Read This Before Next Week It May Save You From Saying Something

When I study, I remember everything. But during the exam, I forget everything. I can't remember a word properly and everything is shuffled in my mind. How can I improve my memory?

When you study something, concentrate and avoid distractions. Letting your mind wander somewhere else wont help.Avoid exam fears. Avoid thoughts like "what if this question doesnt come?" "What if the question I dint study appears in the question paper?"etc.When you study some answer make yourself believe that if that question comes, you will attempt it and write the best answer possible. Train yourself to believe in you. That is, what you study will definitely come in the exam. Because sometimes when we study doubtfully and even if the question appears, we tend to forget the answer because of the loss of interest and concentration while studying.Visualise what you study. Highlight the important sentences and concepts because when writting you will remember better and you will be able to visualise the answer. Trust me. It happens and I'v experienced it. Try this:Do this before going to sleep. Imagine you writting your exam.Visualise your confident and happy face and imagine that you are writting the exam really well.Visualise the way you write, the kind of questions you answer (including you exiting the exam hall and talking to your friends about how easy the exam was! It might sound crazy but believe me it works) and continue doing it till you fall asleep.Do this everyday.Trust me, you will see the impact on the day of your exam. :)All the best :) P.S: Let me know if it worked :). It surely will.

I feel bad I havent gone to church 3 weeks in a row! Feeling guilty?

Yes I still pray every night. I used to read the Bible every night too but Ive been slipping lately and not reading at night. I am going to make sure I read the Bible every night. My husband and I read together.

I didn't do anything wrong but I am used to going to church on Sundays and suddenly breaking the habit made me feel guilty.

Thanks for your answers guys. I am going to work it into my schedule. I am used to going on Sundays but nothing really mandates church on Sundays I can go any day of the week.

You guys gave me great answers. Thanks. =)

Why do I always say stupid things to girls?

Texting is the conversation God. There's no such thing as awkward pauses and you can type what you want to say, read over it, and delete things you'd rather not say. Can't do that in a real conversation, whats said is said. Read over your texts after you type them, you obviously know when you say something dumb so read it before you send and decide if it sounds stupid...if it is..delete it and start over.

Expectations bring Resentments. I may have a Solution. Will you read my Poem?


Happy Thanksgiving. I am thankful for our freedom, and the freedom from habitual compulsive behavior, even sin, which can take on so many forms. Please join me by reading this poem. C.C. and Comments good or bad, constructive or not, are welcome. Thanks and God bless, Thomas

Expecations Solution

Expectations bring resentment
Wreaks havoc on ones contentment
Sure, mitigate for our kids
Mentally challenged too forbids

Point of diminishing returns
Get hurt trying to help it burns
Dare that you ever mistime “No”
Now a bete noire about to go

Am pissed at this pissy poem
One I must write, just to show-em
Now I feel bad, why’s that so?
Cause I had to tell someone “No”

This stuff is called Co-Dependence
Affirmation is my romance
"I love you" is really for me
You must tell me to set me free

This ordeal does not make sense
Legitimize for recompense
Rationalize my behavior
Pray Lord Jesus my Savior

Admit compulsive addiction
Sinful nature my conviction
Apple stapling does no good
The Holy Spirit understood?

Heart change by His power and grace
Strength through weakness I do embrace


1. mistime – verb: to time (an action, utterance, etc) wrongly
2. bete noire (bet nwa) – noun: a person that one particularly dislikes or dreads
3. phrase “set me free” = tantamount to getting my next fix


How can I make a habit of waking up early in the morning?

