Read It All Are My Parents Bad Parents Or Is It My Fault Read It All

Can parents read their child's text messages?

I am a 19 year old so i can't say much about parenting but i will give my personal opinion on question.If my parents check my messages i would definitely not like it because it is awkward.. Why is it awkward?Let me explain it with the help of a incident. I never saw my father speak a single bad word near me or use a different slang than the regular. Once i was with my dad when he was meeting his frnds..  He tried his level best not to change his slang and control the flow of words but didn't succeed.. I am sure he didn't want me to learn the slang and stuff from him when he is with his frnds. But is he doing wrong?? No , he is just goofing with his frnds..  The slang and the words he is using are not new to me but it was damn awkward..Why did it feel awkward?? Because i didn't knew that behavior existed in him.. Same applies to children.. When you find a new behavioral trait of  your own children , i am sure it will damn awkward. Why make the situation awkward for no reason??So according to me , parents can see the texts if it is effecting the child adversely.. Otherwise ,  i would recommend not to check the messages..Have a nice day.. :)..

Why do teachers think it is always the parents fault?

We don't.I wish parents, journalists, policy makers, politicians etc. were as willing to admit that the failings in our education system aren't always (or even usually) the fault of teachers.There are many things which will affect a student's outcomes. The biggest determinant of any student's chances of success in education is socio-economic group. Over and above the deprivations which students from poorer backgrounds have to overcome (which have been ably detailed in other Quora answers), there's the fact that you can't make students learn if they don't engage with the educational system. Many students switch off because they see education as having nothing to offer them: their parents didn't get anything out of education, they don't recognise their middle class teachers as being anything like them, and the curriculum doesn't address their concerns. I remember one student who told me that there was no point in education for him as he already had a criminal record.Then again, pretty much everyone underestimates the influence of a child's peer group. No matter what parents and teachers tell children, you have to factor in the fact that children spend most of their time interacting with other children. If the peer group aren't reinforcing the message that children get from their teachers and parents then you're fighting a losing battle. Of course, that doesn't mean that parents can't be at fault, sometimes. Early on in my career, a mother at a parents' evening expressed concern that her son was not putting as much effort as he should into his studies. "Have you considered taking something away, like his play station, or reducing his pocket money, if he doesn't get a good report at the end of term?""Oh, but he'd create such a fuss."It was everything I could do to stop myself saying "And it's your job to be more bloody mined than him."I've also encountered parents who rang up the school and asked the school to put their children in detention if they didn't complete work, but requested that we not tell the children that it was their idea because they "didn't want to appear the bad person".So, we don't ALWAYS think it's the parents' fault - but, sometimes it is.

My parents are the worst?

I'm going to look at this in 2 point of views, just in case I'm reading this all the wrong way. So, this is my response if you're just acting like a spoiled brat:

You have it a whole lot better than a lot of people in the world, and you should learn to be grateful for what you have. If your brothers get "better things than you," get over it. There's kids who can't even eat a solid meal everyday.

Now when it comes to them "not letting you do things with your friends", did you consider they're trying to protect you for something? There's a reason for everything, and there might be a logical explanation as to why they won't let you do certain things. What exactly are you trying to do anyway? It all depends.

Now, if you AREN'T being a brat:

Try sitting down with your parents when you're all in acceptable moods, and generally calm. Talk to them, and tell them your feelings - explain scenarios in your own point of view.
Try not to snap at 'em - if you want them to listen to you, you gotta listen to them too.

In general though, parents are put here to guide you, raise you, and teach you right from wrong. And yeah, they often tend to think they know everything; and maybe it's because for the most part, they do. At least a lot more than the kids do, cause they've been on the Earth longer.
So either way, you gotta respect 'em, ya know?

My parents found out I drink by reading my texts?

I will address each area of your question:

If they are straight edge, they must have something to compensate, nobody's that pure. If they don't have contact with other teenagers' parents then they will not understand, even if they do they might be too naive and believe that they are 'bad kids'.

Fair game for taking phone off you, disrespectful to the person whos probably been nice to you most of the time and who you live off. Might be invasion of privacy but many parents are like that because they CARE.

The man I call my 'brother' had a similar situation, after one incidence of drinking parental trust flew out the window.

You barely drink? Keep it that way. Not every weekend as a girl I grew up with had good grades and then after drinking every Friday/Saturday night she gave up all her hobbies, started getting Cs instead of As and has a boyfriend that literally uses her - (she told me and I must say its almost sad).

It will take a while to regain their trust but don't change who you are, be nice but don't be fake, tell THEM your feelings as they must value it, if not they aren't your parents.

