Questions About Egyptian Gods And Symbolism Of Creatures

Which are some of the Greek and Egyptian mythological creatures or gods worth knowing?

Thanks for the A2A!!!There is a lot to know about the Greek and Egyptian Mythologies. Each creature or god has certain attributes or characteristics that makes them unique to the whole scenario. However, if you want my options I would go with the following:Greek Mythology:Antaeus, Chiron, Charon, the 12 Olympians, the Fates, Erebus, prisoners of Tratarus and the Tartarus landscape (I use landscape for the lack of a better word), Ascelpius, Heroes: Hercules, Bellerophon, Orpheus, Argonauts, Atlanta, the Amazons, Theseus, Perseus, Odysseus, Ajax, Achilles.Monsters: Medusa, Campe, Minotaur, Scylla and Charybdis, Typhon (the mere metion of his name scared the gods), Drakons (any), Hydra, Euymanthean Boar, Cerberus, Orthus.Egyptian Mythology:Ra, Shu, Nut, Geb, Set, Horus, Ma'at, Ptah, Thoth, Isis, Osiris, Sekhmet, Serket, Bes, Bast, Anubis, Nephthys, Babi, Sobek, Wadjet, Nekhbet. Monsters: Sphinx (Androsphinx, Hieracosphinx,Criosphinx), Wadjets, Serpopard, Set Animal, Petsuchos, Uraeus.Hope this helps!!!PS: In case you want a brief description, let me know.

Can any one give me 5 open ended questions about Egyptian Gods?

Why did Egyptians symbolize God's through nature? Example: Ra was sun and Earth Geb.

Why were cats considered a God?

Are the names that were assigned to gods just every-day common Egyptian names or specially made?

Why do you think Egyptians were polytheistic?

Why did Egyptian God's be pictured as half man half beast (animals)?

In Egyptian mythology, where did the gods live?

In the du'at the egyptian gods resided, but they were also known to stay in our world, as the gods had ties to all their symbolic creatures/attriibutes, like Ra was were the sun was, or bast was where all cats where... hope this helps

What are the reasons so many Ancient Egyptian gods had animal heads?

I’m not an Egyptologist, but have studied many cultures’ gods. Very often gods and mythical figures have features that can not exist in the real natural world. Hence the Celts often had sets of three things to represent the spiritual world. Three being a number that seldom appears naturally. There are (I think) no animals naturally with three limbs, three sets of organs, three heads etc etc. An example of this would be the three headed dog Cerberus. By combining humans with animals the un-real aspect of the god is far more obvious than just having an animal or a human-type being. Zoomorphic or anthropomorphic creatures are used in many many cultures. They have the combined attributes of both creatures but an additional attribute of godliness. Combinations of animals are also seen in many cultures, but these tend to be lower in the order of gods, and would often a gods’ companion, or guard, such as griffins, chimeras, or centaurs. So while this is notable in Eqpyt, it is not exclusive to them. The amalgamations of cultures and monotheistic nature of modern Abrahamic religions gave rise to single humoresque gods, often depicted in a form taken from the Greek god Zeus, an old bearded man in a white gown. The fate of the iconic human/animal hybrids has been changed too, and they have become the depiction of the demons of hell and Satan, himself, the zoomorphic cross between man and various creatures, based more on Pan than any biblical description.

Which statement about Egyptian art and literature is false?

The false one is "It usually depicted the gods as existing in the sky."

There WERE 'sky-gods' in most of Egyptian art and literature, but they weren't the main focus. Most of the representations of 'gods' were presented in human form. Some of them were a strange hybrid of human bodies with animal heads; those 'gods' are called 'neters'. (Like Anubis, for example.)

To REALLY get down to it, the Egyptians used 3 types of 'god' symbols : above (above normal eyesight level), on Earth (at normal eyesight level), and below (as in below eyesight level). For example: vulture, walking or standing man, and snake. This 'trilogy' of symbols has actually appeared in many cultures ALL AROUND THE WORLD IN WIDELY VARYING TIME ERAS. For example, the Native Americans (thousands of years later) used an eagle symbol (or a similar bird), a land creature symbol, and (again) a snake symbol.

The question is : How (and why) did this information/symbology manage to get into (mostly) every culture around the world before humans had 'modern' communication capabilities? Ponder on that one for a while. . .

Creatures that live on mount olympus?

All of the Gods and Goddesses use animals as their symbols. So place some of them around your model. Hera had her peacocks, Zeus had his eagles, Athena had her owls, Posideon had horses, ....just keep going!!!

The "real" Mount Olympus has a great variety of flora and fauna - e.g. larch, oak, blue-bells, aromatic herbs, squirrels, wild goats, wolves and boars. It is surrounded by mountain meadows and luxuriant forests.

What "Animals" AND "Myth Creatures" are represented the sun, the moon, and the star?

Which star in particular might you be referring to? There's quite a lot of stars, after all.

"Myth creatures" that symbolize the Sun and the Moon would also cover any old pantheon. Helios, Sol Invictus, Ra in his chariot, Atum, and Surya are all examples of sun gods.

Examples of Moon gods might be Selene, Nanna, Sin or Mani.

Your 'the star' isn't specific enough for me to answer.