Question About Food Poisoning

Food poisoning question!!! help!!?

Any poisons are already processed it is to late to vomit them.

Google 'Pho Soup' and get yourself a nice bowl at the best rated place close to your house.

If at any point your symptoms start to increase or stop improving go to urgent care.

Do I have food poisoning?

Shorty after eating pizza (around 30-45 minutes) last night I was having very bad stomach cramps for a period of 20 minutes. Now this morning I have an upset stomach. I have had no fever, vomiting, or dehydration.

Food poisoning?

Yep, that's probably food poisoning. Don't eat for about a day, (this will probably upset your stomach and I doubt you're too hungry right now).

Also, very important, get some water, electrolyte water/juice, or gatorade. Take very small sips, often. If you drink too much at once, all the liquid entering your stomach will upset it and will make you throw up. Take your temperature and lay low, you may throw up to get the poisoned food out of your stomach, just stay calm and keep sipping liquid.

Sickness question? Food poisoning/toxic shock?

I woke up to a tummy ache, and farted a little. Not feeling better, I went to the bathroom. I got pretty nauseous, but no throw up, however I felt a hot and cold fire on my head/neck/arms. I was sweating, and my poo came out liquid. I had a rushing sound in my ears, so I could barely hear. But the more I pooped, I felt instantly a little better. So I went back to bed, woke up an hour later to poop more, and I feel a little better. Thirsty, so I'm drinking water. To eat, yesterday I had BK for breakfast, a yogurt (yoplait, it tasted fine, so I don't think it's expired. ), three dumdums that have been sitting for years, also tasted fine. And for a really late dinner I had uncrustables sandwiches. As for toxic shock suspicions, I had a tampon in all night because I have a yeast infection and I didn't want it to get on undies/other areas of my vagina.

What would you do if you feel food poisoning coming on?

"Food poisoning" is a vast array of problems, and you really can't know which one it is without a doctor. It could be bacterial, viral, parasitic, or toxic. Without knowing the cause, it's impossible to know how to treat it.Activated charcoal is unlikely to help. It's useful only in a limited set of cases, most of which aren't common in food poisoning.If all you're feeling is queasy, the odds are you'll end up just having to wait it out. You can take over-the-counter drugs to minimize the symptoms (antidiarrheals, painkillers, etc), while your body deals with the real cause. However, if the symptoms get bad (fever, intense pain, extreme nausea, dizziness, confusion, blood, etc) call a doctor immediately. If it lasts more than 24 hours, again, see a doctor.You should also call the local board of health and the restaurant to let them know that there's a problem. Other people could be sickened by the same thing and they need to stop serving it ASAP.

What relation does oral sex have on food poisoning?

first of all, food poinsoning is from eating a contaminated food. Hopefully you are not taking bites from down there. So to change the question to can you get sick or "poisoning" from performing oral sex on someone?

In reality...if someone wasn't clean enough you could. feces ect. from the area could cause illness. Lets hope that you never come across someone with hygeine issues to that degree.

I would actually worry more about the bacteria in someone's mouth....and really chalk it up to no...permorming oral sex should not give your body any kind of "poinsoning".

How long does it take for food poisoning (salmonella) to make you sick?

Sorry to say, every one of the 23 answers so far is wrong because SALMONELLA DOES NOT CAUSE FOOD POISONING. It will make you sick, alright, but that is through INFECTION, not through the ingestion of a preformed toxin, which is what FOOD POISONING is.

Why is the difference important? Because food posoning requires you to flush out the offending TOXIN, not the germs which cause it. INFECTION, on the other hand, needs your immune system, competition form other flora, and intestinal peristalsis to remove it, and can lead to other infections of blood, gall bladder, or even your heart.

Amazingly, several people answered this question with a good citation which told them this, but they did not even read the source.

Now, as to how long after ingestion of Salmonella you can get sick: the BEGINNING of symptoms is usually within 48 hours, but it may be as long as 72 hours. How long it takes depends upon the number of bacteria which you accidentally ingest (eat): if the numbero f bacteria is small, you may have a longer "incubation period"- the time between your contact with the germ and the beginning of illness.

The second source tells the interesting story of how this is known- at a medical convention in Wales, Salmonella contaminated chicken was served. The doctors who gorged themselves on the chicken (ate 2 or more pieces) had shorter incubation periods, more fever, and worse diarrhea than the doctors who ate only one piece. Vegetarian doctors did not get ill.

You may stay ill for another 4 days if you have uncomplicated infection of the intestines, but if infection spreads to the blood (which is called enteric fever, or typoid fever) you may be ill for 10 more days.

Does food poisoning cause a fever?

Let me clarify the vague meaning of the word” Food Poisoning “ in your question , then I will answer to your question more scientifically. [ Ref: RAY and BHUNIA: Fundamental Food Microbiology; 5 th Ed; Taylor and Francis.Scientifically “Food Poisoning “ is a nonspecific term. The word conveys the understanding that some problems in the gastrointestinal tract caused by/through food.Gastrointestinal problems can occur from: Pathogenic enteric bacteria, pathogenic enteric virus,pathogenic enteric protozoa, intestinal worms, toxic chemicals, and food allergic reactions. [I am presuming , your question is specifically about the gastric problems associated with the pathogenic enteric bacteria and virus.The pathogenic enteric bacteria and virus can cause: Foodborne intoxication, Foodborne infection, and foodborne toxico-infection, through contaminated foods and water.Although many symptoms are common ( like notia and vomiting, abdominal cramp, diarrhea, etc.) some symptoms are very specific.To answer to your question specifically: Only Foodborne ( and water borne) infections will cause fever, since the causative pathogens set up infection of the GI tract. Some common enteric pathogens are: Salmonella species, Shigella species, Infective Escherichia coli strains, Hepatitis virus, norovirus, etc.You may get more information from the book referred above.

Food poisoning from Burger King....Can I sue?

My mom purchased a chicken sandwich from Burger King Sunday afternoon and started getting really sick that night into Monday morning and eventually all Monday. It was so bad that she had to be hospitalized and has been in the hospital since Monday. Is there ANYTHING that we can do to prove that this was food poisoning from Burger King? There are NUMEROUS complaints about food poisoning from Burger King, and even two people were arrested for it. I want to know if there was something that we can do for them to pay for the hospital bills and the suffering. This is absolutely terrible that a restaurant is able to do this and get away with it. There is a reason why it is called food is POISON. That is not something that people are purchasing.

Can we do anything???