Ps4 Vs Xbox One Which Is Better

Which is better PS4 or Xbox 360?

It's probably worth clarifying: do you mean an Xbox One? The PS4 is a new console, the 360 is nearly a decade old, so comparing the two is pretty difficult. So, I'm going to give you a double answer here - one for the question you've written, and one assuming that you meant the newer, more comparable console. Xbox One vs PS4: This is a bit of a poser. The two new consoles on the market are pretty similar in terms of hardware, although at the moment it seems like the PS4 has the edge when it comes to power. They've both had a few issues in terms of user experience, but it's likely they'll get that stuff ironed out over the next couple of years. The PS4 also has a bigger install base right now, and probably will continue to do so, which means developers will likely take the PS4 as their primary version. However, that will make less of a difference these days than it did with previous generations - the architecture is much more similar, meaning those kinds of porting issues are likely to be greatly diminished. Nevertheless, those two factors mean that games are likely to look a little better on PS4, and maybe run a little smoother. But the difference will be quite small, and if you really care about having the best graphics, you should be looking at playing on PC. So really, here, you're looking at the exclusives. There, I'm afraid I can't be much help - you'll have to look at the games lineup and say which of them you prefer.  X360 vs PS4: This is a very different question. The 360 is a very old console now, and is certainly showing its age. Fewer and fewer new games are hitting the market, and the ones that are tend to be increasingly lazy ports of current gen consoles that are, in many cases, missing significant functionality. However, if you've been out of the games market for a while, the 360 is *full* of awesome games. If you don't mind them looking a bit dated compared to current consoles, the 360 has quite possibly the best game catalogue of any console, and most of them are dirt cheap these days, especially if you don't mind buying second hand. So, while the games platform doesn't really compare, there's still a great deal of fantastic entertainment to be had from a 360, if you're a little strapped for cash and don't mind playing games that are a little dated by today's standards.

What's better, ps4 or xbox one?

hi, the PS4 is a GAME SYSTEM it is made primarily for games. if successful Sony will stop making games for the PS3 and focus on PS4.

the Xbox One is an all in one system (hence the name :) ) it is made to replace everything from your DVD to your WII. even if successful the Xbox 360 will still have games being made.

the main difference is the price, it is 100 euro cheaper for a PS4 than a Xbox 1. also online is free on a PS4 not on the Xbox 1. you do have to sign in once a day (or once when you get the console, info changes) to the internet to make sure you are registered and that costs money from what i know. also the CIA can spy on you from the cam in the kinect set, unlikely but we nevr though tthey were stealing are messages either. (read 1984, cliff notes or wiki page haha and you will see what i mean.)

personally i would prefer the PS4 (although as usual Xbox is making better games but not as many,) mainly for the price difference.

bottom line if you want a game system go for the PS4 if you want a system to replace everything in your house with one nifty little machine go Xbox 1. hope this helps.

Ps4 vs Xbox One?

Both niga ***** homie!!!!!!!!!!

Wii U vs PS4 vs Xbox One?

The Wii U is definitely the way to go. Nintendo may not be able to keep up with Sony and Microsoft when it comes to the hardware for their consoles, but when it comes to creativity, they're on top of their game. A second screen on the controller so you can continue playing if someone wants to watch TV? That's definitely a first for gaming company like Nintendo. The PS4 is pretty good too, but overpriced compared to the Wii's successor. However, despite this small flaw, Sony will definitely rake in cash, especially with the games they have on their console. I'm positive Sony won't let their fans down. The Xbox One, however, is just a laughingstock. Mandatory online requirements? Spycam Kinect? Fees for used games? AND it's $499 PLUS tax? It's just not worth it. Microsoft has seriously messed up, and if they don't get it together by November, the Spybox One is going to fail miserably, and their fans will just stick with their 360s instead of wasting a fortune on what looks like a cable box. I don't mean to bring hate to the Xbox One, but it's absolutely absurd how Microsoft could simply strip all of what made the 360 a huge success and create what appears to be a downgraded cable box, which despite its intended flashy visual prowess, looks more like a downgrade to the ORIGINAL Xbox.

Do Xbox One games have better graphics than PS4 games?

I am an Xbox addict, but I try to approach all of these Xbox vs. PS4 questions with a level head and an unbiased nature. To answer your question in one word: no. The Xbox One's architecture is more complicated and the hardware less powerful than the PS4. I believe that these are the reasons why so many developers are having such a difficult time cranking up resolution and graphics quality on the xbox and yet it seems easy as pie to accomplish on the ps4. That being said, there are two things I would like to point out (maybe a bit biased):1. The differences in graphical quality and display resolution is not nearly as important as the headlines would have you believe. Resolutiongate? Hardly. On most TV screens, the difference between a 900p game on an Xbox and the same 1080p game on PS4 is barely perceptible and certainly doesn't impact the gaming experience in any meaningful way. As far as framerates are concerned, many have said that games often perform better on the Xbox One. One reviewer (can't recall who) said that in his comparison of Watchdogs (I believe) on both consoles, the lower resolution on the Xbox One actually worked in its favor as it never dropped below 30fps, but the PS4 version would sometimes drop to single digits! Something to think about.2. It will only get better with time. As developers learn more and more about the architecture and how to utilize the system to best suit their needs, then graphics, resolution, etc... are only going to improve. Microsoft has taken great strides in helping developers recently in that area. Freeing up 10% of GPU power by not making the Kinect sensor mandatory is just the start. I think things are going to change somewhat dramatically when DX12 is released next year.All of that said, I don't know if Xbox will ever fully catch up with PS4 in terms of visual quality. It's definitely possible, especially with the recent improvements, but I can't say for sure. Still, that shouldn't hamper your enjoyment of what for me is the clearly superior console, the Xbox One. I hope this has answered your question.