Really Insecure With My Body After Big Weight Loss Hurting My Dating Life

Feeling ugly and insecure is ruining my life and marriage. help?!?!?

I hate every single part of my body from head to toe. I mean everything! Without exaggerating. My face has so many flaws: big foehead, big ears, eyes are close together, big nose, small always chapped lips, big chin, ugly face shape, my skin is horrible.
My body: long shoulders, big chest, fat back, a bit of a fummy, huge love handles, flat butt, big feet, tall, and skinny everything else. Oh and ugly frizzy damaged hair. I'm beginning to think I have body dysmorphic disorder.
I am constantly comparing myself to other women snd i feel terrible when i see how stunning they are and how ugly i am. My brain hurts to think my husband will look at them. By the way, i have an AMAZING husband and beautiful son and that is the only good thing in my life, my son is what stops me from harming myself. My husband tells me im beautiful all them time and he hates when i pur myself down but it is just something i cant control. Even him seeing a girl in television, i will flip out, even if i dont say anything. When i go shopping, i feel depressed because i cant find anything good for my unproportionate body. Most of the time i dont want to go out because i dont want people to see how ugly i am. I feel that men dont look at me anymore.
My life is terrible. Im a wreck. Ive tried reading into how to cope with low self esteem and jealousy and i just cant get over it no matter how many times i read abour it. I feel so depressed everyday. Nobody understands or has an idea of how i feel. Someone please please please help me! :(

Why won't my wife lose weight when it is ruining our sex life?

Frequent sexual intimacy is needed for a healthy marriage. One could definitely sympathize with your wife from the whole insecure standpoint; however it is still her responsibility as your wife to keep you sexually fulfilled. Alot of times husbands aren't looking for model wives, but if they see their wife at least trying to look good for him they are content. I don't know how anyone could say sex in marriage or the husband's desire for it is shallow.

How do I overcome my insecurities about my small penis?

I’m going to lay this out very clearly because I totally feel your pain. I was extremely concerned about my penis size for a good period of time. My ex fiancé at the time had to put up with me whining about it and she always reassured me I was perfect sized and it was fine. I thought she would tell me that to just comfort me but I was wrong. She meant it. I did some stupid shit to try and make it seem bigger and I laugh at it now looking back on it. I won’t even explain what I did, haha. After my fiancé left me, I began doing cardio and lifting weights, seeing a tremendous difference in how my body began to look. I lost 30 lbs. and noticed a visual increase of my penis size. While I always measured roughly 6 inches, it never seemed that way until the weight loss.What I’ve learned from this is that pornography totally distorts your view on what the size of a penis is suppose to average. They are picked by the porn industry specifically because they were born with a ridiculous penis size. Another thing is, just remember, not all women like large penises. I’m by no means large but I’m not small either. I definitely fall in the average sized area. The best thing to do at this point is know how to use it. Believe me, women will love your penis if you know how to use it right, not only your size. If you need to, exercise and lose that pouch! It makes a difference if you have one!It took me awhile to learn this but I overcame my insecurities on it. I’ve been told it’s a pretty looking penis so I’m okay with that. Just be happy you have one and show confidence when you use it! Walk into the bedroom when you’re about to get it on, and strut your body, dangling it left and right with 2 thumbs up and a big smile on your face. You’ll at least make her laugh. :D

My boobs get bigger when my period start date gets closer?

It's totally normal for breasts to get bigger and fuller leading to your period, remember your menstrual cycle doesn't just effect your vagina, it effects your whole body. In the case of your breasts before menstruation the estrogen and progesterone levels will be effecting breast tissue, if the estrogen is down and progesterone up this will cause them to be even bigger in size. I personally like the change, my breasts go from a B up to a C or a D and become fuller and firmer, but if you really don't like it then try regulating your hormones with evening primrose oil or black cohosh capsules taken daily, keeping hormones in check will help. On uneven breasts - you're normal, there are a very few number of women who have even breasts, unless there is a significant difference (one B and one C isn't a huge difference) then there is no reason to worry about it.

Breasts do appear to grow with certain exercises, working out pectoral muscles through push-ups and weightlifting would make breasts appear fuller rather than actual growing, exercise in general can make breasts smaller in that breasts are made up in large by the fat pad, which will be reduced if you loose weight through exercise. But in general exercise will not makes breasts grow bigger, there is nothing about exercise that could do that, the tingling you're feeling is probably just from sweating, it may be down to unsuitable support when running, and breast pain would also suggest the wrong support for your breasts when running.

Nothing can stop your breasts from growing, breasts develop in your teens and early twenties based on hormones and genetics, although they can increase in size with hormonal, weight and life changes - essentially the only thing you can do is avoid pregnancy and large weight gain, but changes are at your age your body developing and gaining weight will see your breasts getting bigger.

How can I have bigger boobs naturally and quickly?

I cannot gain weight, I have a fast metabolism. I'm not having surgery, that's dumb and very painful all at once. I want this for self esteem purposes. I'm not getting a padded bra, If I did.. what's the guy going to think when he finds out there really not that big? Are there any pills I can take? Something to rub on them? I weight about 120 and I'm 5' 4" tall. I'm done growing.