Ramadan What To Do After You Exhausted All Your Hopes In Life

Ramadan: Did UMER BIN KHATAB drink all his life even on his deathbed?

Riyadh al Nadira Volume 2 page 351:

"Whilst on his deathbed, Umar became deeply affected by the wound and his physician asked Umar 'Which alcohol would you like to drink?' Umar said 'alcohol called nabidh is my preferred choice. This drink was then administered to Umar".

Sunan Abu Daud Book 26, Number 3707:

"I knew that the Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) used to keep fast. I waited for the day when he did not fast to present him the drink (nabidh), which I made in a pumpkin. I then brought it to him while it fermented. He said: Throw it to this wall, for this is a drink of the one who does not believe in Allah and the Last Day"."

Ramadan: Do I live in abuse? Is running away haram?

Aslamu Alikum Warahamathullahi Wabarakahu Dear Sis, May Allah help you in your hardship Amen Ya Rab *hugs*

Dear Sis, don't you have aunts or uncles or any relative? If you have any, why don't you live with them rather than live in abuse? Sis, Islam teaches us to respect and obey our parents unless they ask us to disobey Allah Subhana Watala.
I feel you Sis, and am sorry I can't do anything except advise you. Sis, do you think you can do a part time job? like a receptionist in the Library or something small where intermingling with men doesn't occur much? If so sis, try one that you can do [make sure its halal] and save the money..this way you won't have to beg your parents when you need something. As for you parents calling you this and that, then remain patient, because with patient, you'll succeed Insha-Allah. I hope insha-Allah you marry a good man who will make you happy and give you more love that you didn't get. Remember the future is in Allah's hand, so return to Allah and make Dua sis in your Sujjod, hope Allah respond to you soon and make everything easy for you. May Allah send peace and tranquility in your heart Amen <3.
Also Sis, in your other question, some users were rude to you just because you don't know how to cook.I also don't know how to cook well and I am ashamed of myself because I am elder than you [6+). Sis, we are not created to cook and even after marriage, we don't even have to lift a cup. If we cook for our husband, then they should be thankful and honor us. Those users who called you names, just ignore them because some of them wouldn't understand your situation, unless they have more empathy. Islam honors us women Alhumdu Lillah. I am not saying you shouldn't learn how to cook, am just defending you and saying that its not the end of the world if you don't know how to cook, cooking can be learnt easily Insha-Allah. I am learning :)

Email me anytime Dear Sis :) *hugs*

What do you do during Ramadan??

You didnt mention your faith.. but if you are Christian, you are aware that Jesus fasted and often... And if you look at his mother, any image of Mary you can google always shows her in a hijab, covering herself..
So Islam isnt so unlike Christianity (Jesus is an Islamic prophet to us muslims)
anyways.. fasting is first off to feel the hardships of those that are poor and without means of food and sustanance.. We remember them and give in charity... then fasting is a way for us to cleanse our bodies of impurities. It also brings us closer to God, when you are hungry, you think deeper.. You meditate and contemplate with prayer during the day. Also as a group, it gives a sense of brotherhood knowing that all other muslims are fasting along with you.. It gives a sense of belonging. Also it developes stamina, commitment and discipline in life to be able to handle fasting for a month..
We dont fast without food or water 24hours for a whole month.. Just from sun up to sun down... We start fasting upon the first prayer of the day.. which is sun up (dawn) and we break the fast upon the 4th prayer of the day which is sun down (dusk)... during the night we can eat and enjoy anythings..
we do not put anything in our mouths, we dont chew gum, smoke cigarettes, mints, or anything (other than we do brush out teeth and can use toothpaste).. We dont engage in sexual relations with spouses during the fast, we are not supposed to curse or get angry or do any sinful thing during the fast... This again is a test of faith and discipline...
We break the fast with a bit of light nutricious food, like some hearty fruits like dried dates or figs, some juice or water.. then we go pray and thank God for the days fast, then we can return and either eat a larger more regular meal or just wait till later in the eveing (some do)..
also its encouraged for us to try to REad the whole Quran during the month of Ramadan.. so we can strengthen our knowledge of Islam
.. its really a great time.. and when the month is over.. we have 3 days of a holiday ordained by God to remember the good month, celebrate the sucessful fasting and visit loved ones and friends and feast.. Eat now... ^_^

RAMADAN : does allah give a person second chance?

Well , i left islam a long ago ..when i was 13 now i'm 17 and i wanna come back to islam .i lost everything . i have no money , no hope Left. i lost every single thing i had . i used to be a Bright student before i left islam . after i left islam i used to do evil things with my christian friends.
I wanna embrace islam now . Do u think allah will forgive me and he will give me a second chance to live as a muslim ?

RAMADAN: I can't seem to stop thinking of him. I feel so hurt. Please help?

That he didn't want you to be a professor is his pathetic excuse for wanting to break up with you.
Face it, he just didn't want you.

If he has any love for you, he would have wanted you in his life, regardless of your status or career.

His rejection showed him to be a very shallow person. You are a thousand times better off without him. If you had married him, you would have been very, very miserable a wife. As your husband, he would always find many faults in you and belittle you for them.
Consider yourself lucky that he broke away from you. See how he has caused you many heartaches. See how he didn't ever once consider your feelings. See how he didn't want you at all, because he had never loved you all along - and because he didn't want you even to have any career. He never considered your happiness or your feelings.
When he was with you, he was playing with your heartstrings and played you for a fool. He is NOT your True Love.

Listen to me, True Love accepts you as you are, regardless of your blemishes, regardless of your career or unemployment, regardless of your riches or poverty. True Love treats you with the REAL love, real respect and real care. That worthless man did NOT love you. He might have many times TOLD you that he did, but that was ONLY TELLING, not showing.
Do you know the differences between telling and showing?

You just haven't yet met True Love. Let God bring him to you in the future. When you meet him, you will know great many differences in True Love and see what False Love has never ever done for you.

Ramadan: Do you go to sleep after Fajr?

Nope =) I stay awake

I pray fajr in the middle of it - but it depends sometimes I wake up 6 ish sometimes at 7

And I don't fall asleep in class because I sleep early

I am in bed by 9.30 - 10pm which gives me a good 8/9 hours of sleep. Sometimes I sleep at 9pm if I am really tired

I would recommend a good sleeping pattern - it is very, very healthy and helps with some of my depression.

I used to go to sleep very late, like 1 am - or even stay up till fajr in the holidays - but it was so unpleasant waking up 10am or 12 noon

Now when I wake up around 6am, I feel very fresh and active, and I feel like I get more out of my day. I do my homework after fajr on school days and weekends, which enables me more time in the afternoons to spend time with my mom

However in the summer - I do sleep a bit after fajr as sun-rise is about 5am in the morning and Isha being about 10:30 I really can't sleep till 11pm and that means I only get like 6 hours of sleep - which I cannot do!

I hope this helps and gets you on track ^_^ - it will take a few nights to get used to a new sleeping pattern so be patient - but I promise you it feels great

Like G ! waking up fajr today meant that I was one of the few to see the untouched snow before people begin walking on it in a bit :D wooooo