Recurring Stomach Ache

What are the causes of recurring stomach infections?

Recurrent stomach ache, you have pain or discomfort in your belly. Sometimes that's the only symptom you have. Other times, you can have other symptoms such as:●Burning in your chest known as heartburn●Burping●Bloating (feeling as though your belly is filled with air)●Feeling full too quickly when you start eatingIn some cases, stomach aches are caused by a specific problem, such as a stomach ulcer (a sore on the inside of the stomach) or a condition called "diverticulitis," in which small pouches in your large intestine get infected.If your symptoms are caused by a specific problem, such as an ulcer, treatments for that problem will likely relieve your symptoms. But if your doctor or nurse does not know what is causing your pain, he or she might recommend medicines that reduce the amount of acid in your stomach. These medicines often relieve stomach ache and the symptoms that come with it. Some of these medicines are available without a prescription.To lower your chances of getting a stomach ache:●Avoid fatty foods, such as red meat, butter, fried foods, and cheese●Eat a bunch of small meals each day, rather than two or three big meals●Stay away from foods that seem to make your symptoms worse●Avoid taking over-the-counter medicines that seem to make your symptoms worse

What could be causing recurrent, morning stomach aches? Pain in the upper abdomen, gets better through the day. Occurs 2x a week, average.

It reminds me of a chronic duodenal ulcer situated in the first part of the small intestines just behind the stomach most often seen in young men, who wake up night/early mornings when the stomach is empty because of stomach pain, often radiating to their back, often with a burning acid sensation, eating/drinking a bit often makes it a bit better, since food neutralizes the stomach acid, some people eat small meals all over the day to combat these symptoms.If you were my patient, this is what I would first like to rule out by doing a upper GE endoscopy (gastroduodenoscopy see the video on The Duodenal Ulcer), a routine exam taking no more than 10 minutes at the same time biopsies and cultures for Helicobacter pylori (the stomach bacteria associated with chronic duodenum ulcers) can be done to determine antibiotic resistance and accordingly prescribe a H. pylori eradication course of a strong acid inhibitor a proton pump inhibitor (PPI) and two kinds of antibiotics for at least 1 week, some say 2 weeks.

How do you naturally treat a recurring stomach pain?

Natural Ways to Soothe Stomach Pain1. GingerIn addition to its anti-inflammatory properties and other health benefits, ginger aids in digestion and can ease stomach pains. Fresh ginger is the most potent form, and I recommend making a simple tea with it. )Keep in mind that ginger can be spicy, so if you are sensitive to spicy foods, you may want to consider buying ginger supplements.2. PeppermintLike ginger, fresh mint works the best to settle the stomach, and all you need is a cup of warm water and a few sprigs of mint to make a tea.3. Licorice or FennelAlthough licorice and fennel are two different plants, I have grouped them together because they are very similar in taste. If you do not like the taste of licorice, fennel, or anise, I would recommend using another remedy for an upset stomach.4. ChamomileNot only does chamomile tea soothe an aching stomach, it can also calm the nerves.5. Lemon WaterLemon is one of the most versatile fruits you can buy. If you don't have mint, ginger, or other herbs at home, just squeeze half a lemon into a mug of warm water. You can also use lemon juice if you don't have fresh lemon, but you'll only need a few teaspoons.6. Warm SaltwaterI have only used warm saltwater to help with a sore throat, but I have heard that this formula works wonders for an upset stomach.7. Baking SodaYou don't need to buy Alka-Seltzer to ease heartburn or indigestion. Any of the antacids on the market are basically just sodium bicarbonate (baking soda). Mix one teaspoon (or two, depending on how strong you need it) into a cup of warm water, and you get the same results with a common household item.8. Cola SyrupThis is another one I have not tried but was personally recommended. After a little research, I found that it has been used for years to treat an upset stomach, particularly because it tastes good and safe for children.9. Warm Rice CompressHeat is one of the best ways to soothe stomach pain, especially cramps. If you don't own a heating pad, all you need is an old sock and some rice.Be Well,Courtney KayDiscover a New Workout: "Burn 300 Calories in 30 minutes!"

Recurring Stomach Ache?

Sounds like you have a lot of gas building up, do you hold in your farts?

Is it normal to get a stomach ache after food poisoning?

Yes. Food poisoning occurs when food or water contaminated with harmful germs (microbes), toxins or chemicals is eaten or drunk. It usually causes diarrhoea, with or without being sick (vomiting). However, eating contaminated food or drinking contaminated water can also result in other symptoms. In most cases, symptoms clear away over several days but sometimes it takes longer. The main risk is lack of body fluid (dehydration). The main treatment is to have lots to drink to try to avoid dehydration. Sometimes antibiotic medicines or other treatments may be needed. For most cases of food poisoning, symptoms tend to come on within one to three days of eating the contaminated food. However, for some types of food poisoning, this 'incubation period' can be as long as 90 days. The main symptom is diarrhoea, often with being sick (vomiting) as well. Diarrhoea is defined as 'loose or watery stools (faeces), usually at least three times in 24 hours'. Blood or mucus can appear in the stools with some infections. Crampy pains in your tummy (abdomen) are common. Pains may ease for a while each time you pass some diarrhoea. A high temperature (fever), headache and aching limbs sometimes occur. If vomiting occurs, it often lasts only a day or so but sometimes longer. Diarrhoea often continues after the vomiting stops and commonly lasts for several days or more. Slightly loose stools may persist for a week or so further before a normal pattern returns. Sometimes the symptoms last longer. Diarrhoea and vomiting may cause dehydration. Consult a doctor quickly if you suspect you are becoming dehydrated. Mild dehydration is common and is usually easily reversed by drinking lots of fluids. Severe dehydration can be fatal unless quickly treated because the organs of your body need a certain amount of fluid to function.

Stomach aches (NOT CRAMPS) during period, normal?

this happens for the same reason that some people get constipated, or get diarhea. your uterus is contracting, and your hormones can cause your stomach and intestines to contract as well. its just part of being a woman, but if it really makes you uncomfortable and interfers with your daily routines, you should consider going on birth control or seeing your obgyn and asking him/her about other options. best of luck! :)

How can I treat my stomach pain from not eating?

You need to go to a doctor right away. There is no reason for you not to be eating. Not wanting to eat is a sign of a eating disorder, and those can be very serious. The only safe way to treat your pain is to eat food.