My parents read my diary and ripped pages out and put it on the fridge?

I'm sorry to hear that they did that. That seems like a cruel, unnecessary thing for them to have done.

We all have private thoughts that we don't want others to know about. It is OK that you think angry thoughts sometimes. As long as you don't curse at other people or say horrible things to them, it is OK to get angry in private. We all do.

Unfortunately, it seems like your parents are not going to let you have your privacy as far as a diary. So if you don't want them to read your writing, you should either stop writing or hide the diary somewhere they'll never find it. You could also try finding out how to write on a computer and save the document so that a password is needed to open it.

Good luck.

What would your parents’ reactions be, if they ever found out you read/watched yaoi?

…To even imagine this, is already terrifying.My parents are pretty conservative, christian Nigerians.They have had no problem with me being part of the GSA (Gay-Straight Alliance.), even thought they are against people being gay…But for me to be reading about men having sex, for me to have those ‘vile’ thoughts that are not of God… Unforgivable!There are a few things they might do.They might (try to) send me to Nigeria.Take away my phone and laptop.If they were to find out my Best Friend reads/watches Yaoi too, they would make sure that I could never contact them again.Pull me out of my school, seeing as I am a member of the GSA, they might think that they would be the ones to ‘corrupt’ me this way.Pull my brother out as well, as he too is a member of the GSA, in fear that he might become gay. (He isn’t.)Best case scenario, they would get really angry and we would have an argument about it and it would be left like that. They just would never be ableLet’s hope I never have to find out.Thanks for the A2A!

Is it my fault? Read Description?

So I’m a 21 year old women. I mostly have grown up in Georgia and for a little while been in New York . I have been in New York for 5 months now , and I have been here with my grandma. I live in a house with my grandma. My aunt , cousins , uncle and his girlfriend and kids. Also my aunts boyfriend. In Georgia, my mom , brothers and stepdad live there . I honestly came to New York mainly to pick up my grandma so she could go to Georgia in November. I came and went with her and ended up staying just for Christmas and New Years . But I got used to it and stayed in New York . I didn’t want to leave and I decided to stay. I did leave most of my stuff in my room in Georgia and I have wanted to go back but I haven’t been thinking lately. The other thing is I got so attached to this family here that I don’t want to leave . Plus I just received a text from my mom saying she had a health scare last night . She said she couldn’t breathe and felt numb on one side of her body. I am worried about her . But I don’t know what to do. Most of the time I feel like my mom has always leaned on me but she does have my brothers and stepdad. They act like they can’t do anything. I do want to go back to see my mom but I know for a fact that if I do go back , I won’t come back to New York since I will get comfortable being in Georgia. Is it my fault though. Is it immature my mom is leaning on me

Why are my parents always up my ***?

Okay, first of all..
My parents put this app on my phone so they can read my messages, pretty much control my phone to where I have NO PRIVACY! I'm in a relationship and she also reads my messages with that. She's always in my business, NEVER HAVE ANY PRIVACY! I can never go anywhere. My parents constantly think I'm lying to them???? My mom also goes through my facebook activity log, my messages, etc. They say it's to "protect me" but they have been crossing boundaries.. why are they reading my intimate conversations with my boyfriend? What's funny is I could be fighting with my boyfriend over text and walk out of my room an hour later and my mom asks me, "so why are you and your boyfriend fighting?" WHY CAN'T I HAVE PRIVACY??

My dad read my texts...?

Well, the thing is that this was just a bad day. I got a text from a BOY at my school and being really very bored, I answered back because I knew him. I don't know how he got my number. Anyways, we were talking about a movie (avatar) and i mentioned that it was a bit of an action movie. He replied with, "Action,,, as in Sex." I just responded, with "..." and then he changed the topic. The thing is my dad read the text messages and now he's super upset with me. As in he came at me with a KNIFE. I admit it was my fault for talking to a guy, but i'm 17... He's angry at me for responding in the first place. Trust me, I have the bruises to prove it, I'm just wondering if this is my fault.

I have never done drugs, never had a boyfriend, never done anything rash. I get good grades...I'm going to college. I'm not about to have sex or anything. I will never do anything sexual with the guy. I wasn't the one who made the joke. Perhaps I should have deleted the messages but I felt I had nothing to hide. I go to a co ed school. It's kinda hard to avoid guys... Also, my dad really wants to know how he got my number. I said that one of my friends probably gave it to him. My dad said that's illegal and that he's going to go talk to the boy's and my friends parents... and the principal. What should I do? His ideals are old, apparently, it's my fault the guy mentioned sex. I regret even replying back to that text... What do you think about the situation?