Python . Help Me With This Starter Error

Help with JAVA homework!!?

Your instructions have:

* Space after "is" and before the value of first
* Space after the value of first and before "second"
* Space on each side of "=" between second and the value of second

Here it is with the spaces you're missing changed to underscores:

System.out.println("first is_" + first + "_second_=_" + second);

Are ball pythons easy to take care of???

do lots of research!! i'll list a few good sites to use or at least start with in sources sect. but in my opinion i do believe they are relatively easy and a starter snake, they can sometimes be finicky eaters but this is usually a trait of wild caught balls, so if you choose to get one look in your local area for a reputable pet shop that specializes in reptiles not only will they sell you a healthy snake but will be able to answer any questions correctly. if you dont have one locally check online with or
good luck and happy herping