Ramadan Is It True That Milk For Male Infants Is Twice A Weighty As Female Infants

Can starving yourself cause stillbirth?

It is not clear whether you are pregnant or breastfeeding.If you are pregnant: Your body will direct nutrients towards your baby, in preference of you. It will take protein from your muscles, energy from your fat, calcium from your bones, other essential elements, and direct them at the baby. Some nutrients may be in short supply, and this could make for problems with the baby now and later on. But it won't die. It will also alter the baby's DNA, epigenetically. These epigenetic changes will be passed along, and mean your grandchildren are more at risk of obesity, diabetes and so on, due to your starvation.If you starve yourself until you actually die, then the baby will die too unless it is possible to quickly do a caesarean section birth to remove the baby from your dead body, but hopefully you do not want that for your body.If you live, you could suffer a lifelong greater risk of nutrient deficiency eg du to the weakening of your bones, osteoporosis, leading to debilitating hip fractures could happen and at a much younger age than normal.If you are breastfeeding.No. The baby won't die. Again, you will suffer, but the body will continue to make nutritious milk for the baby. Even mothers who's bodies are skin and bones, wasted away in famines, can generally feed their baby some, enough not to die.Evolution of pretty much all species including humans has adapted us to ensuring that offspring survive, even if the parents die.

What is the best time to eat papaya?

The best time to eat Papaya is Breakfast. Papaya is the best fruit to eat as its carry vitamin A and vitamin C as well as its help to lose some weight also. You can have papaya at any time as there is not any provision to follow. This is one of the most beneficial fruit because its improve complexion.Breakfast is the best time to eat: Papaya is a soother for your stomach and it’s less acidic so, if you eat your breakfast then it’s good for your digestive system and makes your mood fresh and healthy. Best time eating fruits is between 4.00 am to 9.p.mHelp to lose weight: – having papaya in a morning is good for the health as its content 80% of water. It also has high amount of fiber thank help enhance metabolic rate of the body.Eat one full papaya in twice a day: – Try to eat papaya twice in full day such as once in breakfast and other time when you have snacks as its carry iron, potassium, and calcium and it will also keep you fresh.Improve your eye health: –Papaya carries important nutrient to improve the vision of an eye and its metals help prevent free radical. And also get rid of wrinkles and dark circles.

Can Sunnis and Shias marry each other?

I am a Shia and proud to say I am devout follower of islam, a servant of Allah and follower of the Prophet Muhammad and his family. I married a sunni girl in 2001, and nearly 18 years and five children later, we are still happily married. Your reasons listed above make absolutely no sense at all, i never asked my wife to convert, she did so 6 years into our marriage willingly after studying both schools of thought, and said prophet muhammad and imam ali are so entwined with each other, that to separate them would be like separating conjoined twins. My wife’s parents disowned her on the day of our marriage, but not before my father in law came to me with a proposal of his own, he offered to buy me a house, a BMW car and his approval of our marriage, if i denounced being a shia. I said why do you ask of me this?? He said similar things to you, as stated above. I said I would indeed do this, in front of my parents, if he could answer three questions. He asked me what they were:1 It is stated in Sahih al Bukhari, Abu Bakr, Uthman and Umar were not present at the Prophets Burial, Why?? Was grabbing power more important than the burial of the greatest prophet Allah sent to the earth??2 It is stated in Sahih al Bukhari, that upon the speech completed by the prophet at Ghadeer Khumm, which the prophet clearly appointed Imam Ali as his successor, Umar congratulated Imam Ali upon being the chosen one, why then did he deny all of this just months later, and why do sunni muslims believe the false rhetoric coming out of peoples mouths, if this is not true, then why is it in sahih bukhari?? and why is bukhari called sahih, if its peddling lies?? The truth lies only with the quran and ahleybayt.3 The lineage of the prophet continues only through the prophets daughter Fatima and her husband Ali, the prophet stated he leaves behind two weighty things, the quran and his progeny, where did sunnah come into this??? again this is stated in sahih bukhari, why when this clearly points to the prophets family holding such high status, would i follow people who were idol worshippers prior to the prophets declaration, and who reverted to greed and ignorance after his death??His reply was silence.Long speech, but i hope it gives people some idea of sunni and shia views.