12.50 = .2

20% of the final price is profit.

Does God help us with our life problems?

This may not be the answer that you are looking for but be open to it. God is both so simple yet so complex. It simple because if you believe in God you would see evidence of that in your life and you would see that all problems have spiritual solutions. You would see that the situations you find yourself in came from God so that you can experience life as fully as possible.God is extremely complex because when something bad happens, we tend to blame God and ask why God allowed this to happen. When our limited and narrow minds begin to analyze God, we often fail and we get emotional. And this is because God is infinite and unlimited. We cannot even begin to fathom God. We just need to believe.Now to answer your question. Yes God help us with our life problems but you need to also understand that we cannot understand how God does that for the reasons just stated. Sometimes you only see God’s fingerprints in your life when you look back and realize that where you are now is a result of the design by the divine.

Math problems! Please help me!!?

If six times a certain number is added to 8, the result is 32. The number in this problem would be represented as what? The equation would be what? And the number we are looking for would be what?

Peggy had three times as many quarters as nickels. She had $1.60 in all. How many nickels and how many quarters did she have? The Variable N would be used to represent what? The equation for the problem is what? And the solution to the problem is what?

Ralph is 3 times as old as Sara. In 6 years Ralph with be only twice as old as Sara will be then. Find Ralph's age now. Ralph's age now would be represented as what? The equation for solving this problem is what? and Ralph's age is what?

Find two consecutive integers whose sum is 67. The larger integer should be represented as what? The integers are what?

The first side of a triangle measures 5 inches less than the second side. The third side is 3 inches more than the first side, and the perimeter is 17 inches. How long is each side?

Can someone help me with a maths problems??

Since GOAL = 6973 therefore
G = 6
O = 9
A = 7
L = 3

SUBSTITUTE these values into the equation

F99T + B733 = 67ME

Show each digit as the SUM and remember you may have to carry a 1 if the sum is > 9.

3, 6, 7, 9 are already taken

F 9 9 T === FOOT
B 7 3 3 === BALL
-------- === ---------
67ME === GAME

SHOW game as a sum of each digit
67ME = (F+B+1)(9+7+1)(9+3+(1?))(T+3)

6 = F + B +1
F +B = 5

7 = 9 + 7 +1 TRUE statement

M = 9 + 3 + (1?)
M has to be 2 since 9+3 can't have a carry over or it would be 3 and 3 is already taken

E = T + 3
E is >3, E has to be < 7 so there won't be a carry over to the M, 6 and 7 are already taken,
E is either 4 or 5
T = 1 (2 is already taken, see above M=2)
E = 4

1 = T
2 = M
3 = L
4 = E
5 =
6 = G
7 = A
8 =
9 = O
0 =

F + B = 5 One of them would have to be 0 and the other 5, which leave 8 as the only other digit that is left over

0 = B or F
1 = T
2 = M
3 = L
4 = E
5 = F or B
6 = G
7 = A
8 =
9 = O


CHECK let F=0 and B=5 (the other way works too)
If GOAL = 6792
0991 + 5733 = 6724
6724 = 6724 It check out correctly