Psychology Question Can You Help Me

Can You help me with my psychology question?

Let me give you some pointers that may help you answer the question.

First, it would be helpful to define exactly what each of the different perspectives focuses on/studies. For instance, if you were considering the behaviourist perspective, you would start by defining what behaviourism is and what that perspective focuses on (i.e. that human behaviour is based on conditioning). Then perhaps you could say that Jamie gets many positive responses when he tells people he wants to be a doctor (rewarding his decision) which influences him.

Can you help with psychology questions?

I would answer C can be dangerous if done unthinkingly. Once you associate yourself with one group you automatically are giving the assumption that you agree with all there views.

Can you help me with this psychology question?

the answer is probably at the end of the chapter, or else is in the writing within the chapter. Sounds to me like one of those questions where you eliminate the ones that don't work, then look up the others in the dictionary and make determination from that.

I can tell you what it's not but I don't understand the rest. It's NOT dream interpretation, it's not biomedical therapies, it's not psychoneurolwhatever. See psychology/psychologists don't have anything to do with dreams, or bio or medical as they aren't doctors.

Psychology Question, Can You Help Me ? ?

its axons since the axon part is the one myelinated..

Psychology Question Kids and sugar HELP!?

Can someone help me with this please dont tell me to do this myself because i wouldnt be asking for help if i knew the answer so PLEASE HELP ME

You want to do research on how sugar affects attention in small children. Compare and contrast how this could be studied using the experimental and survey method. Make sure that you explain the appropriate parts as you set it up. Which method do you think would be better to use and why?

Can someone help me with survey questions for my Psychology class?

I need to write twenty questions for my Psychology class such as;
1)What was your first car?
2)When did you go on your first date?
3)Where did you grow up?

Can you guys help me come up with some good Survey questions for my class? Thanks in advance!

I will need to eventually need to use these questions in an actual survey XD

Can you help me answer these questions in Psychology?

Im a bit behind in my psychology class, and when i did this assignment the first time i totally bombed it. im not grasping the concept, would anyone like to help me, or explain it a little better?

Pavlov rang a bell before putting food into a dog’s mouth. After a number of trials of hearing a bell paired with the food, the dog salivated at the sound of the bell alone.

____Salivation to the bell
____Salivation to the food

People receiving chemotherapy often vomit during or shortly after the procedure. After several chemotherapy sessions, they begin feeling sick as soon as they enter the treatment room.

____Treatment Room
____Feeling sick because of the chemo
____Feeling sick because of the treatment room


Eating Mom’s wonderful cookies always makes your mouth water. (If you get any before your siblings gobble them up.) To guarantee you get to eat the cookies, you can hide them in your zippered duffle bag in your closet. Now, just the sound of unzipping the duffle bag makes your mouth water.

____Mouth watering because of cookies.
____Mouth watering because of zipper sound.
____Zipper sound.


While you were taking your first shower in the dorms, someone flushed a nearby toilet. Your comfortable shower turned to scalding hot water so you jumped out of the stream of water. Now whenever you hear a flush while you are showering, you jump out of the way.

____Hot water
____Toilet Flush
____Jumping because of Hot Water
____Jumping because of toilet flush


Jacob cried after receiving a painful vaccination from a nurse in a white jacket. The next week his mother couldn’t understand why he burst out into tears when the barber (in a white jacket) welcomed them to his shop.

____White jacket
____Crying because of the vaccination
____Crying because of the white jacket


This psychology question has me stumped. Can you help me?

that's stated that fears can impress stress. A phobia is an apprehension of something. yet, in the DSM, having a particular phobia is assessed as stress. What precisely is the version between worry and stress in the two words of psychological and physiological states? it particularly is a exciting one. It takes some thought to reach on the main suitable answer. even in the adventure that your instructor would desire to arise with an answer, it is going to take her awhile. you could desire to stump her in this one.

2 Psychology Question Please Help Me Answer 10pts for help?

1. You can do a few things - you can have a talk with the person about why they're treating you that way. Or you can choose to ignore the way they're treating you, and treat everyone equally. Or you can just try to avoid that person. Personally I suggest if they're an open, intelligent person that you have a talk with them.

2. Write a list of things you're grateful for about YOURSELF. Basically write a list of things about yourself that are very admirable and great. Whenever you feel down, just think about those things. That will definitely make you feel better.

Please help me with a couple psychology questions?

I'm afraid I have not studied psychology, so I can't tell you the answers, but just in case it turns out that no one else here can help you either, it would be a good idea to look up some of those specialized terms in the index of your textbook. Jot down the page numbers given and check them. You will probably find that the term in question is defined somewhere and even an example of it is given.

Another thing you could do is to search the terms on Google. For a definition, all you need to do is type "define:X" in the search window and hit Enter. Of course, "X" stands for whatever word you want defined. It doesn't matter if you put a space after the colon or not.

For some of the things in your list, you need more than a definition. When I googled Victoria Molfese, about the 5th item down on the answer page mentioned a paper written by her and others, entitled "Effects of Environmental Measures on Intelligence in Young Children," so it seems likely that "b" is the correct answer to #6. Use Google and your imagination and do a bit of reasoning and go for it!