Quotes For The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night-time On Disability And Change

What did Albert Einstein mean when he said: "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid."

Hi, Albert Einstein understood that intelligence is a choice. For example, lets say you have an IQ of 100, you might argue that you are average and can not choose to be more intelligent. However, if that is your belief than you are already in the stage Einstein referred to at the end of the quote, "it will live its whole life believing it is stupid". A false believe has already been formed in your mind, most likely because too many times in your life you were judged, quantified and measured incorrectly. Everyone is genius, anyone can be as smart as Einstein. It takes the right mixture of passion, direction and focus but those are not genetic predispositions, they are environmental factors. I can go on for hours on this topic but i'll leave you with some food for thought. If you read the biographies of some of the most successful men in history you'll find a common theme, it was some person(usually a woman) who altered the course of their lives. In the case of Steve jobs it was a grade school teacher, she effected him so dramatically that he said if it wasn't for her he would have grown up a thief and ended up in jail. Really think about that, if it wasn't for the influence of one woman Steve Jobs would have done nothing with his life, computers as we know it, wouldn't exist, all his talent and genius would have died with him in some jail cell. Similar stories with Henry Ford and Warren Buffet who were hideously insecure men who's wives brought out their best. Most people simply never get the right nurturing based on their characters and they flounder through life. Einstein understood this and this quote was a testament to his humility.

Is Lilo from Lilo and Stitch autistic?

It’s never confirmed in-movie, or in any of the official canon, but it’s highly likely.Lilo stims, she has weird hobbies, she believes things that make no sense to anyone else, and she struggles to connect with people.All are signs of potential autism, but could also be chalked up to a child’s imagination and the trauma of her parent’s recent deaths. The conflict with Nani, her sister-turned-guardian who is struggling with the change in roles, is another possible cause.Personally, I like to think that Lilo is autistic. It’s rare to get representation in media that isn’t played for laughs, and even rarer for that representation to be female. Lilo makes a great autistic girl, even if Disney didn’t confirm it.

What is your favorite novel where the protagonist is not neurotypical (NT)?

The Wasp Factory by Iain Banks. Darkly disturbing and beautifully written, Frank, the protagonist, is obsessed with constructing weapons and mechanisms, including the wasp factory of the title, an elaborate killing machine for insects. He patrols the island, killing small animals and putting them on sacrifice poles. He is clearly psychopathic, and during the course of the book, it is revealed that he is responsible for the death of three young relatives. His father tells him he was bitten by a dog that destroyed his genitals. In fact, Frank, born Francis, is female, and her father has been giving her hormones as an experiment, to see if he could turn her into a boy.As I said, it’s dark. But it’s also a magnificent piece of literature and well worth reading.

What are some slang terms used among police officers?

The most derogatory terms for the bad guys and citizens who are just pains in the rectum:A.H. = Adam Henry (A-dam H-enry) If you don’t get it…..sometimes you will hear it as “Jack Hole”… what starts with an “A” that ends with HOLE ?RICHARD CRANIUM= What starts with a “D” and is a nickname for Richard ? What is the non-medical layman’s term for the Cranium ? Do these clues HEAD you in the right direction ?