Quotes From The Kingdom Of Dreams And Madness By Miyazaki

Did Hayao Miyazaki really say that anime was a mistake?

You can usually look up those kind of things and find answers in seconds."Anime Was a Mistake"Miyazaki disliked that new generations of animators were less interested in actually observing real people and basing their characters on them.Here’s the quote:You see, whether you can draw like this or not, being able to think up this kind of design, it depends on whether or not you can say to yourself, ‘Oh, yeah, girls like this exist in real life. If you don’t spend time watching real people, you can’t do this, because you’ve never seen it. Some people spend their lives interested only in themselves. Almost all Japanese animation is produced with hardly any basis taken from observing real people, you know. It’s produced by humans who can’t stand looking at other humans. And that’s why the industry is full of otaku!.And he has a point. There’s a large amount of highly stereotypical characters that have little to do with real world or real people. “Tsundere”, for example, are one of those stereotype (not to mention a much more annoying variations like “flat chested twin-tailed loli tsundere ojou-sama”. ). Stereotypes can be highly amusing to watch, but it would be great if there were more of the believable characters.