Ps4 Vs Xbox One Fanboys Vs Pc Elitist Are A You Tired Of Them

Why are PC owners always mean to us console players?

That's quite a generalization.I own both a console and a mid-range gaming PC. The reason I have both is because I got tired of paying more money for games when I could be saving money for the same games on PC (thanks to Steam sales and other special offers). Not to mention online play on PC is free 99% of the time (exceptions like World of Warcraft).My console is now used mainly for the exclusive titles. I'm able to enjoy the best of both worlds. I really don't care about graphics that much either as long as the story is awesome (one of the reasons I have a GTX 1060 rather than anything better in my PC… that and I barely clear “poor” status, but am slowly saving up for an upgrade).I've only had my PC for about a year. Before that I was a console gamer (Atari 2600, NES, SNES, N64, PS2, PS3, PSP, PS4), so I know the trials and tribulations console gamers have gone through, but PC gaming really is the way to go if at all possible.Each have their market and their share of fanboys/fangirls. True gamers will focus on the games rather than the hardware used to play said games, but like someone already mentioned, those who give the rest of us a bad rap tend to be louder and more attention grabbing than those of us who merely enjoy gaming.