For me, waking up early in the morning comes down to 3 things.Having good sleep hygiene.You can’t wake up early if you aren’t well-rested. So step one is get your sleep hygiene in order. To do so, follow these simple rules.Schedule Sleep – Don’t get up and go to bed at wildly different times each day. That messes with your body’s natural sleep cycles and makes it harder for you to fall asleep fast, stay asleep, and wake up refreshed.Don’t Sabotage Your Sleep – Avoid late-in-the-day caffeine from coffee, tea, energy drinks or sodas. Don’t take stimulants such as tobacco. Avoid heavy, greasy, or spicy meals near bedtime as well.Make a Sleep Sanctuary – Keep your bedroom dark, neat, and between 60 – 67 degrees Fahrenheit. Don’t bring work, bills, or other stress-causers into your bedroom. Make sure your pillows, sheets, blankets and mattresses are comfortable.Work Hard, Play Hard. During the day, get physical exercise and sunlight. Both will set you up for a more restful sleep at night. Don’t take naps either, as they’ll have the opposite effect.Ease Into Bedtime – Have a glass of warm milk or read a book. Avoid the blue light emitted from electronic devices such as phones and tablets.Having a habitual morning routine.Have a nice morning routine that you enjoy and look forward to. Here’s my advice, but feel free to create your own.You can read more about my morning routine here: How to Have a Great Morning: 4 Steps to the Perfect Morning RoutineHaving a purpose in your life.You can’t be eager to get up early if there is no purpose in your life. I read a great quote last week that said something along the lines of “Successful people feel about Mondays like regular people feel about Fridays.” You should have something in your life that you damn well can’t live without. That you are hungry for. That you are excited about. Then you won’t have to drag yourself out of bed - you’ll be pulled out every morning by your passion.For more life tips, check out Improve My Life This Year

Christians...does salvation always happen in one defining moment? please read details?

i hear a lot of born again Christians saying that they were saved at one special moment that changed their lives. i didn't have this. i prayed to God that He would show me the truth, and he slowly opened my heart up to Jesus Christ. it was a process, i didn't have one defining moment where i was saved. i read the Bible and God showed me its truth over time, and then i accepted Jesus as my savior.

Do professors ever write negative recommendation letters?

Oh, yes, it happens. It happened to me. I was an undergraduate applying for PhD programs in psychology. I had put much thought into who I wanted to ask to write my recommendations. I chose one professor who had taught me in a couple of classes, one professor who had mentored me on two research papers, and one professor who was the sponsor of a successful psychology club I had founded. The club's sponsor also happened to be the Chair of the Psychology Department, so I figured that was a nice bonus. I was wrong. After being turned down by nearly every program to which I had applied, my best friend and I got drunk one night. She convinced me to get to the bottom of what had gone so horribly wrong by opening the sealed and signed envelopes I had agreed would remain confidential. I still had a few in the trunk of my car because the club's sponsor had returned his recommendation letters to me over a week late so there had been a few schools I couldn't apply to since I'd missed the deadline. I should've thought ahead and asked a fourth professor as a backup, but I hadn't dreamed there would be a problem. I was conflicted over breaking my promise to keep the recommendations confidential but my curiosity, alcohol consumption, and my friend's urging persuaded me to read them. I was stunned. The club sponsor and chair of my department had written that he had no idea why I'd asked him for a recommendation since he'd never had me in a class and he barely knew me. It hurt. I had met with him in his office weekly for over a year while forming the club. The committee that voted to approve the club had actually said they couldn't recall ever having heard a better argument for why a new club deserved a charter or read a more well thought out and well written constitution, which I had drafted completely on my own. To have this man write that he barely knew me was baffling and devastating. My advice to anyone who is applying to a program that requires letters of recommendation is this:Ask for at least one extra letter and open that sucker. Read it before you send it. Confidentiality be damned. You have a right to know if someone is stabbing you in the back. Too much is on the line to risk someone sabotaging all your hard work.  FYI, the other two letters of recommendation were glowing and their praise was so sweet it brought me to tears. That one guy was just a jerk.

How many of you would give your life for another? Read carefully.?

Would you give your life for someone you never met? Think carefully before you answer and think about who you might be saving.

Hypethetical situation: You are snatched from behind and a gun is put to your head in a dark alley. Someone unwhitigly stumbles into the situation and has no way out. The killer says "Either you die or they die!". What do you say and why?