Pus Pocket Next To Ear Piercing

Pus pocket inside my monroe piercing..?

Popping it will just mean a scar, and it probably would have added to the infection. Infections are relatively easy to get rid of, but they really should be treated from the get-go. The longer they're left, the harder they are to get rid of.

You have two options here. You can either go to your piercer and have them make an accurate assesment on what is going on, or you can try to combat the infection yourself.

To do that, you need sea salt, cotton balls or gauze, alcohol-free mouthwash, pure chamomile tea bags and some aloe vera.

You'll need to do a saline soak twice a day. Mix 1/3tsp sea salt to 1 cup boiled and cooled water, and use cotton balls or gauze to gently soak the outside of the piercing, wiping away any crusties or pus. Saline will flush out any gunk and kill off the bad bacteria, while keeping the good stuff. It also soothes and promotes healthy healing. You can gargle the rest of the saline when you're done.

You should rinse your mouth out with the mouthwash after meals. Choose one that has no alcohol in it, as alcohol can be cytotoxic to piercings and will dry it right out.

In the evenings, brew a cup of chamomile tea. Use the tea bag once it has cooled to gently press against your piercing. Some people find chamomile soaks to be tedious but I think they're great and do them with all my piercings. Before bed, dab a little aloe vera to the outside of the piercing.

This should clear up the infection after a few days to a week, but if it doesn't you will definitely have to resort to seeing a piercer. Goodluck!

Weird clot on my ear piercing?

So i got my ear pierced about ten days ago ( not really ' pierced ' like the cartillage but only the soft part ) i had 2 holes before but they were too high-placed so i wanted to correct it, the woman who did the piercing told me i can take off the medical earrings after ten days or so, so i decided to take it out now,i had some problems taking it off but i did it.. and now when i touch my ear there is something like a ball inside, it doesn't hurt me that much, only if i press it.. but it feels weird, why is it there, and how can i make it go away? thanks

Ear piercing help, urgent!?

I got my ears pierced on monday, and whenever I turn them they stick for a few seconds and then turn fine. and then after I leave them for a few minutes they've stuck again. and i'm frightened to go to sleep, because that would be leaving them for hours and that would make it stick even more and I don't want that because I wouldn't be able to turn them without it hurting even more. I dunno what to do, it's late at night, it's only me and my brother up so I can't make any noise or boil anything with salt(what type do I need anyway?) so I just need help of what to do so it won't stick =/ I just turned them and they had stuck about, and the last time I had turned them was a few minutes ago.

Pus nd blood came out of my ear lobe piercing, nd small lil bump in back of hole any ideas what and why?

a lot of mine have done that (i have 11 ear piercings on total) and its basically a bacterial pocket, so you basically caught the earring, probably in your sleep, and a very small tear (you probably cant see it) had happened, but bacteria-probably from your hair and hand and they're in contact with ears a lot, has gotten into the tear and caused a small infection

they're not difficult to get id of, and its nothing serious

you need sea salt-not table, and hot water, squeeze as much of the pus as out, and then bathe 3 times a day in the salty solution (1/2 a tea spoon in a shot of hot water) this kills the infection and helps to heal it

to take down the lump (it might be Hypertrophic scarring, which is similar to a keliod only it only appears where the piercing is and doesn't Develop further away from it and they can also be ridden of easily
Use a chamomile tea bag and water and put it on the lump every day, this soothes the lump and takes it down

try to keep your hair out the way of your earrings and remember it actually takes a full year for the ear piercings to heal completely

all the best xxx

Pus filled bump next to cartilage piercing after two months?

Hydrogen peroxide bubbling is not indicative of infection. H2O2 bubbles in the presence of an enzyme called catalase, which is present in body fluids and cells. Any cut will bubble if you put H2O2 on it whether bacteria are present or not.

If your skin isn't broken, and it sounds like it's not, it won't bubble. Pus, by definition, is not clear.

H2O2 is not a good antiseptic. It is good for cleaning a wound, but for killing bacteria and other germs, you should use an antiseptic such as rubbing alcohol or betadine. Of those two, I would recommend alcohol because it will help to dry the wound out.

This is what I would do - run water until it is as hot as you can possibly stand without burning your skin. Soak a clean washcloth in the water and apply it to the pus area. This will open the pores and help bring the pus to the surface. Hold it there until the washcloth cools, then soak it in hot water again and repeat. Do this several times.

If the pore opens up and the pus begins to come out, GENTLY squeeze (no fingernails!). Then, use the hot water a few more times and slather with triple antibiotic ointment.

If the pore doesn't open up, apply alcohol. Allow the alcohol to dry, then apply it again. Repeat a few times. Continue to use the hot water compress a few times a day and the alcohol afterward until the pus either goes away or the wound opens up (in which case, go with the triple antibiotic ointment as above).

And before you do any of this, remove your piercing and clean it very well with alcohol.

How to treat an infected ear piercing?

I pierced my ear myself in the cartilage area a few days ago. I'm almost positive it's infected and I don't know how to treat it. My parents don't know I did this so please don't say tell them or go to a doctor. Just tell me things to do that will definetly get the infection out. Thanks

How do i get rid of a bubble on my ear from my piercing?

i got a fluid filled bubble next to my industrial piercing...about 9 months after getting pierced. it just got irritated and fluid started getting stuck. What i did to get rid of this was soak my ear in hot sea salt water for a few minutes to soften the piercing, then i took out the jewelry and used a q-tip to gently push out the gunk. there was a little blood and white pus. i kept cleaning it until it stopped oozing and then i put the jewelry back in. i had to do this every night for maybe 3 days and after a week i could not tell it was ever there. i was so worried the bump wasn't going to go away but it did. maybe a month later my piercing was finally fully healed.

What should I do if my lip piercing is swollen?

Lip piercings are prone to infection.The first thing you should do—but only if you can see both the front and back of whatever piece of jewelry or appliance you have in there—is to remove your jewelry or appliance.If the lip continues to swell, the tissue can actually grow over or envelop the ends—especially the one in your mouth, making it very difficult to remove later. A surgical removal is sometimes all that's possible, if that happens.If any pus or other material drains from the holes, allow it to flow freely. Don't stop it. Use warm compresses to help draw out the infection, and do warm salt water swish and spits.All that said, this is your face! Please see a doctor right away. If your piercing is infected—and it may be, even if you don't see pus, you will need antibiotics. Sometimes a pus pocket forms more deeply, and this would need to be lanced for healing to begin.It could even be an infected tooth that's causing the swelling. The same care and advice apply.This is why it's important that you see a doctor for a full evaluation and proper treatment right away. Diagnosing something like this properly online is not possible.

Pus bubble on top of my industrial piercing. what does it mean?

I got my industrial done just about a month and a half ago. After i got it done, i was cleaning it everyday with soap that the piercer suggested to use, anti bacterial soap. they said it was the best thing to use.

Just recently i noticed a small bubble on top of the lower hole, the thickest part of my ear. It looks like it is filled with pus that leaks out occasionally and dries crusty on the bar. idk what to think of that and it scares me. A LOT. :( when i accidently touch it, it hurts. idk if i should clean it again with the bubble or just leave it alone....

I have done some research and its hard to tell what it could possibly be. Some say that it could just be pressure from sleeping on it while others, say that its infected. i love my piercing and i want to keep it. but i am stuck right now.

Any suggestions or experiences that you might have had that are similar, would be greatly appreciated!! i am at a loss right now and i dont want to lose my piercing... or destroy my ear. HELP!