Recommendation For Book

Book recommendations?

I haven't learned anything from my 10th grade English Honors teacher this year but I'm in the process of preparing for my SATs. For example, we spent a month on Frankenstein when I finished it in a day. Taking it upon myself to learn, I've decided to read (and comprehend) alot of books this summer to improve my writing and vocabulary, an endeavor I had unfortunately forsaken after entering high school. But instead of me going to the library and randomly choosing a book, can you guys recommend any high-leveled and sophisticated books? Intense vocabulary and complex plots would be appreciated.

What are some book recommendation apps?

Goodreads is a website and an app that allows you to track your reading history, books that you want to read in future, and books you are currently reading. Based on those books, it will also recommend other books.

I need a good book recommendation.?

I’m struggling with small town toxicity. I’m from the city I have no choice to but to be here. I moved to a small town at an early age. I ended up here by myself and have at least 8 more years left.

I need a book of encouragement insight anything that I can directly relate to what I’m going through. The good the bad the ugly.

Anything will help.

How to write a good book recommendation?

Summarize the book, or just give the premise, and state what stood out to you about it. Then recommend, or don't, it to a certain group. EG: The plot is exciting, the writing elegant and suspenseful, and the world fascinating, though the characters are a little trite and shallow. I'd recommend this book to the thrill-seeking crowd.

What are some good book recommendation APIs?

The Bibblio API provides a content recommender system designed specifically for digital publishing and educational platforms.Bibblio uses a mixture of natural language processing and user tracking to analyse both the content itself and audience behaviour/preferences. This allows you to provide book suggestions directly relevant to what users are reading on your site, personalised to their interests and learning goals.Bibblio offers free and paid-for services based on catalogue size and number of recommendation calls. Take a look at the documentation here, and feel free to get in touch if you have any questions.

Really good book recommendation?

Notes from Underground, yes;
The Code of the Woosters;
The Great Divorce;
The Path of the Higher Self;
The Yoga of Nutrition;
Hidden Camera by Zivkovic;
In a Sunburned Country;
A Fortunate Universe.

Book Recommendations...Really Good Book Recommendations!?

Hi, I love reading books and I'm been slacking off a bit because I have so much to do. So, I really would like you guys to help me expand my horizon by recommending some really good books. But before you guys do that, let me introduce myself as a reader. Not to offend anyone, I personally hate books like the Twight Saga. The best vampire book I've read is the classic Dracula by Bram Stoker. I hate Charles Dicken's books. Some of the books I love/enjoy include the following: Wuthering Heights, Pride and Prejudice, The Count of Monte Cristo, Water for Elephants, The Time Traveler's Wife, The Harry Potter Series, The Red Tent, An American Tragedy, etc. As you might already see, I like to read books that are serious, adventurous, somewhat realistic, historical, classical, and the like. Please don't recommend me books that are currently extremely popular among teenagers even though I am a member of that age group! Thanks!!