Question About Meditating

How do you meditate? (Pagan question)?

There are many, many different types of meditations and ways to meditate.

You can sit and focus your attention on a candle flame.
You can study a knife blade or a magical tool.
You can recite a mantra.
You can focus on your breath.
You can count your breaths as one person mentioned.
You can do walking meditations.
You can focus your mind on a scripture as one person mentioned.
You can focus your mind on one word, even on the letters of a word.

And these only scratch the surface!

How do you meditate on a question or issue that you have?

Hold it gently in your mind while you meditate. After a while, simply let go of the question or issue and continue to meditate. then wait patiently for answers or resolutions. Often answers to questions make more questions. More than likely, the question itself is the problem or the answer is already within the question. Meditation and contemplation is the best bet for resolving these and bringing clarity.

What are a few questions about body-scan meditation?

I'm not quite sure of what you mean with "body-scan meditation"i have practiced 2 kinds of meditation as far as i know, one is the one were you visualize certain things, enrgy, etc.and the other is when you relax, feeling (for example) your feet, your legs, arms, hands, thier positions, temperature, sensations, etc. i guess this is what you call "body-scan meditation", if so, i'm not an expert but you can feel desperate at some point, or itchy, or other kind of uncomfortable sensations, but that is normal at the beginning, you'renot use to that kind of relaxationhow long it lasts? as long as you pay attention to it and respond to it, you have to ignore it, might be a little hard to ignore an itchy sensation, but try it, at some point even when you're doing it right, you might feel this pleasure of relaxation and it will feel strange and you might wanna laugh for no reason lolyou can enjoy it but you're not suppose to if you want to continue with the meditation, then try to get more serious, it happens also because you're not use to that kind of relaxationi can't exactly tell how long the sensations last, because when i do it, i'm not quite consciouss about the time, but it's normal that if you're stressed and want to meditate, it might feel like foreverit gets easier after a few tries, don't desperate and just be patient, you can always use meditation music to help, be aware that even if you get use to it and you stop doing it for a long time, next time you try you may have trouble again, like if you where starting overand by the way, don't expect some kind of shift or out of body experience, it won't happen if you keep thinking about it, frustrating i know, but your mind will experience it at its time if lucky lol not expect it in the first day, weeks or months, some people never have them

Is it normal to cry during meditation? (Question for Buddhists)?

I'm not Buddhist, but I do meditate, so I can tell you that a lot of things come up in meditation. It's different for different people, and nothing is "wrong" if something like that happens. Just do your best to remain patient and mindful, and observe what is going on, whatever it might be, without getting "caught up" in it.

What are the most common questions asked about meditation?

What is meditation? What is the right way of performing meditation?What is the correct procedure of doing meditation?What happens in the brain during meditation, e.g., what happens as the mind goes into deeper levels, and when people see colors and then have more vivid hallucinations, et cetera?How have meditation/deep breathing exercises or yoga changed your life? What benefits did you get from these? What routine or practice do you follow?Is meditation religious in nature?How are yoga and meditation related?How do you teach meditation?How important is contemplation on the path of meditation?How should I meditate?Has meditation to do with a specific method?Who are the current meditation masters from around the world and could you tell they were a meditation master/ expert if you met them?How can you tell a competent meditation teacher from a fraud?At what point does meditation begin?Yoga: I have watched a video about yoga? I don't know How yoga can  affect our health? 0 Answers · 1 View · View Question?Why do all religions talk of Meditation?Is it true that mediation is a dedicated practice of the highest order?

Can meditation give us answers for our questions?

Meditation is not magic. if you are looking for tomorrow’s lottery numbers, forget it. I am not going to reveal those numbers to you.Jokes apart, Meditation can answer your questions. Your questions about what is the purpose of your life, what is true happiness, what is your soul wants and meditation can help you in finding yourself.Best way to find your answers is meditate in morning, after your meditation, ask your question to your heart/consciousness. Don't allow your mind to trick into answer. your heart will answer, it will take time but you will surely get your answer. Just be cautious of your mind. It can easily fool you.just allow your heart to come up and answer it. One method of checking about the genuinity of your answer, to check how comfortable you are. any signs of uncomfortable/irritation means answer is not from heart.Hope you will find your answer soon.with prayers

What are your guiding questions while meditating or self-reflecting?

Hi Samara,There are many, many ways of meditating. Ultimately they may be no more than accessing your natural presence.What happens. Nothing else ever happens.From a nondual perspective, while you are naturally present to reality—what is happening—there are no special thoughts to think or to focus on, and nothing to avoid thinking. Naturally present to whatever happens—sights, sounds, thoughts, feelings and sensations arising and disappearing—there is nothing special for you to do. You cannot do it right or wrong, simply because there is no it.From this viewpoint, my only suggestion is: to think what you think, feel what you feel and sense what you sense. Since you are doing that anyway, there is nothing special about so-called meditation. You can either say: that meditation is unnecessary; or that your whole life becomes a meditation. It makes no difference.The Tibetans have a saying, “I think what I think. I do what I do. What happens, happens.For me, this opens up a space of freedom, the freedom to be as you are since there is no alternative anyway.Enjoy your meditation. Or your non-meditation.Same thing.I hope this is clear. If you need more, I have developed articles on this open form of meditation on a website. You can find in the profile by clicking my name above. You can also write to me there.Keep well,Jonathan

My many questions on meditating, chakra, and phycokinesis? HELP!?

Others want their mind full, focused, and hings like that when they meditate. I am trying to use phycokenisis (Sorry fr the spelling) and spell/wiccan works. I know more about it than your average joe, and want to get more into it, but I'm not sure why, but I cant ever shut my eyes regularly without squinting or being uncomfortable! Any tips? Also, how to be so relaxed, and minouver around the barriers in your mind that keep you from entering the astrial state? ALSO......should I use my chakra pool that is the most open for me or the easiest to access (The abdomen)? Does anyone know how long it may take to master meditation? I am a 13 year old girl, if it helps, even though I know it varies. I already know a way that can help me focus. (Im gonna try a lit candle in a bowl of water :P) Does anyone know how long it takes to master phycokinesis? Now than im out of questions, please answer them all in detail! No I reallyy dont want your comments on me doing phycokenises or spells, so DONT MENTION IT. Thanks!!!!!!

Question about buddhism and meditation? Ten points :-)?

o Do you have to meditate? If so, how do you meditate? Do you have to say 'Ommm' over and over or some kind of chant?

Meditate- yes a lot
Mantras are optional, I like them and use them, some dont.

o How do you pray/worship? What do you say, and who do you pray/worship to?
- Mahayana Buddhists worship to Bodhisattvas(which depends on your subset of Mahayana), in Theravada there is no worship.

o How often do you have to pray and worship?
- depends, more the better I guess!

o Do I have to go to a Buddhist Temple to be a 'proper' Buddhist? Or can I just teach myself and still be a 'proper' follower?
-You could join a Sangha, you could be a very goof lay follower not joining one, your choice.

You reach the highest form of existence, Neither-perception-nor-non-perception relam.