Question About Hiroshima Victims

Were there any survivors of Hiroshima?

Yes there were. I dont know how many (approximately 60,000) but anyone within a two mile radius of the epicenter was instantly vaporised. Some survived the initial blast but died of third degree burns and septic shock. Their skin was literally peeled off their bodies. People living on the outskirts of Hiroshima saw the blast but didnt die instantly. Some of the people who survived are now well into their 90’s and are called “hibakusha” in Japan.

Hiroshima why did some of the victims avoid medical attention even though it was made available by the governm?

After the bomb, there was no medical available. The bomb took out the hospital and most of the doctors. Emergency centers were set up for the wounded people streaming out of the city, but it was pure chaos. After the surrender, the US flew in medical supplies like penicillian, that saved many lives. But no one knew how to treat radiation sickness.

Many Japaneese people started to believe that being exposed to radiation damaged a person in a shamefull way. They did not let their children marry such people. They did not like to hire them at work. It was like they had cooties.

Why do Japanese play the victim in the the Hiroshima bombings?

The simple answer is: Because their protector, the US, lets them get away with it.

Is it true that Fukushima was the Daimyo of Hiroshima?


What health impacts did the survivors of the Hiroshima atom bomb suffer?

Radiation poisoning. Which causes a somewhat slow, extremely uncomfortable death. Those who actually saw the flash of the explosion were immediately blinded. Other impacts include skin burns, hair burns, and various damage to tissue.

Why is Hiroshima Mon Amour a good film? What are the benchmarks for a good cinematography?

Hiroshima, Mon Amour is one of my favorite French films. I watched it last year and it struck me as “modern” (even though it was made in the 50s) and exceedingly sophisticated in terms of the characters and the cinematography. Emmanuelle Riva who brilliantly portrayed “Elle” made a remark about the role:“I was very pleased with the role because it will always be modern. Her freedom exists naturally within her.”I think there’s a plethora of factors contributing to why the film is highly admired among Cinephiles. Marguerite Duras who was a well known author in France, wrote the screenplay and made the female protagonist pretty much an alter-ego of herself. Duras tended to write about women who travel constantly, have a fallout with their mothers, and fall in love with Asian men. There’s an unwavering pattern in her writing because Duras acquired most of the inspirations from her life in Vietnam. During that time, films that meticulously explore the theme of loss and devastating effects of the atomic bomb were a rarity and Hiroshima, Mon Amour certainly isn’t an archetypal French film, thus it stood out from the rest. The film also has one of the most memorable opening sequence, which lasts for about 20 minutes. The first time i watched it, i felt a lot of emotions at once – I was transfixed, shocked, repulsed by the things i saw on screen. The opening sequence conjures up a variety of emotions in the audience and makes them question the difference between sympathy and empathy. Resnais oscillates the film between the present day Hiroshima and the archival footage of the Hiroshima victims, blurring the line between experience and memory as the female protagonist says “I saw everything in Hiroshima. I went to the museum six times. I saw pictures of the victims.” but her lover combats the idea by saying “You saw nothing in Hiroshima” because everything she has witnessed, it is neither her memory nor her experience, which brings us closer to the blurred line between being a part of tragedies and watching them from afar, especially in the digital age where everything is digitized and put out there for the rest of the world to see, therefore it’s easy to become unaware that every atrocity we witness in the news, or live stream is nothing compare to the experience and memory of the people who have to live through it in real life.

Was Hiroshima a military base or a city?

Hiroshima IS (not was) a city where 140,000 people died as a result of the U.S. dropping the first atomic bomb during World War II. It was not a prime military target but was bombed because it was one of the few major cities left in Japan which had not been the subject of U.S. firebombing campaigns. As an un-bombed city it allowed the U.S. to better asses the effectiveness of the new bomb. And how effective it was killing hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians (not soldiers).
The book "Hiroshima" by John Hersey is a great work of journalism documenting the events of that time and its effects on the people of the city. Also the animated film "Grave of the Fireflies" is a moving account of the effect of the bomb on a family in Hiroshima.

Why do the inner cities look like Hiroshima or Nagasaki after the A-bomb was dropped?

American industrial cities began their decline in the 50s. Easy- see Census data. The 1960 census and after has continual declines. Returning GIs moved to the suburbs. Blacks moving north and blacks already north were segregated into crummy neighborhoods. As they pushed out little by little into white neighborhoods, racial tensions increased and more whites fled. The middle class in the cities relocated to suburbs, taking their taxes with them. Cities faced declining populations, shrinking tax base, rising racial anger, underfunded infrastructure- from schools to street lights. The decline in American manufacturing started in the early 70s, at the same time inflation began soaring and the economy went into a slump that did not let up until the early 80s. But even then, little help went to the cities. Reagan and Congress gutted federal aid to cities.