Really Bad Memory Still Haunts Me Help Help

Can i remove an memory from my head..?

Ya, just forget about it, never think about it n go on with ur life. That's the easy part. The hard part is when u do remember it, u really remember everything about it. Then the pain or the bad memory is like it was just yesterday when it happened - again.

It works for me.

How do I keep bad memories out of my head?

The worst mistake you could make is to try to forget the past. Without our history, we have no identity.. Nothing to learn from. Our past defines us, even the bad. Sometimes, when you can't stop focusing on something, it could mean that it was left unresolved. Maybe there are some things you need to look back on, maybe even things you need to communicate to some people. Acceptance is an important part of moving on.. Distraction can be helpful, redirecting your thoughts in a positive direction, etc. This is something everyone struggles with. I wish you the best of luck in finding peace of mind.

Memories from the past haunts me?

As sad as it may sound you are only hurting yourself more with those feelings, the only way to be liberated is by forgiving them, also remembering too many things from the past is neglecting your present and means you have too much free time, the past is a locked door that cant be opened, so all you can do is accept what happened, and remember some evil things you did to people because everyone has hurt someone and realise that peope have forgiven you, also other people have been hurt and feel the same as u, ur not alone, so try to be busy doing useful things satan is wispering to u in ur own voice making u think it is ur thinking but it is actually him, remember God and hopefully ur mind will be liberated.

Can moving away help diminish bad memories?

I am leaving Southern CA and moving to another state in 2 weeks. I have lived here all of my life and I need a change. Same house and town. I am relentlessly haunted by my past and it interferes with my daily functions. For every good memory I may have, 20 bad memories wipe it out. Something always went wrong. Too many mistakes and disappointments. (Strained and dysfunctional family, toxic friends, destructive relationships, betrayals, school and workplace harassment etc.,) The only thing I did well was get a college education and professional license. People say moving won't erase bad memories. I will just continue to make more bad ones. I feel new people, surroundings and environment could help for a fresh start. I am not taking any photos with me. The people at church and work are very nice. But it doesn't erase anything that has already happened. What do you think?