Recently Moved Loss Of Friends Depression.

Losing my best friend because of depression..?

Honey, I feel for you in more ways than you can believe. for the previous comment, depression is not only stress, but a chemical imbalance. I have depression and me and my best friendship seems like it is slowly draining because she has it REALLY bad. She is actually in the hospital right now being diagnosed for manic depression. mine isn't really serious and I may he out of it. Anyways, mything is that you are still young. Going through the same thing, I can tell you my best friend has cursed me out to the point where I wanted to fight her, but I backed off and role myself that she was sick. At the end of the day, when someone is in your life at this critical point, the main way that it works is if the other person understands. By you being younger, most kids that age just want to have fun. This is like having a baby at an young age. Everything will be cool whole you are pregnant, but once the baby is here and your friends want to do things but you can't because you have the baby, the relationship will start to die. Yes this is your best friend, but as a child your best friend wants to have fun too. This is not saying that she can't with you, but this just makes it harder. She may not be able to deal with kinds of complications. My advice is keep your options open. The more you worry about her not being there, the more depressed you will become. Once you get through the funk, you can get back to her when you are ready to smile and feel good. DON'T LISTEN TO MAIKO, people like that are what bring people down. Let it .out honey, don't hold it in.

My best friend is moving away. Depression?

I've known him ever since kindergarten. When he told me he was moving away, I did cry. I'm in high school, and I'm a guy. But ever since he told me, I've excelled in every sport and all academics. I randomly think of music, art, and poetry. I never knew I could create things like that. But I don't remember half of what I'm doing. It always feels like I'm dreaming. I don't respond when people talk to me many times, and my eyes are blurry and usually watery. I'm clumsier than usual, and I run in to walls a lot. I don't know if I'm depressed because it's not continuous. I have "gloomy spells" every week. Am I depressed? And what should I do? (Talking to someone doesn't really help. I've tried.)

How should I get over depression? I recently lost my core group of friends and I have this feeling that I can trust no one, especially boys.

Let’s divide this into two issues. You’re depressed because you lost your core group, AND you can’t trust boys.You lost your core group for a reason. You moved? You did something to get ostracized? Anyway, it can’t be fixed, can it? Well, the answer is simply to find a new group of friends. And you do it the same way that you found the first group. Making friends is hard for some people. You know that.Second problem: you can’t trust boys. This is a little more complex problem and is probably age-related. As a former boy (I’m now a grandfather, I can guess what you’re having trouble with.) I’d have to agree with you, up to a point.You can always trust some boys and you can never trust all boys. That’s just one of those things.Growing up isn’t simple.

Can a friend moving away, along with other things, cause depression?

i've kinda been going in and out of depression for about a year. i'm 15 and the only person who really knows that about me is my best friend. problem is she's moving. and the only reason i havent told anyone, is because when i told my councelor at school i thought i was depressed, she called my mom and my mom cried. i didnt want to see her cry again, so i pretended everything was alright. but now that my friend is moving, all the sad feelings are back. i can put on a happy face around my mom, but how long until that face breaks and i totally lose it? i just want for once that smile to be real. so how can i deal with this? help appreciated, but please dont refer me to go to councelors or anything my mom could find out about.
last time i asked this, someone answered that i was just sad. for those who think the same i have more to say. i am not confusing this with being sad. i know what sad feels like. sad is when you have to give up your favorite pets because your moving. thats sad. i'm not just sad. i have reasons to believe i'm depressed, i just dont want to make my mom depressed in the process. here are the reasons why i could have developed depression; my dad left without telling anyone when i was 7. i cried for years and then began to resent him for leaving. then after my mom switched from boyfriend to boyfriend, she found one 2 states away. we moved in with him. i lost all my friends and had to start over. moving can cause depression. but i made a new best friend who i cant live without and now she moved

Why do i feel depressed and left out after a friend moves?

