Questions About A Dream I Had .

I have a question about a dream! Any advice?

A couple of days ago i had a dream about a guy.
In this dream the guy came up to me and started talking, insintly i had this feeling that I knew him but the thing is that I have never seen him before.
By the time I woke up I still had this strange feeling that I knew him but I just dont know who he is. I am pretty sure that I have never seen this person before.

My question is what does this dream mean?
Why did I have this strange feeling?

Please and thankyou(:

How did a dream I have make me question my sexuality?

If you have had a dream where your desires were different than they normally are that could have many meaning depending on your beliefs about yourself and your sexuality. A dream will allow you to explore issues that in your daily life you would be less likely to explore because of social labeling or the limits of your waking life. You can be curious about what it’s like to be gay, or have lesbian relations regardless of your natural tendencies. You could be a woman and be curious about being a gay man or a short person who wants to know what it’s like to be tall.I am not a great believer in categories. As an actor I am used to playing many roles. I believe that all the aspects that you see in life are present in the individual pysche. Its basically a matter of choice.Yes, I think you should allow for the possibility that there are desires within yourself that you may not have recognized before or been willing to act on. But there is also the possibility that you merely wanted to understand how other people with different perspectives view sexuality and desire. Look at your dream and ask yourself what the question was that it answers.

I have a question about versions of a recurring dream that I had recently.?

I think this dream actually says some really good things about your relationship. Of course, only you can know if what I say is really true:

The stone in your wedding ring represents the outward appearance of your relationship (not the deep parts). You are in a pool, which could actually represent the full extent of the emotions that you feel as part of the marriage. The full extent of your emotions in the marriage is far more powerful than that shiny little stone, so it disintegrates.

When the stone is lost, this is the true test (that you're giving yourself!) of your feelings about the marriage. When the shininess is gone, do you fall to pieces yourself? No, you don't. You stay calm and feel the love and understanding of your husband.

I think the reason that this dream is recurring is that you didn't get it the first time. It's trying to reassure you, but instead your perplexed and worried. Don't be. Your subconscious gave you a test, and you passed it! (It probably chose to give you this test, in particular, because you are scared of losing the stone in real life.)

I hope this helps! See if what I've said makes sense in your life. If it does, be thankful and happy when you have this dream. Once you get the point of it, the dream probably won't need to repeat again. (Until you come to a time that you need to be reminded about the true power of the depths of your love again.)

What is the best question to ask a girl?

What's your name?What do you do?What are three creative uses for a stack of fifteen hats?What would you do if you came home one day to discover your house had been filled from floor to ceiling with avocados?If you could be any named body in the solar system, which one would you be and why?Would you choose to be immortal if you could?Do you have any pets?What's your favorite element on the periodic table?Orgy, yes or no?You have the ability to go back in your past and erase any one mistake you made, but you lose everything you've learned since then. Do you do it?Have you ever had your heart broken? How did you react?What's the worst thing anyone has ever done to you? What's the worst thing you've ever done to someone else?Do you generally think of yourself as a happy person?Do you get embarrassed eating messy food in a public place?What's your favorite sex toy?You look down and see a tortoise. It's crawling toward you. You reach down and flip the tortoise over on its back. The tortoise lays on its back, its belly baking in the hot sun, beating its legs trying to turn itself over. But it can't. Not without your help. But you're not helping. Why is that?Depending on how the answers to those questions go, you might choose to add another:Are you interested in going out to dinner with me?

Multiple tongue piercings in a dream and other questions.?

Most dreams are messages from the subconscious mind. You are just processing daily thoughts, feelings and events in the dream.

Piercings on the tongue could symbolize something about the words you are speaking in waking life - are they piercing or shrill or mean? Be careful.

I immediately thought of a "forked tongue" or one who does not speak the truth.

Now, since some of the piercings are silver, I also thought of a "silver tongued devil" or one who is charming, but also not so honest and uses people for sex or money.

AS for the dream of the child, I also wonder what happened to the dreamer at that particular age. In your case it is three years old. Like the piercings dream, the child has issues around the mouth and throat - hacking, coughing, sounds like a crow (not the most honest of birds). Who was the man in your life. Do you have a brother and do you consider him to be "fake."

Is it normal to sometimes question whether a dream actually happened and vice versa?

I dunno about other people, but for me? Yeah. I’ve had numerous times where I went through at least a few hours before realising “Wait. That was a dream.” They usually seem to be the kind of dream where I made some sort of big, expensive purchase that I was excited to use - cue the disappointment when I remembered that hadn’t actually happened. I’m usually convinced it happened for at least a few minutes, if not hours.Then there’s a different way of looking at the question - questioning whether or not you actually had the dream. I’d say, if you’re wondering that, the answer is most likely yes. That, or it was a daydream.I personally haven’t experienced much of the other case in question, but I’d hazard a guess that yes, it is normal.