Questions Related To Subconscious Mind

What are the right questions to ask your subconscious mind?

I'm afraid ‘questions’ mean nothing to the Subconscious. Questioning is a conscious activity.Quora operates like a virtual brain. What questions are right to ask it? Depends what you want to know! The ‘subconscious’ machine operations of Quora’s various algorithms and bots can only recall stored data and present it to your consciousness. They do not ‘think’. Questions can only be answered by other consciousnesses (like me!).Want to know what you love? Think about what you desire. Want to know what holds you back? Think about what you fear. I know it sounds trite, but that's how minds work! The conscious mind is executive. The subconscious mind is informative.This is why life experience and social connections are so important. Without them, you are trapped in a self-referential machine. It can only know what you ‘tell’ it (through your senses). It can only tell you what it knows. No Question was ever asked. Stuff just happened. You formulate the question afterwards.I can tell you the Final Answer, though, it’sI believe some mice were once stuck with the same problem you now have…

What are the questions your subconscious mind asks you?

All ask, “Where can I go for protection?”The body is the ego's home by its own election. It is the only identification with which the ego feels safe, since the body's vulnerability is its own best argument that you cannot be of God. This is the belief that the ego sponsors eagerly. Yet the ego hates the body, because it cannot accept it as good enough to be its home. Here is where the mind becomes actually dazed. Being told by the ego that it is really part of the body and that the body is its protector, the mind is also told that the body cannot protect it. Therefore, the mind asks, "Where can I go for protection?" to which the ego replies, "Turn to me." The mind, and not without cause, reminds the ego that it has itself insisted that it is identified with the body, so there is no point in turning to it for protection. The ego has no real answer to this because there is none, but it does have a typical solution. It obliterates the question from the mind's awareness. Once out of awareness the question can and does produce uneasiness, but it cannot be answered because it cannot be asked. 【T-4.V.4】From A Course in Miracles.

How can I ask a question to my subconscious mind? And how can I recive an answer?

How can I ask a question to my subconscious mind? And how can I receive an answer?According to spirit the psych concept of an unconscious or sub-conscious mind is false. But your question has great merit nevertheless.We have a myriad of sources from which answers both good and potentially false can emanate. It’s hard to be sure sometimes which is which, and the easiest can be the worst.The easiest is just a voice you hear quite easily if you have the right DNA because this is a spirit voice. The issue here is unless you as a person are remarkably advanced - however you define that - but think Padre Pio or St Francis - you will not easily get the spirit guys you really need to hear from. But if you pray/meditate a lot, really are a loving person you could be hearing from these, even from Jesus himself.The next easiest is actually pretty hard. There is a very still quiet voice. In my own case I can only at the absolute limit of my hearing discern “yes “ or “no” but I know of people who can hear full sentences even complete communications and have written books of these. If you insist, because your religion requires this, you can call it the Holy Spirit because it is Holy and a pure spirit that is to all intents and purposes God. It always sounds the same no matter who receives it so it’s easy to recognise in a book.Then there is the very hardest. Your own soul. The issue here is the soul does not seem to use words. But it does know anything you might want to know and you may be able to go to bed and ask for an answer and to sense the answer in the morning.One of the outcomes of the path I follow is to reach a point where the mind gives way to the soul and you have a totally different - dramatically different - way of being and seeing things. I have described this elsewhere.

How can I ask my subconscious mind any solution?

Try the Sherlock Holmes method! There are three basic steps, plus two supplementary ones.State the problem clearly to yourself.Consciously consider as many solutions as you can come up with, and make sure you’ve uncovered as much relevant information as possible. Feed your unconscious as much data as possible.Take a break!Sherlock, for example, used to do chemistry or play the violin while letting a problem simmer on the backburner of his mind. Then the solution would often simply jump out from his unconscious.Sometimes you only get a partial solution or a decent guess, at which point you might have to re-state the problem with the help of your new insight. So an additional step might be:4. Rinse, repeat.Alternatively, you may need to sleep on it. During sleep, new synaptic connections are formed, and old connections are ‘cleaned up’. This can allow you to see patterns where none existed before. So one last step might be:5. Have a good night’s rest.

What is subconscious mind?

If I solve an algebra problem, I am aware of all the steps involved in solving the problem. But if I write a song, I cannot be aware of all the steps involved. The process of writing a song is so complex that I can't observe my mind going through all the steps. It would be like seeing the spokes on the wheel of a bicycle as it goes by at top speed. We say that the subconscious mind is at work in creative thinking.

When you dream, you get a glimpse of the mental processes that are at work while you sleep. When you wake and think about things you saw in a dream, it may occur to you that they symbolize things in a problem you're working on.

A scientist named Hermann von Helmholtz said that he never found solutions to problems at his work table. His method was to study every aspect of the problem and then forget it. The answer, he said, would usually come to him while he was going for a walk.

What does subconscious mind mean?

Subconscious is the state of mind or thought that we are NOT speaking..Its more like thinking..Its your self when your deciding to act,,or a course of action you are considering..The word itself means NOT CONSCIOUS !! Implying when you are not conscious or awake..Your Dreams occur in your subconsciousness..Day dreaming can also be in the subconscious,,depending how deeply you are concentrating ! Regardless,,an example could be this sentence,,''While Johnny was sleeping in the sleep clinic, the doctor recorded his brain waves in his subconscious sleep !!" SOLOMON