Protestant Reformation Scientific Revolution Enlightenment

How is the scientific revolution related to the enlightenment?

To quote Wikipedia:The principal goals of Enlightenment thinkers were liberty, progress, reason, tolerance, fraternity, and ending the abuses of the church and state.while The Scientific Revolution:... refers to historical changes in thought & belief, to changes in social & institutional organization, that unfolded in Europe between roughly 1550-1700; beginning with Nicholas Copernicus (1473-1543), who asserted a heliocentric (sun-centered) cosmos, it ended with Isaac Newton (1642-1727), who proposed universal laws and a Mechanical Universe.Essentially the Scientific Revolution contributed to the progress, reason, and fraternal aspects of the Enlightenment. Through providing the philosophical tools necessary to debunk long held superstitious / religious beliefs, producing a secular body of reasoned work, and by creating a network of fraternal Scientific Societies, who not only collaborated in theoretical fields, but in the application of the new discoveries to practical and commercial purposes eg. the later Lunar Society of Birmingham.

Need these in order: Renaissance, Protestant Reformation, Scientific Revolution, Enlightenment,?

The Renaissance,Scientific Revolution,and Enkightenment were intellectual and cultural movements,NOT historical events or time periods.

Renaissance - anytime from 1290-1640s,depending on which kind of historian you talk to (art historian,military historian,and so on).

Protestant Reformation began in 1517.

Scientific Revolution 1543-late 18th century.

The Enlightenment - began between 1650 and 1700,and continued until late 18th/early 19th centuries.

So,because these are NOT historical periods or events (accept for the Reformation) but cultural and intellectual movements,there is no general agreement amongst the majority of historians for their starting and end dates.Thus the things you are asking about often overlap in terms of when they were going on.

How did the Protestant Reformation influence the Scientific Revolution?

Before the Protestant Reformation, the Roman Catholic Church was the ultimate authority regarding all thought and it was considered infallible. When Martin Luther questioned the authority of the church it cast doubts on its infallibility. This paved the way for alternative thinking.

Renaissance, The Enlightenment, Reformation, and Scientific Revolution connections?

The connection is that two came first: Renaissance and Reformation. Then the next two happened, Enlightenment and Scientific Revolution. They did not occur same time, some parts of Europe were slower than others.

Changes came fastest in England and Germany, slower in Spain and Italy. France was sort of inbetween.

The Renaissance and Reformation happened in Europe between 1450 and 1600 or so.
It was caused by a breakdown in control by the Catholic Church, which controlled not only Kings, but learning in important educational centers.

When anyone went against Catholic dogma, or ideas, or offended the Pope, it often meant they'd be accused of heresay, even death.

Only when people found "protectors", or supporters could they begin to think about science, and make improvements

For example, for nearly a thousand years, no paintings could be made of anything, that did not have a religious image. Painters had to honor God, with their gifts. When wealthy merchants wanted their own portraits painted, it was taking a great risk.

For a long time, the Earth was considered to be the center of the Universe. When Copernicus and others showed that it wasn't, they were accused of heresy, killed, or imprisoned, their writings banned.

Eventually, after several religious wars, and the Protestant Revolution, (Called the Reformation) THEN the Enligtenment and Scientific Revolution came about.

Still today, some churches and fundamentalists still challenge many ideas like evolution, for example, even though it's been 150 years since Darwin wrote his "Origin of the Species".

I'd suggest you start your essay from the present. Explaining how many ideas (like I suggested above) were once either unknown, or illegal to think about or teach.

Then explain key people of the Enlightenment, and Renaissance, that contributed to the Scientific Revolution.

Compare the impact of the Protestant Reformation &Scientific Revolution.?

the protestant reformation led to a lot of deaths on religious grounds.
the scientific revolution led to the creation of weapons of mass destruction. BUT it did also lead to many advances in medicine, health care, water treatment etc

Renaissance and Reformation VS. Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment, which had a bigger impact?

I think the latter did. The renaissance and reformation made the outlook more worldly and changed christianity but the enlightenment and scientific revolution went much farther. The latter changed our view of our place in the universe, they competed more with christianity. The scientific revolution and enlightenment changed not just government but paved the way for sweeping ideological and economic change.

Did the Renaissance, Reformation, Scientific Revolution, and Enlightenment overlap each other?

Of course you have overlapping dates. Big aeras and megatrends in history often did not start with a certain event. Its not like "okay today is janurary 1st, 1500 so now we have renaissance and yesterday it was the middle ages".

Why did the scientific revolution and the enlightenment happen in the West and not anywhere in the rest of the world?

Because of the Reformation, which generated separation of Church and State. Catholic countries, where that separation never took place, lagged behind, as did the Ottoman Empire, since Islam has also never had a reformation separating state from mosque. The countries that pulled ahead were England, Holland and Sweden, all Protestant, and FRance after the REvolution, which underwent expedited secularization.

Would the scientific revolution have happened without the Protestant Reformation?

Let’s look at a timeline:Modern capitalism started during the Middle Ages - historically, during the High Middle Ages - around the 11th century.The Renaissance started in Italy in the 14th century.The scientific revolution started in the 15th century.The Protestant Reformation started in Germany in the 16th century.The industrial revolution started in the 19th century.Modern capitalism had it’s roots in the middle ages - hundreds of years before the Protestant Reformation. The so-called “Protestant work ethic” had nothing at all to do with it, nor is it even really a “thing.”The Renaissance and the scientific revolution started well before the Protestant revolution as well.The industrial revolution was centered around industry, not religion. While it did begin in earnest 300 years after the Protestant revolution, the Protestant revolution was about religion, not industry.Weber’s thesis is wrong.

When will Islam go through its reformation and enlightenment?

How do you know it hasn’t started already?http://www.quilliamfoundation.or...Quilliam is fighting extremist narratives in Britain now.Our Western Enlightenment was triggered by the introduction of Greek Knowledge to the West by Muslims. Which triggered a scientific revolution.The Middle East is going through its own scientific revolution. They will have to confront those who teach the earth is flat and sun orbits the Earth.The United Arab Emirates' mission to Mars - BBC NewsUAE: First Arab-made satellite to be launched in 2017I’ve heard interesting things about this one. It has ham radio equipment on it. Unfortunately American Hams won’t hit it because it will be GEO-Stationary and on the other side of the world. If the world was flat we could.The current problems with Islam are social-political and those issue need to be dealt with. And the West needs to take long look at how we encourage things that are really not in our interest. Such as the current regimes in Sadia Arabia and Egypt which do not reflect our values.