Ramadan Is It Normal To Think Of Dying So Often

How often do you think about dying/death?

I use to think about death more freqently than i do now. I dont have a religon, what i have considered as a possibility is that the energy that is being held together by the matter that is your body is released, given that energy cannot be created nor destroyed, hopefully it will stay intact and although some will be lost in the form of heat ( when you are cremated ) or transferred to the earth ( when you errode if your barried), some will remain bonded to itself, for it must achive that kind of attraction to itself to stay within your body. I doubt you go into "blacknesss". In the case that you do only get one life, have a good one for you wont get a second chance.

Ramadan: if you could help me...?

Ina lillah wa ina elaihi raji3oon.

I'm sorry for your loss..May she be blessed with the highest levels of Jannah. And for you all to be united under Allah's shade, on the day when there is no shade but His.

I know how you feel regarding the 2nd part of your post. I wonder about that too. My mum died as well.. I doubt that she knows anything about us, as much as I wish that she does. Sometimes I feel that there are things that I still want her to know, things that I never had the chance to share with her. Things that occurred after her depart. But I doubt that she knows or listens.

I've been told that the spirit of the dead is able to feel the steps near its grave. Like when you go and visit her grave, when you talk, they can hear you. But I am not sure and I have never attempted that.

As for the first time.. there is no harm in keeping things that you feel that are important to keep. But sometimes people feel best if you give it all away, so you don't feel saddened by the depart of your loved ones.. especially when having things that once belonged to them. But I see no harm in that, and I wish I had something that once belonged to my mother, but I've got none. However, I do have the things that matter the most. I have her patience.. it is something that I'm proud to keep.

Imagine your Death - Do you often?

I gave you a star .

How often does the average person think about death?

Nearly every waking moment and i'm pretty sure I will be dead soon. My body has surpassed all the anxiety symptoms and is pretty much shutting down in its own way. It feels dead already, how I wish i was getting racing heartbeat or feeling dizzy or getting headaches. ..  or even puking. .  a flu or cold. . . I cant explain it to anyone but I just know i am not going to be alive much longer, i am 24 years old but not everyone is built to last long. I honestly think its because I dont feel love or selflessness for others. . . If i did, it would give me an incentive to push to stay alive.

Ramadan: help im having very scary nightmares?

since for a while now i have been having very bad nightmares every so often. When ever i have these nightmares i usually wake up at 4.00am in the morning and it really freaks me out as nobody is awake at that time. My last nightmare was very scary and i will share it here because maybe it means something

so anyway i had a dream that i was diagnosed with D.I.D (multiple persionality disorder for those that dont know) and as i was dreaming one night i woke up at around 3.00am and walked into my older brothers room. There i stood over my brother and for about 10 minutes i watched him as he slept. i then proceeded to wake him up and for no reason at all i was explaining to him that i thought that someone was going to kill him.

naturally my brother was horrified at me saying this and he told me to shut up and go back to bed. So i went back to bed crying and my brother soon went back to sleep.

In the morning i was woken by my mothers screams. I jumped out of bed and i followed the screams. Thats when i walked into my brothers room and there was blood everywhere. the whole family was awake by this time and then i remember the police being at my house and i felt very nausiated.

A week had passed after my brothers murder and the police had no leads only to say that they would be continuing the investigation slowly. A week later a was dreaming and i had the exact same dream only this time i felt that someone was going to kill my younger sister. So i got up and went to her room while she was asleep that night and i expained to her that i thought someone was going to kill her. she freaked out at first and she told me to stop worrying about my brothers murder..

I was seriously heart broken the next day when i saw my sister lying in a pool of blood in the same whay my brother died from stab wounds.

so anyway i should tell you by now how the dream ends. Well anyway the i was the murderer each time and the only reason i couldnt remember what i had done was because of my multiple personalities. The dream does go on much further than that, but this is basically the shor form of the dream

so i am just wondering why i am having these bad dreams ramadhan???