Question About The Achilles Tendon

Do I have achilles tendonitis?

You should see a doctor - it's really hard to diagnose injuries accurately without full data.My personal story: I had 2 bouts with achilles tendonitis, which I thought was a straight case of tendonitis, as diagnosed by a sports doctors and my PT. Much later, I saw a foot/ankle doctor for another ankle issue, and he took xrays and discovered that I had developed bone spurs in both ankles. Not only were these causing other issues, but one bone spur on the back of my ankle was actually the primary cause of my achilles issue (bone spur was irritating the tendon), vs. a straight achilles tendonitis issue.From what you describe, you could have tendonitis, although in most cases, the pain is in the tendon itself, 1-4 centimeters above where the tendon meets the heel. Tendonitis is also different from achilles tendinosis; the latter is more of a chronic issue due to microscopic teats in the tendon. There could be a lot of things causing your pain, and a number of different ways to treat it, so definitely see a doctor if you really want a good answer.

Achilles tendon injury?

Injuries on your achilles tendon are very difficult to heal. You probably have a small tear... which has never healed, and may never heal completely. I have an injury of this sort, and it is a chronic problem if I overwork myself. Make sure you warm it up and stretch the tendon well.

Why does my right Achilles tendon hurt?

Only my right achilles tendon hurts when I jump as high as I can. The left one is fine. Even when I do calve raises, I only feel discomfort in my right achilles tendon rather than a burn in my right calf. When I walk or run, it is fine. But when I jump, say while playing basketball to rebound, it hurts. When I land and start to walk or run around again, it doesn't hurt.

How long should I expect my Achilles tendonitis to be painful after being declared healed? Both my doctor and my physical therapist say that it’s fine, but should it still hurt every day?

Has the reason for the tendonitis been addressed? If not, it will keep coming back. When you have inflammation for an extended period of time new nerves can grow into the area. Stopping the inflammation will not stop all the pain in those cases. Over time, the nerves will go away, but not always. We have techniques to deal with those situations. See your doctor or get a new one who deals with athletes.

How can you prevent a sprain to your Achilles tendon?

Use eccentric strengthening to toughen up the calf/Achilles complex.Strengthen the intrinsic muscles of the foot through single leg, foot cupping, and band exercises.Stay flexible.Wear relatively stable footwearTry to avoid doing intensive movement on unstable ground.

Is there a way to heal Achilles tendonitis naturally and quickly?

Hi, ya of course there is! You can go through this link and I am sure you will get an answer to your question. Achilles Tendinitis: Common Causes, Symptoms and Exercises

I have big knots in my Achilles tendons on both feet that hurt so bad it wakes me up from sleep. Does anyone know a treatment for this, or something that might help?

Yeah, I have those. Go to the physio/doctor. Also, what ever you were doing to cause that, don’t do it.One thing my physio told me was to put a poultice on it. 1/2 Voltaren Gel and 1/2…..hemorrhoid cream. It is really good - not just there, on many ouchies.