Quotation Marks Or Not Plus Where To Place The Full Stop

Should you put a question mark at the end of an "I was wondering question?"

No. Don’t do it. I hate it when people do this. You are not asking if you are wondering anything. You are stating that you are wondering something. A statement should end in a period, not a question mark.

Can you start a sentence with a quote?

If i were to quote something from the play Macbeth and the quote i was using started midway through the sentence--meaning id have to start the quote with '...' to show it wasn't the full sentence from the play--could i still start a sentence with it?
Ex: "...unsex me here..." (Macbeth Act 1 sc 5 line 48)
Even though there is no capital letter to start the sentence is it correct? Also did i cite that quote according to MLA standards?

Why do French speakers place a space before exclamation points?

The rule is that punctuation marks comprising two parts, i.e. colon, semicolon, question mark and exclamation mark, should have a space before and after.As for the reason for that, off the top of my head, it could be because contrary to English, the French language has a lot of words ending in the letter i, which could be mistaken for an exclamation mark if the ink/printing quality is not very good. But this is only a random guess.

Why do people say "period" after the end of a sentence to stress upon its importance?

In North American English, the . at the end of a sentence is called a period. It ends a sentence; the sentence absolutely cannot continue after the period. Therefore in conversations, when you say I will not do this, period, what you are saying is that you will not do it, and the conversation is over. You're not going to discuss it anymore, and can't be convinced otherwise;period.Also interesting to note: In British English and some other variants of English the period (.) is referred to as a "full stop". So in those dialects, instead of saying I will not discuss this, period, one would say I will not discuss this, full stop. This might be helpful if you're having discussions with someone who speaks another dialect of English.A more lengthy way to write your example sentence would be:I don't want to do this, and that's all I'm going to say on the subject.Thanks follow me for more answers.

How to pronounce symbols on keyboard?

hey there
i'm no a native English speaker
i see there is may symbols on computer keyboard that i don't know how to read.
So would you like to tell me how to read these symbol
such as
~ ` ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ - + = | \ * < > , ? / " ' : ;
and also love to know some of the frequently-used math symbols too

maybe you can find a link for me thanks a lot!!

How much time a week do you actually spend "playing" with your kids?

In my opinion there is no such thing as playing with your children too much as long as the child *wants* their parent there.

If my children just go off and play by themselves, I let them go and play by themselves. But if they ask me to play with them most of the time I do.

This week a lone I have played a couple hours of football with my two oldest boys. I have no clue why, but those 2 love playing/tossing football or baseball with me of all people. I say it like that because I can THROW both of those pretty well (for a girl, their words), but I cannot CATCH either one very well. But they still ask and I still do it (have the bruises to prove it).

With my youngest daughter (6) we play Barbies all the time.

WIth my oldest (12) and my youngest (18 mo) we do random things together.

Like I said at the top if your child ask you to play and you are able to me there is no such thing as too much. However if your children are playing nicely by themselves and you just join or they have asked you to not be there, then even a half hour is too much.

French (language): Is the rule of adding a space between the end of a sentence and an exclamation mark/question mark/colon used a lot?

It is as wrong as putting an extra space between the end of a sentence and a period/interrogation mark in a US/UK context : it is not correct, but in most context that will not be a problem. At all.Only if you want to be a journalist, a professional writer, or if you want to write a formal letter will that be considered as a problem. You add in a comment about chat situations. Usually chat is really informal, so that won't be a problem.As a French, I tend to add these extra spaces. Is it that wrong ?