Read The Following Sentence And Kindly Answer My Questions

Read the following sentence and answer the question that follows?

The recycling program in Marionville takes bundled newspapers, crushed aluminum cans, __________, and mixed paper and cardboard.

Which phrase best completes the sentence above?

glass and plastic bottles

bottles of plastic or glass

bottles that are either glass or plastic

glass bottles and plastic bottles

How many F's are in this sentence? (see the question for more info)?

How many F's are in this sentence? Finished files are the result of years of scientific study combined with the experience of years.

This question comes from the cigarette papers that come inside the box of Amber Leaf rolling tobacco (in the UK) called "Conondrums". The packet says that most people find only 3 F's in the sentence but that there are 6. I found the three...What are the rest?

The three I found were Finished Files scientiFic

Can someone please translate the following Filipino sentences for me?

50-50 po qng pwde nga tayo nlng mag date...

na 48yrs pa jokems mag pearly shells ky nag savings pa imong lola ever unsaon nlng pag rainy season na bayoooot!!! ma unlod atong silver boats ana lolz

hehehe sweet nga po bhebhe. kaso ang sender di alam qng sino.

luoy kaau aqng baby pero kasabot man jana

lge oi so matured and sweetduol si Thea ky kuya Alfie

Thanks in advance for any help

How do I say the following sentence: “please find attached herewith my resume”?

It sounds turgid and looks like some thing taken from 'A guide book to officealese'.‘I have added my resume as an attachment'Is cleaner. Or simply--I have attached my resume.

Is the following sentence correct: “Can you send me a picture of me?”


How do I write the following sentence in English?

I am making 11 sentences. Can you believe?Yes, I am actually writing 11 sentences based on translation from HindiMy English is not upto the mark where I can teach othersorI don’t know proper English, which is needed to teach othersorMy English doesn’t have “the” level which is required for teaching others.orMy English lacks a “certain” level which is necessary to teach othersorI haven’t got “the” level of English, which is needed to teach others.orIn order to teach others English, I need certain level of precision (which I currently don’t have)orI don’t have “such” a polished English, that I can teach others.orMy English requires certain level of proficiency, in order to teach others.orMy English isn’t that “great” where I can teach others.orMy English needs various areas of improvement, before I can teach others.orMy English hasn’t achieved certain level to teach othersIf you want to have fluent English like me, then read the following post.You will surely improve and I can guarantee the same as well :)Do let me know, if you have any queries.How I polished my English Skills- Forth post

Is this sentence correct, "I would kindly suggest you to read new articles"?

Is this sentence correct, "I would kindly suggest you to read new articles"?Make it simple. There's no reason to be wordy.What is your suggestion? To read new articles.Who are you addressing? YouStatement: I suggest you read new articles.There’s no need for would.Would is a past-tense form of will. If you are writing about past events, you can use it to indicate something that was in the future at that point in time, but is not necessarily in the future right now. In other words, you use would to preserve the future aspect when talking about the past. [English Language & Usage Stack Exchange]But you are just making a suggestion.There's no need for kindly, as though you are (painfully) making a request for someone's ignorance to leave.In Australian English, kindly implies a polite instruction (which is expected to be obeyed) rather than a polite request (which may be ignored or rejected). Accordingly, kindly is usually used by someone in a position of authority. The formality also implies that the person may be irritated. []But you don’t have to emphasize an authority over the one you are making a suggestion to.Final statement: I suggest you read new articles.

Is it correct to use the following sentence, “We will keep you updated once we receive an update from team.”?

It's not. It's kind of awkward -in form, and in appearance. And not very pleasing to the ear, either. The repetition of a word (update here) is identified as a language disorder, which better be avoided.‘We will keep you posted on any further update from the team’.We will keep you posted on updates/developments as they come in.We'll keep you in the loop about any update/ word from the team.We'll keep you updated on the latest developments/latest news from the team, if any.We'll keep you posted if there's any more update from the team.We'll keep you posted on additional developments, if any.We'll keep you posted if we hear of any interesting news from the team.We'll fill you in/ clue you in, if we receive any news from the team.We'll keep you updated on the latest news from the team.

English (language): Is it correct to use the following sentence, "I will update you once I get more updates."?

As others have said, it is correct grammatically. But it would read better if rephrased so that update is not used twice in the same sentence. “I will update you once I get more information” would serve the same purpose without confusion.