Reasons Why Your Pupils Can Get Big

Why did my pupils get bigger?

I have looked at my eyes in the past and notice i have small pupils compare to some rare big ones I've seen, and it's not because I shined light in them and saw my pupils small, but i can see them without shining light and today i looked at them and there like twice the size they used to be. What happen?
And i know that big pupils are good because you can see better

.Big Pupils?

I've had big pupils practicly all my life.
Somtimes they'd get small then they'd get big.
Is this a bad thing or somthing?
Cause Today my friend Abraham told me i had pretty eyes,because my pupils were big .
[my eyes are Blue/gray]
But last year we had this testing thing.To check if your spine was straight and the lady noticed i had big pupils and she asked me
"Do you do drugs"
Stupid ***** pissed me off.
So what does it mean when your pupils get really big.Randomly.?

I read somewhere it was a sign of great youth.And that some people in asia,and other countrys,they try to make their pupils big.why?

Why are my pupils so big?

Your pupils can be large for variety of reasons including dilation, household chemical, drugs, or a dark room. If none of those are the cause and you are referring to everyday normal light then it has to do with the balance between your parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems. Sympathetic increase your pupil size and parasympathetic decreases it. There is an area in the brain that control this and is mostly determine by your genes. As people age their pupil tend to shrink.

Is it true that your pupils get bigger when you see the person you like?

It's true. Generally speaking, when we’re experiencing pleasure (physical OR psychological – such as seeing something or someone we like) our pupils dilate. (Of course, that's not the only reason pupils become larger. Pupils also dilate when entering a dark room, and some medication can cause pupil dilation.)

The late Eckhard Hess, biopsychologist at the University of Chicago, found that the pupil size is affected by one's emotion. If you are excited, your pupils can dilate up to four times. (Conversely, if you are experiencing anger or another negative emotion, your pupils shrink in size.)

According to research conducted by Dr. Hess, who was head of the University of Chicago's psychology department, dilated pupils are the single most attractive physical attribute. He found that subjects shown two pictures of a member of the opposite sex (identical save for pupil size) were twice as likely to nominate the larger-pupils photo as the more attractive, even when they couldn't spot the difference. Enlarged pupils signal intense arousal, which is why the ancients dosed themselves with belladonna, which dilates the pupils.

Do your pupils get really big or small when you smoke weed?

Big, a sign of inebriation is the pupil stops regulating its sized based on light exposure, so it relaxes and gets really big.

Why are my eye pupils bigger than normal?

Because eyes talk!!They actually do through a language that is understood by few!The size of your pupil can actually determine your emotions : shock, interest, disgust, well anything! Dilated Pupils: 10 Messages My Eyes are Sending You

Why do pupils dilate when you see your loved one?

It’s adrendergic effect causing them pupils to get excited, as you are excited to see your loved’s also the same reason some people those with blue eyes. As you can actually see their pupil getting bigger, compare to brown eyes which you can’t see as well. On an evolutionary stand point, that’s why people with blue eyes can survive and pass on The recessive blue eye genes, even though blue eyes suffered more eye damage from the sun in the long run, and not advantageous health wise.

How can I make my pupils small?

You can’t make your pupils a size permanently, They change when things happen to them. For example if you look at someone you like they increase, if you are in a bright room they shrink because they only take in so much light. When its dark in your room at night they become bigger because there is no light to take in and if there is the huge “iris” will find it easier at that size.

Why is the size of the pupil enlarged at night?

As both of the previous answers stated, it is to let in more light. Have you ever Bruce's when you go out to the street on a really sunny day and your friend’s pupils dilate - that’s so that you don’t have a massive amount of light go into your eyes. Sometimes an optometrist will stop your eye muscles from dilating to get a more accurate test on your eyes and trust me, it is so bright, you are squinting while wearing sunglasses.