Ramadan Why Do Christians Confuse Judeo-christian Theology With That Of Islam

Which religion makes more sense to atheists, Islam or Christianity?

I live in Denmark where 80% of the population are christian atheists. This contradiction may not make sense to you but is does to Danes. We like our churches in the countryside, many of which have 800–900 years old history. We like celebrating baptism, confirmation, weddings and attend funeral in church. Besides from that the majority doesn’t care about religion, God and Jesus at all. It is not a part of daily life.This arrangement makes sense because it’s easy. There is nothing special you have to do. You are free to live your life exactly as you please.On the other hand, Islam does not make to much sense to a Dane, because there is so much you need to do or avoid. You cannot eat pork. You can not eat meat that have not been slaughtered halal. If the meat is good and tasty, a Dane would want to eat it. The meat does not change because an imam said “Bismillah.”The Ramadan does not make sense. Well, except as a challenge. But Ramadan is currently in summer and the day is 17 hour long in Denmark. It does not make sense to get up at 4 a.m. to eat and drink because you voluntarily will not eat or drink for the next 17 hours. It does not make sense to continue doing this for 30 days.Summary: Christianity makes more sense, because it does not mess with your life as Islam would.

Ramadan : Who are Jews in Quran and according to Islam,,,?

Jew/Jews/Jewish is the same thing if you are referring to the religion
The Jews and the Christians are the People of the Book and they were people who were given the scripture before i.e the Torah and the Bible but it was corrupted, now the only book we follow is the Quran since Allah swt promised to protect the Quran
And Kafir/Kuffar means NonMuslim so yes they are NonMuslims/Kafirs --meaning they are not Muslim
Jews don't believe in all of the Prophets , they don't believe in Prophet Isa pbuh and Prophet Muhammad (saw)

Jews are ppl who follow the Torah,etc
The only true religion is Islam

Don't you Christians understand that we're almost exactly the same?

Trust me, if there's one thing people love more than proclaiming how great their religion is, it's saying how terrible the other ones are. You've got a noble cause kid, but some people are just too stuck in their ways. Still, I too hope that Christians and Muslims can get along in the majority, rather than just a minority of rational people. Maybe then the other religions will see that it's possible.

Can a Muslim marry a Christian?

Sorry I wrote this in comments earlier, by mistake.Islam allowed marriage with all "followers of book" which included Christians and Jews. But since the books were changed so Christians and Jews were then included in non-muslims and marriage with non muslim is not allowed. It is not a very big issue by itself because it doesn't violate any right of God or right of humans (specified in Islam), but since the marriage would be null and void so the sex between the couple would be counted as sex without marriage and that is an extremely forbidden and completely unforgivable sin in Islam.UPDATE: OK I researched the matter and found that in Holy Quran there's a clear verse that says a Muslim man can marry a Christian or Jew woman, even though it is instructed to avoid it but not prohibited. But a Muslim woman can not marry a Christian or Jew man.Some scholars say that this verse holds no longer because of the same reason that I mentioned very first, and also because the second caliph of Islam Hazrat Omar bin Khitab RA prohibited it. But there are other scholars who say that the verse still holds, and I agree with second ones based on 3 reasons:1. Holy Quran is forever and for everyone not a particular time or place. Yes there are verses which were revealed for a particular time (like Holy Prophet's life time), situation (like war) or concerning particular person(s), but they are not regarding the matters of daily life or common people. Holy Prophet SAW and His companions acted on those but didn't allow or instruct others.2. The other books were already changed when Holy Quran was revealed, not after the revelation, and yet this verse came in Quran. If it was for the time only when the books were still authentic then there was no purpose to mention it, how can an order be issued for past! It means it was meant for later time as well.2. Islam gives two options in most matters, one strict and other lineal, and as the verse instructs to avoid it, it means the strict option is not to do it at all, but it also shows the margin of flexibility to do it. And Hazrat Omar bin Khitab RA is famous for being strict in religion, so he always ordered and practiced strict side.This is my analysis, but one should always consult an authentic scholar or 'mufti' before making a decision, to avoid any chance of committing a major sin.

Whats the difference between Muslim and Christian?

Well here's a Muslim's point of view :

1st we regard Jesus (peace be upon him) as a respected Prophet of Islam NOT God. I think is the most main thing. That's the essence of the message of the messenger of Islam (as was the message of previous message but was corrupted with time) which is to call upon people to worship the one God of Abraham, Isaac, Moses, Jesus, ....(peace unto all).

2nd since we believe Prophet Jesus (pbuh) was that a Prophet not God. We don't believe in the original sin (I mean the Quran mentions the story but with the blame of Adam and Eve EQUALLY, but then forgave them). Thusfore, Jesus didn't die on a cross nor did he die for any-ones sins (since we are born sinless). He was raised to heaven and will return before the end of times.

3rdly We are accountable for our actions. On the day of judgment our deeds will be weighted. Belief alone does not guarantee us Heaven. Our good actions have to outweigh our bad actions. These deeds could be anything from praying to God to serving for a better humanity.

These are the pillars of Islam. Every Muslim must practice:

1- Shahadah-the declaration that there is none worthy of worship except Allah and that Muhammad is his messenger.

2-Prayer (Salat) - establishing of the five daily Prayers.

3-The paying of alms (Zakat) - which is generally 2.5% of the total savings for a rich man working in trade or industry, and 10% or 20% of the annual produce for agriculturists. This money or produce is distributed among the poor.

4-Fasting (Sawm) - refraining from eating, drinking or satisfying other needs from dawn to dusk in the month of Ramadan, the ninth month in the Islamic lunar calendar.

5-The Pilgrimage to Mecca (Hajj) - this is done during the month of Zul Hijjah, and is compulsory once in a lifetime for one who has the ability to do it. If the Muslim is in ill health or in debt, he or she is not required to perform Hajj.

We also have Pillars of Faith: which orders Muslim to recognize previous religious books Torah,Psalms, Gospel. And previous Prophets David, Moses, Abraham, Solomon, Joseph, ...etc (pbut).

I commend you for pursuing knowledge in a friendly manner. Feel free to PM me if you have more Q's.

peace unto you