Why do i feel depressed and left out after a friend moves?What is happening is grief. Your friend took up a part of your life, and just as if they had died, there is this hole in your life. Your friend has just moved, but they aren’t in your everyday life like they were.You need to start working at filling that hole. Don’t wait for people to come to you, you have to go to them. Find a new hobby, join a book club. Find out what your other friends are doing and join them. You’ll feel better as that hole fills up. You don’t have to forget about your friend, it sounds like you had a great relationship, just don’t dwell on it and hang on to it. Let that hole heal and close.

My best friend just died. How do I get out of the depression?

I understand your feeling. When my friend died, it took almost a month for me to get over.One day, was watching news in the morning with dad and heard that 2 guys died in bike accident near Outer Ring Road. Me and dad discussed about Outer ring road construction and rash driving of guys.After 4 hours or so, I was having lunch and got a call saying that my friend was spot dead in a bike accident near Outer Ring Road. I couldn't control myself. I busted out crying. I couldn't believe that he is no more. Hands started shivering.  Couldn't believe that my friend is the guy whom I saw in the morning news. Started thinking about our school days. Cried the whole week, I was not normal at all, always depressed. I did not feel like sharing with anyone. I used to cry for hours and hours. Eventually I understood the below things. Don't be weak at this situation. Be Strong.Death, whether expected or sudden, is always unfair. It is unfair to the person who died and to all those left behind. If it is the loss of a loved one, you might be going through the most difficult experience of your entire life. While you will always miss your loved one, there are ways for you to move on with your life so that you can both honour your loved one and be fully present in the world of the living. Everybody will die some or the other time, but he died earlier.Pretend like your loved one has not died. Do not deny that something bad has happened to you and that you are hurting.  Share your own painful emotions with your parents or friends as well as happy memories of your loved one who is gone. They will be able to understand your pain in a way that nobody else will. Share this pain together so that you can all begin to move on. Make yourself busy in some activity which you love the most, You will start concentrating more on that and start forgetting about his/her death.

I'm so depressed, I'm losing everything in my life and I don't know what to do?

My house is going into foreclosure, so I'm losing my home and moving into a friends 300 sq ft studio with my mom. We have to sell a lot of our belongings and put some things into storage. My job is shaky, and Im afraid that Im going to lose it due to lay offs because the company hasnt been doing very well. And on top of all that, we found out that our beloved dog has a huge tumor in his colon and that we will have to put him down in a few months.

I feel like crying every single second, Im getting anxiety attacks and I have trouble falling asleep, and when I do, its difficult to wake up. I feel so alone in this. My mom and I have discovered that people who we thought were friends are totally unconcerned with what we are going through and dont want to hear about our problems. We found out very quickly who our true friends were (the couple who is letting us rent out their studio) but all of the other people we thought were friends might as well be strangers.

I find myself getting so angry whenever another person tries to take advantage of me or bothers me. I want to stay home and not talk to anybody and just cry all day. I feel so useless. I want to go onto anti-depressents and feel absolutly no emotions. I want to live like a robot until everything gets better. But I dont know what to ask for and Im afraid that the psychiatrist will refuse to give me anthing.

Why do I feel like I'm losing friends?

It seems like everyone that comes into my life leaves. I used to have a really close group of friends and lately no one has talked to me and it's kind of putting me into a depression.

My best guy friend stopped talking to me back in December and I have no idea why.

I stopped talking to my best girl friend because she lied to me and has this really bad attitude with me. We were invited to a camp and she said she wasn't going, and the next day on FB she said how much fun she had, and it really hurt that she lied to me about something so stupid, if she didn't want to go with me she could've just said the truth instead of lying to me.
I used to go to parties and get invited everywhere with my friends and now I always see them posting about what they did that day and what they're going to do later, and it hurts, because I have done nothing to them, I'm not dramatic or anything =/ and I don't want to be like " ooh can I come?" I don't like inviting myself places.

I just got a new job and figured I could make some friends there but I can't really open up. For one thing it's hard for me to open up to people, it's like I have this wall put up. I don't know what to do. I feel like I'm destined to be a loner =/ BY THe way I'm 20