Ramadan Who Has Given So Much Love To Animals For Their Issues

Is kissing allowed during Ramadan?

Kissing non-mahram people?  Not okay during Ramadan or any other time of year.  Kissing your kids, parents, friends (greeting) always okay even during Ramadan.Kissing your spouse.  Perfectly fine during Ramadan when your not fasting (after maghrib and before fajr) but there's a difference of opinion during the day while fasting.  Some scholars say that hugging and kissing is in no way acceptable during Ramadan while fasting.  Other scholars give the ruling that it is permissible if it doesn't sexually "move" a person.  So for example hugging your spouse goodbye on your way out the door, a quick goodbye peck, etc... are unlikely to cause either party to be aroused and sexually moved.  Especially since these generally become habit during the rest of the year anyways and little to no thought goes into these actions.  This kind of kiss is according to those scholars permissible as long as nobody feels moved by it.  Long embraces, long sensual kisses, french kisses, etc... are likely to move  one of the party to sexual thoughts and desires.  So those types should still be avoided during Ramadan.

Ramadan prawns are haram?

Bismillahi Walhamdullillah WasSalaathu WasSalaamu Ala Rasoollallah,

The permissibility of eating prawns or otherwise [according to the Hanafi Fuqaha] depends on whether they are considered from the fish family or not.

Many scholars of the Arabic language like Zabeedi, Fayrozabadi and others have considered prawns as fish. On the other hand the contemporary zoologists do not consider prawns as fish as they do not have a spine..

Normally, the ruling of such issues are not based on technical research rather it is based upon the understanding of the common people, and we have learnt that according to the understanding of the scholars of the Arabic language prawns are considered fish.

Moreover, according to the other 3 schools of Fiqh, to eat prawns is totally permissible which makes a leniency in the ruling.

Therefore it is permissible to eat prawns, but to refrain and abstain is always advisable.

Only Allah knows best

Ramadan: How to stay strong in Christian family?

Assalamu Alaikum,

My whole family is Christian except for me. I love Islam alot, but sometimes I have problems with my parents because of Islam. The qu'ran tells us to respect our parents and I do, but sometimes me talking about Islam upsets my mom. My dad like Islam and he learns alot from me. My mom just doesn't agree with it. I plan on wearing niqab, insha'allah when I go off to college in 2 months. My mom might end up getting a job at my university also. How can you keep your iman up when some family members have negative things to say?

Is it bad to have a dog during fasting/ramadan?

You can buy a dog in Ramadan or in any other day you want. but remember. the dogs are not clean, even you wash them daily and in every minutes. and Islam forbids Muslims to keep dogs.

You can place them outside at the home but just for the security reasons. if you don't have any security problems so you are not qualify to purchase this Najis animal. kindly goto your nearly Musfti. and get the Fatwa regarding this.

Ramadan:they say that having a tattoo is haram?

I don't know about the being cursed thing but it's def haraam. In any event, what's done is done. Pray for forgiveness then forget the tattoo. You're not the first person to have done haraam things. Just don't get more and make duah for forgiveness.

Def don't stop praying! When you do something wrong, you're supposed to try and get "back in black" by doing something good.

Plucking of the brows def haraam bt I'm in disagreement as to wheather or not removing hair from the face is haraam altogether. The reasoning I've heard concerning why plucking is haraam is because it alters the creation of Allah. This is true because areas of the body that are repeatedly tweezer will not regrow hair after awhile. Personally, i use those little razor thingies because I could go back to virgin brows in a month if I wanted to. That is to say that the change isn't permanent and that seemed always to be the issue. There are hadiths where the prophet encouraged the people to dye their hair as a way to set themeselves apart from non believers. My understanding was that he was talking about a temporary dye like henna bt Allah knows best and please research this yourself. I would hate to misguide someone because I don't have the correct understanding.

Nail polish isn't haraam absolutely speaking by you can't make proper wudu with it on, so unless you don't mind taking it off and reapplying it 5 times a day, it's better to leave it alone. Just buff your nails or something. They's look fresh and polished.

fixing teeth? I really don't think that matters
ditto for the rest of your post bt as far as plastic surgery is concerned, I would think that you should limit it to corrective to be on the safe side.

again, do your own research. any mistakes are my own bt Islam is not anti-attractive people

Eid: More then 10 millions animals will be slaughtered on Eid, How does Allah become happy at painful death of animals?

