Question For Yahoo 7 Team When Are You Going To Wake Up

What are the most famous funny questions from Yahoo! Answers?

Taken from Buzzfeed and wanted to share because I had quite a hearty chuckle reading this.19 Medical Emergencies Only Yahoo Answers Can Help You With1. I'm actually not sure there is a better way.Via: caccamesee.tumblr.com2. Oof, That's gonna hurt coming out, James.http://...http://...http://...http://...http://...http://...Via: triggerwarningunfunny.tumblr.com3. Asking for a friend.Via: da-booty.tumblr.com4. Maybe you should trim your nails more often, No Nip Steve.Via: laughterkey.tumblr.com5. This is actually a really good question.Via: reddit.com6. What WON'T kids stick up their butts these days?Via: reddit.com7. I don't think the question asker totally understood the "best answer."Via: patstumph.tumblr.com8. Erica is essentially calling for belly button homicide. Monster.Via: holahallo.tumblr.com9. We've all been there before.Via: boogiewoogienigga.tumblr.com10. Your doctor is working with the belly button people!Via: smcdane.tumblr.com11. You're DEFINITELY going to want to sue Burger King. Call a lawyer immediately.Via: basedona10000caloriediet.tumblr.com12. Jeez, I hope they're made up. Skeletons scare the hell out of me.Via: windowsminesweeper.tumblr.com13. This actually happens to a lot of 30-year-old Indian men.Via: aliceslooking-glass.tumblr.com14. This is actually how people get pregnant. Congrats, Gerald! You're going to be a mother.Via: cheezburgerrr.tumblr.com15. Either you're turning into the Lorax, or you've got a liver disorder. It's probably the Lorax thing though, so don't worry too much.Via: inevitableuncertainty.tumblr.com16. Sadly, there's no way to be certain. Source: I'm a doctor.Via: reddit.com17. You can't fault his logic.Via: therainydaywomen.tumblr.com18. Bronyism is terminal. Sorry.Via: reddit.com19. Details are VERY important on this one.Via:

Harvest moon ds, losing money?

Here's a cheat for a really easy money. In the winter, go to the Harvest Sprite Tree and hire the Fishing Team to work for 7 days at the beach. After that, go home and go to bed. The next morning, go to the beach and check on the Sprites. Go home and ship some white grass. Do this everyday and by the end of the 7 days you should have a lot of money (i think you get one billion g every day you hire the team and put white grass in). A week later, Thomas (the mayor) will come by and say, " Hello (character's name). It looks like you have quite a sum of money there. There is a deserted island on the other side of town and I'd like you to buy it. It costs 99,999,999 G." Buy it, you will still have alot of money left trust me. Call Gotz on the phone and get him to build a cottage on the island. It takes 2-3 days. The island isn't much but it's a great fishing spot! You can reach your island from the boat down at the beach. You can hire the Sprites to do this as much as you want, but only in Winter. Hope I helped!

OH! And to get the Fishing Pole you need to visit Galen. Visit his house on Saturday between 12:00 pm and 2:00 pm. once you have the fishing pole cast it in your little pond on your land and you will get a member of the fishing team so you can use this handy cheat.

Don't forget you can only use the cheat in winter!

What are 20 random questions you can ask someone to get to know them better?

Do you have kids
Whats your favorite type of food
How many people have you been with
Whats your longest relationship
What are your goals in life
Whats your dream car
How many children do you want
Do you want to get married
Do you get along with your parents
Do you like indoor or outdoor activities
Whats your favorite music
What was your best subject in school
Would you rather talk/email or text
Whats your dream car
Whats your favorite store
Have you ever been skinny dipping
Do you like animals
Do you like video games
Do you plan on going to college
Whats your favorite kind of flower

How do swimmers wake up so early in the morning for practice?

