Real Men Stay True To Their Morals True Or False

True/False: being the bigger man is overrated?

You're not supposed to do it in every situation. Nobody expects you to be a doormat. You are supposed to use your common sense and judgement about what is worth fighting over. Choose your battles.

Is sport a true or false religion?

Sport, in my opinion can be viewed as a religion.  For example, take the cycling community.  They conduct group and training rides around the same time church takes place.  The men in the sport treat it like their religion.  They have a sense of community.  They live, breathe and eat cycling.  They follow the stats, the players, the rules.  They know each other and are very friendly even though they compete against each other.  The men lead and minister advice to the followers.  They date the women in the community (there are very few) and encourage growth.  They protect their people and others who follow the sport.  Their children become cyclists.  We see them all over the place.  When I moved from one location to another, or travel to a new locale, the first people I wanted to meet were the cyclists as that was my community - my family.  And they always make me feel at home.  I will forever be a cyclist as they are a part of me as I am them.  We are a cult on 2 wheels. Earlier this year, a great friend passed away from the cycling community in Nashville.  There were 300 people at his service and we had a group ride with 50 people to the funeral home.  The funeral director had never seen this.  He was my closest friend and I attribute me staying in Nashville to him.  He was my minister, my confidant and my friend.  Since then, our church has not been the same since.  We are hoping a new minister will appear to lead us to the next phase.  YES, in this case, cycling is my second religion and I am a faithful member.  That reminds me, it is time that I go back to my second religion as the members are missing me.  It is time to return back on the bike!

True or False The person primarily responsible for my safety is me?

If I walk in traffic, spill hot soup in my lap, or wear wet clothes on a cold day. To blame others is a weakness of moral fiber. It seems too many people are unwilling to accept responsibility for their own actions/safety. I do think it is necessary to warn of something out of the ordinary. Such as: construction holes, or overhead hazards, or blind spots, etc... Bit do we really need to be told not to park on a railroad crossing?

Is anything completely true or false; right or wrong?

Firstly, in formal logic, either a proposition is true, or it is false, there is nothing in between.Thus, “completely true” is the same thing as true, and “not completely true” is the same thing as false.Anything contradictory is always false. (Law of non-contradiction)“Socrates is mortal and Socrates is not mortal” is always false.“All bachelors are married happily” is always false.Obviously Socrates cannot be both mortal and not mortal at the same time, and bachelors, by definition, are unmarried people.Any disjunctions between a proposition and its negation is always true. (Law of excluded middle)“Everything is either an apple or not an apple” is always true.“Either it is going to rain tomorrow, or it is not going to rain tomorrow.” is always true.Try to think of a thing thats neither an apple nor a non-apple. It is impossible to do so.It is contradictory to say that “Nothing is completely true” is true.If “Nothing is completely true” is true, then nothing is completely true.If nothing is completely true, then everything is false.If everything is false, then “Nothing is completely true” is false.Therefore, if “Nothing is completely true” is true, then, “Nothing is completely true” is false. (This is contradictory, and thus always false)I am not too sure about “right” or “wrong” however. I suppose you mean “right” as in morally right (moral) and “wrong” as in morally wrong (immoral). Whilst some people think that there are things that are absolutely wrong like killing and things that are absolutely right like saving lives, some people think that morality is subjective to each human culture. Thus, some cultures might find certain things moral, but other cultures may find those same things immoral. In this case, it might be argued that nothing is universally right or wrong.And again, there are people who think that morality doesn’t exist, and thus nothing is ever right or wrong.There is quite a variety of views on the matter of “right” and “wrong”, and no real consensus. On the contrary, it seems that everyone agrees with the law of excluded middle and the law of non-contradiction, and that everything is either true or false, and that there exists things that are true and things that are false. This are the most basic foundations of logic.

Can men really fake a whole relationship?

There are people who are in a relationship, not for love, but to simply reap the benefits of having a partner. Sex. Somebody to do a grocery run. Sharing rent. I guess. I would never do this, but some people really don’t know how to be alone. Anyway, they mouth the words that their partner wants to hear. Show up with flowers on Valentine’s Day. But it is a facsimile.Those people who are in a relationship but aren’t really in that relationship, they’re the ones who are keeping an eye out for the next best thing. Flirting and playing the field with “friends”. Maintaining dating profiles though they’re not supposed to be dating. And, oh yeah, cheating. Or they go out to “buy cigarettes” one day and never come back.These people probably see the relationship as an actual relationship (meaning: not fake). But it is not relationship that is important enough to warrant love, loyalty, reliability, honesty or whatever. They are just there, letting their partner project on them the kind of person they are supposed to be.

What is one real example of TRUE altruism?

The helping of anyone in urgent need, where the intention is to help them, would fit your definition. When you're faced with the situation, you don't have time to think of the reward, because it's urgent. You just act because it's needed.

As to your additional details. It seems that you have already made up your mind on this. If I read your statement correctly, you're saying that all the firefighters and other rescue workers who went to peoples' aid on 9/11 acted out of self interest. Considering how many of them died that day, I don't think their best interests were served.
If selfishness is instinctive, then it's a Darwinian mechanism for survival. The fact that some people can override that instinct and are prepared to sacrifice their life for somebody else, would satisfy my definition of altruism.