Let's separate out two things: Cruelty to the animal of the kind you show in your graphic photo. Islamic slaughter done appropriately in a merciful way. If Muslims are not treating the animals appropriately as part of the slaughter, then that is a sin on them within the faith and we should do what we can to prevent unnecessary cruelty. For example, the Prophet (SAWS) said (Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad Nawawi's 40 Hadith 17):"Verily Allah has prescribed excellent in all things. So if you kill then kill well; and if you slaughter, then slaughter well. Let each one of you sharpen his blade and let him spare suffering to the animal he slaughters.”But it is within the rights of Muslim to slaughter animals, because Allah says in the Qur'an (The Noble Qur'an 22:36-37):  And the camels and cattle We have appointed for you as among the symbols of Allah ; for you therein is good. So mention the name of Allah upon them when prepared; and when they are settled, then eat from them and feed the needy and the beggar. Thus have We subjected them to you that you may be grateful. Their meat will not reach Allah , nor will their blood, but what reaches Him is piety from you. Thus have We subjected them to you that you may glorify Allah for that [to] which He has guided you; and give good tidings to the doers of good.So from this we learn that: (i) Allah has given these animals as something good from Him. And he has subjected the animals to us as a responsibility. (ii) One of the prerequisites is that a significant portion of this goes to the poor people in the community, helping them to survive and live. If 10 million animals are slaughtered, how many people around the world will not be hungry because of that? 30 million? 50 million? Is it so bad to feed 50 million people? (iii) slaughtering them is an act of piety from those who slaughter.

Do you think the government’s Ramzan ceasefire bid in Kashmir will have positive results?

Nothing. Can dog's tail be straightened? Never. If it is ceasefire then it would be only to regroup and attack security forces. All animals on the earth can be tamed and domesticated but not these terrorists. Ramzan ceasefire is not at all a remedy. Pakistan, the Kashmiri terrorists' mentor won't allow to restore peace in Kashmir.As Pakistan is a failed state it never allows other countries to live in peace. Its intention is to pressure India to live in a tensed atmosphere. The Kashmir problem in India and Palestine problem in West Asia are almost similar. In W. Asia Israel awarded West Bank and Gaza strip to Palestinians to rule. But they demand the whole Israel. Regarding Kashmir, Pakistan invaded and forcibly annexed a part of Kashmir. Pakistan also wants a part of Kashmir which is with India. But India wants to take back the occupied Kashmir. So the two dispute of both Palestine and Kashmir is not going to be solved for ever.After Pakistan ceded from India, what did Pakistan achieve! Now 90% global terrorists are trained in Pakistan and Kashmir. Kashmir is a breeding ground for terrorists. What did Pakistan achieve by capturing Kashmir? The big zero. So we should not have even 1% of positive result by declaring Ramzan ceasefire. If they are humans then we can expect some optimism but they are brainwashed beasts. Nehru created this Kashmir stalemate and the Congress rulers were liberal against terrorists. Congress allowed Kashmiri terrorists to unleash terror on Hindus and armies.Now BJP under Modi tamed terrorists by giving free hand to army. This type of chasing should be continued. Then only terrorists can be destroyed. The corrupt Congress and anti-national communists are shedding crocodile tears by saying negatively, that too much pressure by army on terrorists would give only negative results. By staying in India these ugly people criticize our army. By enacting a law these anti-national thugs should be punished.If we stand on the valley and shout we can expect a response, that is echo, but by declaring ceasefire we can expect only a negative result. So, chase the terrorists and kill on the spot.

If God/Allah exists, how come there is so much suffering in the world?

Why are babies born sick or beaten to the point of being hospitalized, such as Aiden Waller? I used to be known as Proud Muslimah on here, but I am no longer a Muslim. I am not using my other account as much anymore. How can God exist when there is so much going on? How can one person say "I prayed for it and it happened" especially about small things when there are children and women living in such poverty and oppression? The movie "Bordertown" really opened up my eyes. In it, this woman is kidnapped, beaten, raped, and buried alive. She crawls out of her own grave and then says to the reporter "This virgin mary necklace protected me", about not dying. My immediate thought was "How could it have protected you from dying when you were beaten and raped in the first place????" Can I please get some answers?