I was a swimmer in high school and we had equally hard morning and evening practices. When I first started this intense schedule I thought that it would really drain me. But the opposite happened, I had more energy than I've ever had. They say that exercise can energize you, and its true. There was also love for the sport. Swimming gets into your bones and you can't help but love it. And trust me, it takes a lot of love to wake up at 4:30, drive to school in the snow, swim, go to school, then swim more, then drive home in the snow while still wet. And keep in mind that the sun sets early in the winter, so if you are a swimmer you arrive at school in the dark and leave in the dark. Swimmers don't see much sunlight during the season.

But swimming in the morning was a great way to wake up and get going. It's calming in the water. It's very different from other sports because you can't really talk to teammates. In soccer, football, etc you talk with your teammates and yell at them to run faster or try harder. In the water you really can't hear anything except muffled cries, so its like you are alone in the water. It's peaceful. And you develop a different kind of teammate relationship.

Swimming is a way of life, just like any sport. And once you train your body to wake up at 4:30, its really not that bad. Honestly. I'm not a morning person at all, and yet I loved swimming in the morning.

Why do people prefer Quora over Yahoo! Answers?

Oh boy, this is going to be fun.Q1: Why do we need water to survive?Quora: Our bodies are mostly made of water, so we need to continually replenish our water supply in order to survive.Yahoo! Answers: WE DONT!!! I ACTUALY FOUND A HEALTHY WATER SUBSTITUTE IF U GUYS R INTRESTED!!!!!!!Q2: What is 2+2?Quora: 2+2 is equal to 4. For instance, imagine you had two cookies and your friend gave you two more. How many do you have now? You now have 4 cookies.Yahoo! Answers: 2+2 is an aDITION PROBLOM. your duMb.Q3: Why is the grass green?Quora: Grass and many other plants have a pigment called chlorophyll which absorbs light to be used for photosynthesis. However, green light is the one wavelength in the spectrum that chlorophyll cannot absorb. Therefore, it is reflected back to our eyes, which perceive the grass to be green.Yahoo! Answers: the same reason teh skys blue god made it that way now just be happyBONUS: Yahoo! Answers strikes back!I’ll let you be the judge of why people prefer Quora.

Would Alibaba buy Yahoo?

Alibaba is in a unique position to get value out of Yahoo! that others are not. For those who do not know, Yahoo's core business is virtually worthless. We all know Yahoo's web site. We know all about their apps. We know all about their CEO, but what's not so well advertised is that all of those things have little to no (to negative?) value.And yet you ask why does Yahoo, the company, has a $40bn market cap? This is because of two venture investments Yahoo made back when Jerry Yang ran the ship: a large stake in Alibaba and Yahoo Japan.To this day, Yahoo is worth little more than the value of both of those investments[1], and in particular, the investment in Alibaba where Yahoo still holds a 20% stake (in a $220bn company--do the math on that). The problem with all of these investments is how much Yahoo owes in taxes for making them. The effective rate for the gains on these investments is something close to the corporate tax rate--like 35%. This is why Yahoo, even with a 20% stake in Alibaba manages to be worth less than the value of that stake! Because, whenever they decide to sell that stake, they will owe $11bn in taxes.[2]But this gets us back to why Alibaba may want to buy Yahoo: Alibaba can buy Yahoo and then retire the Alibaba stock that Yahoo holds, thus never having to incur the tax! So, Alibaba could uniquely be the company to get $11bn more in value out of buying Yahoo than any other company. In fact, they could probably buy Yahoo for the value of the Alibaba stock alone, and they'd get all of that other stuff (Yahoo Japan, Tumblr, core Yahoo &etc) for free!As of today, I don't think Alibaba is too eager to buy back stock so quickly after they issued it in their IPO, but if the day comes when Alibaba's cash hoard is burning a hole in their pockets and their own stock looks cheap, buying Yahoo will be an effective use of it.[1] and the cash they got from making the worst trade that I think has ever been made in the history of finance: selling a 16% stake in Alibaba at a $40bn valuation roughly two years ago--a sale that cost them around $30bn at today's valuation.[2] A lot of this info can be found in this article, by Matt Levine at Bloomberg, whose Op Eds are a must-read. Alibaba Could Buy Yahoo for Free