Protagonist And Antagonist

Can the protagonist and antagonist be the same person?

Yes, but it is a matter of viewer perspective. Some recent examples of this are “The Sopranos” “Sons of Anarchy” and “Dexter”.Dexter was a serial killer, but he was “programmed” by his adoptive father to kill only other serial killers. So, he was the hero killing the dragons……but he was also still a dragon!And, while I don’t want to spoil it for you if you haven’t watched it, I think most people who were into the show knew that it wouldn’t end well for him or those close to him……and it didn’t!

Who is the protagonist and antagonist?

In the most basic sense, the protaganist is the good guy and the antagonist is the bad guy. It can be more complicated but that is where you start! I hope that helps!

Is Macbeth the protagonist or Antagonist?

i know what they mean! I'm saying..I think he's both too, but i can't say both it's one or the other. i thought he was the protagonist at the beginning, but not at the end.

Can the main protagonist of my novel also be the antagonist?

Yes, definitely! If done well, it can make the story more interesting. Here are a few ways you can do it:Make it a battle inside the main character. Maybe he is trying to be a good person and that is what the story is about.Make the character very complicated. Characters can be multi faceted! Mc (main character) could be bad, but still have good intentions. This will cause the reader to become more invested in mc, wanting to know if he is good or bad.You don't have to root for the main character. You can be absolutely horrified by what he does at some points, because that often causes more suspense.Remember that any character can be the main character. They don't always have to be the protagonist. Try taking a story then switching the perspective, you'd be surprised by how different it can be.The mc also does not always have to have the same perspective as the reader.Best of luck!Natalie

What is the difference between a protagonist and an antagonist?

The protagonist is the leading character, often the hero but not always. The protagonist doesn’t have to be, but usually is the good guy. Sam Spade is the protagonist in The Maltese Falcon, yet he is grizzled and morally ambiguous.The antagonist is the character that works against the protagonist. Sometimes the antagonist is the bad guy or villian, but that isn’t necessary to being the antagonist.

The difference between antagonist/protagonist? the traditional definition there is always a character in the narration/plot who is alone and is most of the time "the good guy". S/He is the one the reader sympathizes with. Then this character is engaged in some action. He may undergo some quests (like Huckleberry Finn) or may get involved in some mystery solving (like Sherlock Holmes). S/He is the CENTER OF ATTENTION of the narrative and is called the protagonist.
Now, our protagonist will undoubtedly encounter some hardships, obstacles, difficulties on his way. These hindrances may comprise other human beings, social institutions or even the natural world. These forces that are against the protagonist are called the antagonist(s)-the bad guys.

This was the traditional/classical definition.

Now, in (post-)modern literature the antagonist is not out there. It is inside. therefore the action of the narrative is not outer action like that of a police-against- gangster model. It is inner. Like in The Sound and the Fury by William Faulkner, like Ulysses by James Joyce.
In that case, the protagonist and the antagonist are one and the same person. A human being who encounters himself and the fruit of this encounter will be SELF-KNOWLEDGE.

What are the differences between the antagonist and the protagonist? What are their similarities?

Hiya;Protagonist: Okay, so first of all lets talk about the Protagonist. The protagonist is always the leading character in a story: be that film, play, novel or poem. It can also be one of the main characters if there are multiple ones and not just the one. It can also be the leader or principal person in a movement — this being the reason why the title “protagonist” is given to the main character in a story. The origin of the word Protagonist came from Ancient Greece: it was given to the person who played not only the main role during plays; but also played the other roles when the main character was offstage. The word protagonist can also be applied to real life as well; not just stories.Examples would be any main character from your films, novels etc. It gets rather messy when you talk about a film who has dozens of main characters: such as Lord of the Rings or The Hobbit; as you’d class all of the group members as protagonists but sometimes there is clearly characters who are the main soul of the films: these would be classed as the main protagonist IF you can find on with a higher standing than the others.Antagonist: The Antagonist however is always the person(s) who actively opposes or is hostile towards the protagonist(s) in most story plot-lines. Again the word originates from Greece but also from late Roman times. Same as protagonist, the word antagonist can be applied to real life situations such as sports etc. when there is an opponent. Again, the antagonist can also be a group of people; but again the character who has a larger role to play is classed as the main antagonist.Examples would be the “villains” in your stories etc. I’ll try to show you some examples of the two together that I hope you’ll recognise =D:Harry Potter & co. VS VoldemortLuke Skywalker VS Darth VaderMickey Mouse VS ChernabogRobin Hood (as played by Jason Connery) (p), 2) Guy of Gisborne (a) 3) The Merry Men / Marian (and Robin played by Michael Praed) (p) 4) Sheriff of Nottingham (a).There are LOADS more: but I’m pretty sure you need no more examples =D I hope this helped answer your question =D